Saturday & Sunday – We had a make up gymnastics class in the morning for c, hubby was able to take him. It was a yucky rainy day, but hubby tried to get the boys outside a bit…it didn’t last long. But, I was able to get A LOT of cleaning done (long overdue!). We have lived here almost a year and I still am not completely settled! Hung pictures in the bedrooms, vacuumed, put out a few more Christmas-y things. I did not get to the homeschool/craft room though. I have a goal to have it situated by the first of the year, maybe then I can actually take a pic of our new space….finished!
Sunday as always was church. We also had tithing settlement that evening as a family. For those that are not LDS this is where we meet with our Bishop and declare whether or not we have paid a full tithing (10% of earnings). It’s a good experience for the kids too….and the got a little fraction lesson. 1/10th or 10% of 10 candy bars is 1 !
Monday – Finally things are slowing down a bit! We got to stay home today (except for Martial Arts). We didn’t do art either, but I did stop by to pick up some finished projects, we still have a few more projects we are waiting to get back. While the boys were at MMA I ran to Wal-Mart, I’ve been meaning to stop in to get a wreath form…and what do you know…they were out! Just my luck! Monday nights are always Family Home Evening. This week we watched some of the Christmas Devotional that aired Live on Sunday evening.
I discovered first thing this morning that the HSBA Post Blog Awards had opened voting and I was nominated again this year (that’s like the 3rd year I think)…I’d love to win this year…so if you could vote for me, that’d be great! You can vote up to once a day per device!
I also placed a BOXED order today, it is my 2nd time. I was able to compare some prices to Costco and some were the same, some were a bit more. BUT, they have several things that Costco doesn’t have, so this time I just ordered those things. I also had a $15 credit they gifted me, and a 10% off code. So I saved $35 total and got FREE Shipping! If you haven’t check Boxed out, I suggest you give a look over! Use coupon code R98RA for a $20 credit!
Tuesday – c had his last day of Gymnastics. He is 4 now and will be joining his brothers for MMA. This means a bit less running around for me, YEAH! MMA is also less expensive, so Double Bonus! The boys all went with hubby to Cs pack meeting for cubs. K didn’t sleep well for naps all day, so I wanted to have her in bed at a decent hour. It was also nice to have a quiet house, I swept and mopped the kitchen floor (yeah it was overdue as well). Here is a pic of baby girl, just because she’s cute!
And what’s also great about Boxed…guess what came today! Super speedy shipping, no lie!!
Wednesday – Another morning home! Then we went duck pin bowling with some other homeschoolers as a Just for Fun field trip! c had speech in the evening, he only has 2 more sessions left, he had a re-eval today, looks like he may be done!
Baby K had fun playing with her new sippy cups today, lining them up, matching some lids and Z counted them for her. So cute! C had his 2nd jrFLL meeting with his dad coaching. He really seems to be enjoying it!
No MMA today bc our coach is overseas doing some sort of training, exciting! If you watch Biggest Loser at all, he was featured on the season with the kids. Pretty neat!
Thursday –Headed into co-op for picture day! This was our first time doing picture day as a co-op and I was in charge…I think things went well though. Next time it will be a bit smoother, but not too bad for first time. Then we went to McD’s for lunch. It’s been forever since I took the kids, I didn’t realize that they now offer yougurt or cuties instead of apples with their happy meals. They had been talking about converting to books instead of toys, wish that had happened, the toys always end up the trash down the road…very rarely is their one worth keeping. After lunch was Costco (again!). I needed so much last time that I ran out of room in the cart, and since knew I’d be in town again this week, I figured I’d just come back. Was a short trip, not too much in the cart! Then I spent the evening folding laundry…I had at least 5 loads in a mountain of clean laundry! Glad to have them folded!
Friday – I’ve worked on the schoolroom a little every day! It’s made some progress! I need to take pics and post things for sale soon…the pile is getting larger and larger! I also need to update my bookshelf on, I have more books to swap! Hubby had off today to get some stuff done on his car (recall) and go shopping for Christmas. C is very excited about his upcoming pinewood derby, so he jumped on his computer school work so that he could work on his car with his dad when he got home! Love days that he shows so much initiative! (Wish everyday was that way, but I’ll take what I can get!). We have the church Christmas dinner this evening. I will be making a cranberry jello salad (same I made for co-op last week) and hubby is roasting a bird! We’ve got a jammed packed weekend too! So stay tuned for next week!
SOMETHING REALLY BIG IS COMING ON MONDAY!! I’ve been busy working on Monday’s blog post all week! I’ve got a HUGE Giveaway coming up, over $500 in prizes and 3 winners….I can’t wait to bless someone’s homeschool this Christmas!
Link Ups this week -
Workbox Wednesday (Christmas Printables Roundup for 3rd grade)
Field Trip Friday
Share it Saturday
Reviews this week -
Review: About Me (Our Time to Learn)
Review: Minecraft Units
Review: Jonah and the Bear (book)
Stitch Fix #3
Linking up at:

and Weekly Wrap up with Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers Blog
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Please Vote For Me - You can vote daily now through Dec 29th!
Looks like a nice week! Thanks for the heads up on the voting being open now, going over to vote...
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great week. The duck pin bowling sounds like fun. MMA is that some sort of martial arts thing? I would love to do a coop. It doesn't seem like a big interest here for some reason though. Have a great next week!