We just finished up Lewis & Clark: From Sea to Shining Sea by Homeschool Legacy. This was a fun 7 week unit study, with only one day spent each week (so 7 days total). It is recommended for grades 2-12. However, I was able to easily adapt it for my PreK and Kinder as well.
Each week includes reading suggestions, devotional, history/language, geography, science, field trip, documentary, stump your dad trivia (my kids liked this).
My kids loved these lessons and wanted to do them every day! (Sometimes I would spread out a few of the activities over the week). The Read Aloud is designed to be read every day for the week. This is the one aspect that didn’t work well for us, mostly b/c it can take us awhile to get through a read aloud, so we only used TWO books as a read aloud.
The unit is very versatile, and as I mentioned previously, easily adaptable for younger kids. If I couldn’t find the exact books listed (my library didn’t have a lot of them), I was able to find others of the same topic and they suited well! I was able to substitute some materials for what I already had on hand, and it worked out fine! I even substituted a few films for those I found on streaming, instead of checking out at the library!
My kids loved the animal lessons! Each week there is also a field trip suggestion. Always lots of fun stuff to learn about through all the senses! It is very hands on and multi-sensory!
My kids loved their journals that were made the first week! They enjoyed adding things to it each week!
Above: Many of the things we added to their journals each week
Above: Many of the hands on projects: Making a salt dough map, making a bird feeder, making a mud hut, building a fort out of Lincoln Logs, making Shrimp Etouffee.
If you wanted to, you could condense the units into one a day for one week (instead of one lesson a week) by picking just one read aloud for the week, and spread the field trips out. It would make for lots of activities that week, but it is possible. I will say that 7 weeks of covering the same topic seemed a tad dragged out (for me, I get bored easy), but the kids just loved it! And even though it’s the same topic for 7 weeks, it is divided up so you cover something different each lesson.
I love that the materials needed were almost all common household items, I didn’t have to purchase much at all, and what I did need was not expensive.
The unit study lists Boy Scout and American Heritage Girls qualifications, I also found that the unit meets these Cub Scout Qualifications – Wolf elective 1d American Indian Sign Language,10f American Indian word pictures, 13 a-f Birds
Wildlife Conservation Belt Loop – Requirement #2 – Food Chain
There are many other Once-A-Week Unit Studies to choose from, you can read about other units used by other crew members.
I wish I had found these sooner as we recently covered several of the topics and would have loved to have used these studies to do so! We loved this unit and will be doing more in the future! I have my eyes set on Westward HO! next!
Units are available in ebook or paperback. This unit is $17.00 for ebook or $21.95 for paperback. Prices vary per unit.
You can see how I adapted this unit to Prek and K HERE.

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