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Some of the links on this blog are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and/or believe will add value to my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Share it Saturday–Crafts with Nature

Chestnut Grove Academy Share It Saturday Blog Hop

new share it saturday hosts
Please visit my co-hosts:

Karyn from Teach Beside Me
Colleen & Leann from Sugar Aunts
Mary Catherine from Fun-a-Day
Kate from Laughing Kids Learn
and Tiffany from Life & Lessons From a Country Road

Last weeks highlights:
If you are featured – feel free to grab a button to display on your blog!

Chestnut Grove Academy Share It Saturday Blog Hop


Nature Painting & Exploration by Crayon Box Chronicles
Painting with Nature (and a peg) by Danya Banya
Easy Made Nature Crowns by Wildlife Fun for Kids
Playing and Creating with Rocks by My Nearest and Dearest

Link up your posts with educational ideas, kid crafts, and teaching tips.  Please include a link back to this blog if participating.

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Friday, August 30, 2013

YW September Lesson–Being in the World, but Not of It.

Okay, I didn’t create this one, but I wanted to go ahead and share what I’ll be using for my lesson this week.

I set out to create something, but found this and well it was perfect enough and much easier to use (than to make something).


It was taken from the blog A Little Crafting, she has lots of printables from past young women lessons (which can be used in the new curriculum) as well as a few for the current program.  Check her out!

Field Trip #97 Friday Blog Hop

Field Trip Friday!
A Blog Hop designed to share 'FIELD TRIP' related Blog Posts

(does not have to be a 'home school field trip', can be any trip to any place with your children!)

Please stop by and visit my co-hosts blogs and give them a shout out!

Lisa @ Our 4 Kiddos
Misty @ Mimi's House


This trip was really more a dream of mine come true, but C (7yo) enjoyed it as well.  Unfortunately the whole family couldn’t come, but I’m hoping to send DH and Z (4yo) on a future trip.  We have an amazing lady as part of our homeschool group that is able to score AMAZING deals for our group.  This was by far the best deal yet. 

We got to go with Dolphin Excursions  and go see and swim with dolphins!


Have I mentioned lately how much I LOVE Hawaii?? It’s going to be so sad to leave this Spring.



**NOTE:  Before linking up please review guidelines HERE

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    Thursday, August 29, 2013

    A Day in the Life of Chestnut Grove Academy….

    Typically we start each day at 9am, at the kitchen table for circle time.

    Circle Time consists of:

    Song (we focus on one Primary song from church each month, each year the primary kids (ages 3-12) give a presentation during church service (Sacrament) and they sing songs, have speaking parts, etc….




    Virtue (We Choose Virtues)

    Article of Faith (We are working to memorize all 13 Articles of Faith, which are statements of our belief)  I found these cute pictograph printables at 3Dinosaurs.com, we also sing the article of faith song. 
    Musician/Artist – from Classical Composers Monthly
    Devotional – we read a story from the Friend magazine (an LDS publication) and my oldest reads from the Storied Scriptures.
    Chinese – we do a short Chinese lesson from betterchinese.com curriculum
    Then we do either History or Science. This week we are doing a Unit Study on Dolphins, so we have been working on that.  I try to give the littles subject oriented materials to keep them busy during the lesson. 
    We may also watch a short clip from Brain Pop, Brain Pop Jr, or some other media to go with our lesson.

    Circle Time can last from 1-1.5hrs, depending. 
    I am planning to add in some Calendar Notebooks, and some Church History learning when we officially start the new school year after the baby arrives. 

    After circle time they divide….the youngers do their workboxes, some of which are independent, others which require some one on one attention from me.

    My oldest goes off to do his workboxes as well, most of which are independent, though he comes to me with questions and to check his work.  Here he is doing his Reading assignment. (below).  We also have desks in the schoolroom area, that he typically sits at to do Math and other writing work.

    Then we eat lunch….we are typically done with the ‘school’ part of day by 1230/100p.  There is usually a snack time during the morning as well, so a 100 lunch is tolerable.
    After lunch, we will have free play, watch some shows that are related to the school topic we are studying (this week we watched a Netflix documentary on dolphins one day and some episodes of Flipper (the classic TV show) another day. 

