We have recently been using About Me from the Our Time to Learn Series.
This is a AWESOME Hands-on Curriculum for kids ages 4-6 years of age. Hands on Curriculums are very hard to find. This one is filled with hands on projects! It is very age appropriate and early childhood development oriented.
There is a list of needed materials at the beginning of the book. All items are very common, and many you most likely already have in your home. You can also see the list HERE, along with several FREE supplemental activities not in the book.
The workbook does include some consumable materials, but even the worksheets are hands on with stickers, cut and paste, etc. If you are doing this curriculum with more than one child, I suggest purchasing more than one book.
The workbook contains 18 lessons, with several activities with each lesson. You can do one activity a day and do them all, or pick and choose which activities to complete.
The lessons cover family, feelings, senses, body systems, eating healthy, keeping safe and healthy. Book suggestions are given for each lesson, as well as short guided discussions to have with your child on the topic.
Activities consist of making an expressions book starring your child, making a wig, building a skeleton out of milk jugs, adding some body systems to him, making some food items, decorating soap dispensers. All lots of fun and hands on for little kids!
The back of the book has the consumable worksheets, some having stickers.
As an early childhood education major,I highly recommend this workbook for kids ages 4-6! It covers important self-awareness concepts for kids of this age, in a way that is fun and best fit for the learning needs of young children. The only thing missing that I would add would be a lesson on 911 and learning their phone number and address!
Pictured above: My 5yo wearing glasses from lesson 4 and my 1yo (she wanted to wear them too!). My 4yo wouldn’t cooperate for photos.
You can purchase Lesson 1 for $1.99 in a downloadable PDF version. The full printed workbook is available for $15.99 shipped!
Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this product in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review, nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC Regulations.
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