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Some of the links on this blog are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and/or believe will add value to my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Friday, July 31, 2015

Book Rentals and Operation Smile!

*Sponsored Post*

The cost of textbooks can be so expensive, college texts or books for homeschooling.  Many times they are books you will only use once.  Need a way to save money?  Consider renting from campusbookrentals.com.

With Campus Book Rentals you:

-will save 40-90% off of bookstore prices
-get free shipping both ways
-can highlight in the textbooks
-have flexible renting periods
-donate to Operation Smile with each textbook rented

Operation Smile is a great non-profit organization that provide cleft lip and cleft palate surgeries to children around the world. They also deliver postoperative and ongoing medical therapies to children in low and middle income countries.  Since they started in 1982, they have provided more than 220,000 free surgeries to children and young adults throughout the world. They help children have confident smiles!


Disclosure of Material Connection: This is a “sponsored post.” The company who sponsored it compensated me via a cash payment, gift, or something else of value to write it. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Week 50 in Review


So another chill week.  Sunday we met our new puppy (we get to bring her home in a week), and the kids had their swimming awards banquet. C hit the computer schoolwork this week, we did a tad bit of workboxes on Monday. and went for ice cream in the evening.  Tuesday we went on a ParkQuest with some friends.  Wednesday the older 2 boys had a playdate, while the younger 2 kiddos and I visited a friend then went to Chic-Fil-A for lunch. Thursday was my birthday, I planned to have a fun day, but the kids were too excited about the birthday extravaganzas in the evening that they were,well, horrible, most of the day :/.   Our fun plans were cancelled…and I spent most of the day locked in my room (not really).  Friday well, they are still just as crazy (we seriously need to get back to a schedule!) but they are at least contained in their bedroom having balloon fights (as long as no one gets hurt we will be good!).  C also had a science class all week at the library (M-Th), so we spent an hour there waiting for him to finish up!  Got to love FREE library programs!

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Linking up at:
My Week in Review at Our 4 Kiddos, Weekly Wrap up with Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers and Our Week Illustrated with Life at Rosemont
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Field Trips in Southeastern Pennsylvania (31 Days of Field Trips Series) with Link Up

Field trips in PA

Head on over to Our 4 Kiddos Blog to see the great list of Southeastern PA field trips she compiled for the series!

Thanks so much for following me for this series!  Be sure to check out the other posts from this month!

If you have any Pennsylvania Field Trips Link up below!

If you have blogged about field trips in PA, please feel free to link up below!

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You can also join us in our Facebook Group Homeschooling Tips for Moms

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Review: Heirloom Audio Productions: With Lee in Virginia (TOS Review)

Review With Lee in Virginia

When I saw With Lee in Virginia by Heirloom Audio Productions, I wanted it!  I was so excited to see it on the review list and even more excited to be chosen for this review!  We have bee studying the Civil War recently, so this was perfectly fit in with our studies!

I played this for my 3 oldest children (8, 6, and 4 years old).  It didn’t really keep the attention of the younger two, but it’s geared towards older children so I wasn’t surprised.  My 8 year old loved it though!  When I asked him what his favorite thing was,he said he loved it all! 

This is more than just a mere book on tape, it’s an audio theatre.  The narration is very life like and action packed!  Even though it didn’t hold my younger kids attention the entire time, they sill listened in quite a bit, and love reenacting.  My house has been a Civil War zone for weeks now!

This story is about a 15 year old boy named Vincent Wingfield who fights on the Calvary forces, during the Civil War, alongside the famous generals of the time; such as, General Lee and General Jackson.  Vincent is a Christian boy, he prays before battle, many religious references are made.  This is one of many things that I found truly endearing of this production. 

The story is really brought to life, it’s as if you were watching it on a big screen….just without the image.  You can definitely picture it in your mind as the story unfolds. 

There are many ‘big names’ that take part in this production.  Kirk Cameron is one of them; he has come such a long way from the teen heart throb I remember him to be!  He is still such a great actor, but his current works are all Christian based!  I love him even more now, then I did back then!  You may also recognize Jim Weiss, and several other names!

This story is about a 15 year old boy named Vincent Wingfield who fights on the Calvary forces, during the Civil War, along side the famous generals of the time; such as, General Lee and General Jackson. 

This is a great resource for audio learners, specifically.  However, I think any type of learner will enjoy this.  You could add other elements while listening such as coloring pictures or building with blocks.  My kids really love the Civil War Toobs.  Lots of ways to add to the audio aspect.  This would also be GREAT for car trips!

This CD comes with a lot of great bonuses too! 

*The complete With Lee In Virginia eStudy Guide and Discussion Starter
*A beautiful, printable copy of the inspirational quote discovered in a letter from Robert E. Lee to his son
*The Official With Lee In Virginia Soundtrack MP3 download.
*Unlimited access to the Live The Adventure Letter E-Newsletter
*G.A. Henty's original With Lee In Virginia E-Book with all new colorful graphics
*A professionally designed, printable promotion poster (We did not receive this for the review)

The sound track is beautiful and the eStudy Guide and Discussion Starter is also a great addition!