    We also have computer/iPad time in the afternoon.  Computer time consists of a Chinese program Petralingua and a piano program Adventus (review coming soon) for my oldest, and then he can choose from a few others for(Reading Kingdom, Grammaropolis, Little Passports, PowerMyLearning) for a total of about an hour of computer time.
    2013-08-27 15.20.02
    My youngest do Time4Learning (review coming soon) and/or ABCMouse.com on the iPad with me (using Photon Flash Browser) and then can pick from a wide variety of other learning apps to play (including Looney Toons Phonics and others)…for a total of about 30-45min.
    This is followed by some more free play, and sometimes they watch some PBS shows in the afternoon (especially on days when I tutor) - Wild Kratts, Word Girl, Ruff Ruffman, and The Electric Company.   Other days we head to the pool or have gymnastics class. 
    That’s a typical day in a nutshell! 
    One day a week is Field Trip Day, and every other week we have one day a week of co-op….those days run differently (obviously). 
    We year round school, and though our work load may vary throughout the year, we TRY to maintain a similar schedule…the kids do much better when we stay in routine.

    Wednesday, August 28, 2013

    Getting Organized: Art Supplies

    Okay, you may have seen the mini crate I had filled with art supplies, and while I still love the idea, it was just not sufficient for all of our materials.  So I had to brainstorm, and upgrade!

    Shelf with the art bags, the middle black bin has felt and tissue paper in it.

    Art supply bags – these bags are no longer available from Thirty One, but they do carry similar designs.  I filled the cans with pencils, glue, markers, paint brushes, etc…all in easy to carry handled bags.  Just grab from the shelf and carry to the table!  The side mesh pockets have scissors, erasers and pencil sharpeners.  I have another one that just has the co-op art supplies (each child has their own glue bottle, box of crayons and water color pack). 

    Small paint containers and water colors.  Underneath is a plastic shoe box filled with our ‘special’ supplies for Home Art Studio curriculum. (I love plastic shoe boxes and use them for all sorts of things – toys, games, supplies.  You can get them for about $1-2 ea in bulk at Costco and are really good quality).

    Previous posts of storage solutions that are still working for us:

    post found HERE

    post found HERE

    Tuesday, August 27, 2013

    Weekly Workboxes–Dolphins (with printables)

    I used a few printables from 1+1+1=1 blog D is for Dolphins, as well as some free dolphin and whale printables (that go with the toob) found at The Pinay Homeschooler.  But other than that there was not much for dolphins in the preschool realm, so I made a few things of my own and you can find them HERE (9 pages).

    PicMonkey Collage

    Here is what is in the boxes!  Sorry the pictures are so washed out.

    Dolphin spelling (uppercase or lowercase) – made by me

    Letter D from 1+1+1=1 cover in ocean stickers

    Dolphin size sequencing – made by me

    Dolphin and Whale sort – made by me (using the Whales and Dolphins Toob)

    Beginning writing pages from 1+1+1=1, and a dolphin maze I copied from an oceans activity book.  We also used the cutting page and coloring page from 1+1+1=1.

    Non-standard measurement using 1” cubes – whales and dolphins- made by me

    Sensory Bin – blue rice, blue and clear flat marbles and some blue aquarium rocks, whales and dolphins, scoops and cups, FREE whale and dolphin info cards.  For how to dye rice – click HERE

    We are using Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett Dolphin Days as the core for my 7yo, and the littles join in (they like the videos!).

    Dolphin Days

    Monday, August 26, 2013

    Poppins Book Nook: Fairy Tales


    Picture of Fairy Tales (C/V)

    This book is designed for ages 3+.  It is a multi-level reader.  There is one line of story across the top, and then two lines of story across the bottom.  A reader (child or parent) can read both the top and bottom, a beginner reader can read just the top, or read the top and have a parent read the bottom (so they are reading together). A higher level reader could read just the bottom, or both top and bottom.  Either way, the story still makes sense.  Like all Usborne Books it is beautifully illustrated! 

