3 Nephi 27:27
…Therefore, what manner of men ought ye to be? Verily I say unto you, even as I am.
The youth theme for this month is Becoming More Christlike. The topic I taught on today was “How can I become more Christlike?”
I really felt that the message portrayed was important for all of us, so I decided to share it as my post for this month.
If you go to the Young Women’s Lesson for the month of October in the Come Follow Me Manual, you can get a list of scriptures, and talks, etc…
However, the most important aspect of this lesson, I felt was taken from the Preach My Gospel, Chapter 6 (pages 115-126).
It’s my challenge to each of you to study this lesson!
At the end of the lesson is a self-assessment (p.126). I encourage you (as I did my girls) to take the self-assessment, and to ponder in your heart and mind which attribute you would like to work on.
Then, using the Preach My Gospel, read up on that attribute, answer the questions and record in your journal.
If you have a young woman in your home, this would make a great 10hr project and would be great to work on together as mother and daughter. It can also be a Family Home Evening lesson, or family or spouse project.
Make sure to also read the Ideas for Study and Application on pg 124, including companion study suggestions (if you are doing this together with someone).
Keep in mind the following (from pg. 123 of Preach My Gospel):
* Learning to be like Christ is a lifelong pursuit
* You follow Christ’s example- develop His attributes – one action and decision at a time.
* Changing to become Christlike requires exercising faith, repenting, keeping covenants, receiving an increased measure of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.
I’d love to hear your experiences!
*Also posted at Latter-Day Homeschooling Blog