With Lee in Virginia Audio Drama Review
Crew Disclaimer

Social Media
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WithLeeInVirginia
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HeirloomStories
Google+: https://plus.google.com/b/114534826166314080647/114534826166314080647/posts

Homeschool Days in New York & New Jersey (31 Days of Field Trips Series) with Link Up

new york and new jersey field trips

New York

New York Historical Society Museum & Library – Homeschool classes

THE ROC – Resource Opportunity Center for Homeschoolers – Lots of classes offered

New York State Historical Association – Homeschool days have been offered in the past, check website for updates. 

Fort Ticonderoga – Homeschool days

New Jersey

Adventure Aquarium Homeschool Week (several weeks offered throughout the year)

Sterling Hill Mining Museum – Homeschool classes and opportunities

Macculloch Hall Historical Museum – Arbor Day activities for homeschoolers, the also offer preschool and family programs

Liberty Science Center – Homeschool Days

Museum of Early Trades and Crafts – I found on a general site that this place has homeschool days, but don’t find any info on their own site.  Keep an eye on the website or call!

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You can also join us in our Facebook Group Homeschooling Tips for Moms

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Homeschool Cruise (31 Days of Field Trips Series)

Homeschool Cruise

Hello from Sunny Florida! Well, it's been raining for eight days, but the sun is still there!

My name is Mazie Middleton and I am a fifteen year veteran homeschooler. I have an only child, so when I started out on this adventure of homeschooling, we were all alone.  NOT wanting to be all alone, I started a weekly co-op. For fifteen years I was the administrator and teacher of this wonderful co-op called "Home's Cool Co-op". We offered everything that your child would have received in school, but couldn't get while homeschooled. Like credits for Driver's Ed, Biology and PE credits. We also offered Prom, a year book and a graduation. Another one of my responsibilities was to offer and promote a monthly field trip. At first it started out locally. The neighborhood grocery store, the Florida State Fair, ext. Then it progressed to the state capital and then on to our nation's capital. In January of 2005, our family went on our first cruise with our church. WOW! That was a blast! After returning from this cruise and showing all of our pictures to our co-op family, one mom said, "What about a "homeschool cruise"? A homeschool Cruise? YES, A HOMESCHOOL CRUISE!

So in November of 2005 we had our first official Homeschool Cruise! Forty five families went to Cozumel, Mexico. We had a meet & greet, family activities and every night the kids received a special gift at dinner.

Before Facebook and Twitter was so popular, the only way of getting the word out was through e-mail and word of mouth! Well, it spread like wild fire. Over one hundred families joined us the following year and here we are, fifteen years later, and over 5000 men, women and children have sailed with The Homeschool Cruise! Our web site is www.HomeschoolCruise.com and my contact information is on the site.

This year we will be sailing October 26 - 31 to Grand Cayman and Cozumel on the pretty Carnival Paradise. 2016's cruise is already booked and ready for families to call and place their deposits down! We will be sailing on the lovely Carnival Conquest from Fort Lauderdale to Half Moon Cay, Grand Turk and Amber Cove in the DR all are welcome and we would love to welcome you aboard The Homeschool Cruise!

Mazie Middleton CTA, MCC
The Homeschool Cruise

**Note from Jen:  We went in 2014 and it was A-Mazing! 

USVI and Puerto Rico
Grand Turks

While in FL we also checked out LegoLand

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You can also join us in our Facebook Group Homeschooling Tips for Moms

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Review: Kids Love Travel Guides and #Giveaway (31 Days of Field Trip Series)

Kids Love Travel Review

I was lucky to be able to check out Kids Love 95 by KidsLoveTravel.com.  I own Kids Love Maryland and Kids Love Pennsylvania already.  Kids Love 95 did not disappoint me either! 

These are great books!   If you are visiting an area, live in an area or passing through on a road trip…these are the GO TO books of kid friendly places to visit along the way!

The Kids Love 95 book is listed by exit numbers!  We just recently made a 95 S trip to Florida and wish I’d had this book then!

The state specific books are listed by region. They list all the pertinent information, as well as URL (so you can check to make sure nothing has changed).  Book also include black and white pictures, maps…all in an easy to use format!

These are definitely MUST have books and I have good news!  TWO of my readers will get to win the book of their choice in print or ebook version!