    Stories in this book include:
    Sleeping Beauty
    Red Riding Hood
    Three Little Pigs
    The Story of Rumpelstiltskin
    Goldilocks and the Three Bears

    Media suggestions:
    Watch Episodes of Super Why (now available on Netflix Streaming). 
    Season One:  Episode 3 & 79 – Three Little Pigs
    Episode 14 & 63 – Cinderella
    Episode 4 – Little Red Riding Hood
    Episode 60 – Goldilocks and The Three Bears
    Episode 16 – Rumpelstiltskin
    Episode 36 – Sleeping Beauty

    Art:  Gold Collage – Provide scraps of gold paper, fabric, rickrack,  yarn, glitter, sequins and so on – to create a collage

    Sensory Bin:  Place the art materials in a bin to explore or fill a bin with straw spray painted gold (or plain) and shiny pennies to find.

    Fine Motor:  Provide a cooling rack and the gold rick rack, ribbon and yarn for weaving!

    Writing:  Write your child’s name, as well as the name Rumpelstiltskin on  index cards and provide tracing paper to to trace them

    There is also an episode of Reading Rainbow that was Rumpelstiltskin, but I can’t seem to find it online for streaming.

    Field Trip:  If you are able to get a hold of a Spinning Wheel or go and watch a demo, that would be an excellent addition to this unit!

    Printables – Early Learning HQ – UK
    Coloring Pages

    The Three Little Pigs
    Art:  Painting pink pictures – at the easel (if you have one, or construct a table easel using an old pizza box!)

    Sensory:  Fill a bin with twigs, straw and bricks (or rocks) as well as some toy pigs and a wolf (if you have them).

    Fill a tub with MUD and toy pigs

    Blocks:  Have children build houses out of variety of block materials.  You can make paper bag blocks (fill small or large paper bags with crumpled up newspaper).  You can also use these blocks

    Fine Motor:  Curl pink pipe cleaners around a pencil to make tails for this cute art project, found HERE

    Printable:  Three Little Pigs Literacy Pack $4 (other fairy tales available also). 

    Language:  Make flannel or magnet board pieces out of these FREE story printables and have your child re-enact the story.

    Math:  Build a house out of straws – how many straws do you use?  Try to blow it down.  How many times did you have to blow?  Chart your results, use tally marks to count and then graph.

    Goldilocks and the Three Bears
    Art/Construction:  Make paper bag Goldilocks or Bear puppets

    Math:  Bear Size Sort- activity found HERE, using Three Bears Counters

    Bear Family Puzzle

    Life Skills:  Practice setting the table for three (use small, med and large place settings if you have them)

    Snack:  Make porridge (cream of wheat)

    Sensory:  Porridge Oats Playdough or Perfect Porridge Playdough

    Science:  Discuss Hot v/s Cold, Use this great file folder game (FREE)

    Hard v/s Soft, found HERE

    Language:  Make flannel or magnet board pieces from these FREE printables to retell the story

    More activities from First School

    Printable:  Literacy Pack from PreK Pages $4

    Pinterest Fairy Tale Board for lots of other great ideas! 

    Enchanted Homeschooling Mom - Royal Baloo - 3 Dinosaurs - Monsters Ed -Chestnut Grove Academy - Growing in God's Grace - Royal Little Lambs - Life with Moore Babies - Teach Beside Me - The Usual Mayhem - Mum Central - Fantastic Fun and Learning - Kathys Cluttered Mind - Play Create Explore - Toddler Approved -Growing Book by Book - Adventures in Mommydom - B-Inspired Mama- The Fairy and The Frog - Edventures with Kids - Learning & Growing the Piwi way - A Gluten Free Journey - Mom to Crazy Monkeys - No Doubt Learning -Preschool Powol Packets - To The Moon and Back - Our Craft ~N~ Things - Farm Fresh Adventures -Proverbial Homemaker

    Link up your Fairy Tale related posts here:

    (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

    Sunday, August 25, 2013

    Escape Monthly–What was in my package!


    Escape Monthly - Destination Inspired Monthly Deliveries


    I sent my first month’s shipment of Escape Monthly to my mom for her birthday and this is what she got! 