Best-selling family travel guides available for: Florida, Georgia,
Illinois Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland (includes DC),  Michigan, Missouri,
North & South Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia (includes DC) and Wisconsin
Also Kids Love I-75 & Kids Love I-95

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You can also join us in our Facebook Group Homeschooling Tips for Moms

Monday, July 27, 2015

Musical Field Trips and Unit Studies to Learn about Composers (31 Days of Field Trips Series) and Poppins Book Nook #Giveaway

Musical Field Trips and Unit Studies

Field Trips

For a complete list of Symphony Orchestras by State click HERE and Youth Orchestras by State click HERE
New York - Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts – Meet the Artist School Series

WisconsinMilwaukee Symphony Orchestra Youth Concert Series
Wisconsin Center for Music Education

California - LOS ANGELES PHILHARMONIC AT WALT DISNEY CONCERT HALL Symphonies for Schools program
Lynn Kleiner’s Music Rhapsody
MinnesotaJunior Composers Programs
ColoradoPhilomusica – A Musical Playground
MassachusettsBoston Symphony Orchestra Youth Concerts
TexasDallas Symphony Orchestra, DSO Kids
OregonOregon Symphony
FloridaFlorida Youth Orchestra
MissouriUniversity Concert Series
VirginiaRichmond Symphony Family Concerts
Virginia Symphony Orchestra
New YorkBuffalo Philharmonic Orchestra Music for Youth Concert Series
MarylandMaryland Symphony Orchestra Youth Concerts
Baltimore Symphony Orchestra Mid Week Concerts
ArizonaMusical Instrument Museum
IllinoisOld Town School of Folk Music
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Iowa – Waterloo Cedar Falls Symphony Youth Concerts
MichiganAnn Arbor Symphony Kinder Concerts
OhioColumbus Symphony
South Carolina – Charleston Symphony Orchestra Young People’s Concerts and Instrument Petting Zoos
These are just a FEW of the many Symphonies in the United States, check the full list of Symphonies for an education program near you!
Famous Composers Virtual Field Trip
20 Awesome Trips for you Musical Class

Auditory/Visual Resources for at Home or in the Car:

A CD favorite of ours Beethoven's Wig: Sing Along Symphonies – There are 3, number 1 is our favorite!
Classical Kids Series
Classical Kids iOS app edition
Classics for Kids Podcasts

Unit Study Resources

Handel Composer Study sample mediumComposer Study-small
Composer Study Product Page by Enrichment Studies, The Handel Study is FREE! 
Instruments of the Orchestra Activity Pack

Confessions of a Homeschooler – World’s Greatest Composers Vol 1 and Vol 2
Homeschool Share – Classical Composers
Homeschool in the Woods – Composers
FREE Monthly Composer Studies
FREE Download Studies of Great Composers
Charlotte Mason Style Composer Study


Getting to Know the World's Greatest Composers

Poppins Book Nook

This Year’s Co-hosts
poppins giveaway
Note the Score with your Favorite Composer Giveaway! Composer are important to music because they write the music the musician play in their orchestras, bands, and groups. This month the Poppins Book Nook is bringing Composer themed storybooks to life with fun activities and more! Every month this group will be offering readers a chance to win a brand new storybook or product that ties in with our theme for the month. This month one lucky entrant will win the Note the Score with your Favorite Composer Giveaway. The winner will receive one copy of The Story of the Orchestra by Robert Levine. So let’s all get our instruments ready and bring composer themed storybooks to life in this month with the Poppins Book Nook!
Entrants must be 18 years or older and reside in a country that receives U.S. Postal mail. This giveaway is brought to you by the company Enchanted Homeschooling Mom who is owner and founder of the Poppins Book Nook. By entering this giveaway you are also acknowledging that you have read and agree to all of the PromoSimple terms & conditions as well as Enchanted Homeschooling Mom's disclosures found here {http://enchantedhomeschoolingmom.org/disclosures/}.  Just enter the PromoSimple below to win:

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You can also join us in our Facebook Group Homeschooling Tips for Moms

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Week 49 in Review


This week was mostly a no school week!  My oldest spent every day at Cub Camp (and he had a blast).  I joined him on Thursday.  The younger ones had a fun Minion themed school day Monday (I also did my first Periscope @Cgroveacademy).  Z had an art class all week, a teenager down the street is doing art classes this summer. The other 2 will get turns next month.

Minion Workboxes
We adapted these activities from the FREE printables from 123Homeschool4Me

Cub Camp

I got my 7th Stitch Fix!  Loved it all…first time I bought the whole lot!  The price was right though (I requested under $200).  It came to an average of $25 per piece, which isn’t bad at all!

 2015-07-22 13.58.38
(The cardigan is from last month’s fix, and the white shirt is mine)

2015-07-22 11.24.422015-07-22 11.24.55

2015-07-24 07.19.462015-07-26 07.18.20-1

I scheduled another one for the beginning of September to start getting some fall clothes!  I braved getting some white pants (but not through SF), and the stripped pencil skirt is mine from Old Navy.

Swim Finals was Saturday. The kids did really great this season (despite Z protesting practice for 2 weeks).  Over all they dropped quite a bit of time from their events (backstroke and freestyle).  They enjoyed receiving ribbons and racing!  We have the awards ceremony tonight.  They are excited!

2015-07-25 10.40.392015-07-25 11.21.04

Next week will be a blast as well, we have 2 playdates lined up (one with old friends), C has science classes in the afternoon at the library.  We will have a few school days in there as well!  Good times!  Best of all, no more early mornings (Swim Practice). 

It’s the last week of 31 Days of Field Trips!

31 days of field trips

Linking up at:
My Week in Review at Our 4 Kiddos, Weekly Wrap up with Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers and Our Week Illustrated with Life at Rosemont
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