    What was in the box:

    Theme:  Napa Valley, California

    Lemon Cookies
    White Grape Tea
    Lavender Dead Sea Bath Salts
    Bath Scrubber (Loofah)
    A Bar of Napa Soap
    2 Lavender Scented Candles
    Green Apple Body Scrub
    A Sample Package of Facial Detox Cream and Body Cream
    A Bar of Glycerin Soap
    Lip Balm
    Travel Book on Napa Valley and
    A 50.00 Gift Card to www.nakedwine.com

    Are you ready to order your Monthly Escape?

    Cost is $49.95 a month (signing up registers you for a monthly subscription, you must cancel before the 15th of the month in order to not be charged for additional months, should you decide to cancel). 

    Each month ONE subscriber also wins a TRIP to the destination featured in the box! 


    Saturday, August 24, 2013

    Share it Saturday–10+ Sensory Experiences

    Chestnut Grove Academy Share It Saturday Blog Hop

    new share it saturday hosts
    Please visit my co-hosts:

    Karyn from Teach Beside Me
    Colleen & Leann from Sugar Aunts
    Mary Catherine from Fun-a-Day
    Kate from Laughing Kids Learn
    and Tiffany from Life & Lessons From a Country Road

    Last weeks highlights:
    If you are featured – feel free to grab a button to display on your blog!

    Chestnut Grove Academy Share It Saturday Blog Hop


    Radioactive glowing green slime by Adventures at Home with Mum
    Farm Sensory Bin —A Day At The Farm by Crayon Box Chronicles
    Invitation to Play in the Mud by Paint on the Ceiling
    Planting a Rainbow Sensory Board by House of Burke
    Animal Texture Board by House of Burke
    Making Grassy Slime! by Mummy Musings & Mayhem
    Exploring Life at the Arctic Circle by Munchkin and Bean
    Color Mixing By Hand by Teaching 2 and 3 Year Olds
    Rainbow Barley Sensory Invitation by TWODALOO
    Cloud Dough Recipe by Our Three Peas
    Hidden ice treasures by Gift of Curiosity
    Frozen Watercolours by Munchkin & Bean
    Making Play Dough Color Mixing by Little Bins for Little Hands
    Rainbow Rice Sensory Bin Invitation  by Little Bins for Little Hands
    Cornflour Slime by Learn with Play at Home
    Glowing contact creation  by Adventures at Home with Mum

    Now to show us what you’ve done GREAT this week! 

    Link up your posts with educational ideas, crafts, and teaching tips.  Please include a link back to this blog if participating.

    (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

    Friday, August 23, 2013

    Review: PowerMyLearning–Educational Website

    Powermylearning.org is a new FREE website that gives you and your child access to loads of FREE educational games and activities on the web. 
    Each of the games and websites are categorized by subject and grade, making it easy for you or your child to find something perfect to play and/or learn about!
    My son (age 7, 2nd grade) had no problem finding fun and engaging educational activities the moment he logged into the program. 
    This program works great for all school age children (public, private, or home), and can be managed by either a teacher or a parent. 
    As EDUCATOR (teacher or parent) you can give assignments, view what sites (games or activities) your child has visited, how much time they have spent playing and how many play points they have earned.  Students in a classroom setting can compete with other classmates (or homeschoolers can compete with siblings) to see who gets the most points!
    As Educator you make playlists and assignments, for instance…next week we are covering dolphins.  I made a dolphin playlist which I assigned to my ‘class’ (you receive a code to add your ‘student’ to the class), then I put in the playlist a few games and educational sites that were dolphin related for my son to explore.
    You can pick websites based on subject matters currently being covered, areas they need some extra help, or allow them to just explore on their own.
    You have the ability to link the assignments to common core standards (if you so wish), but most likely this would be more important to a public school teacher. 
    Each child has their own login, so that the program is able to properly track their participation. 
    What I like most about PowerMyLearning is that they are free to explore a wide variety of games and activities SAFELY!  These sites have been approved by the Power My Learning team, there are no Google searches necessary, and no fear of stumbling upon something, or ending up somewhere they should not be.
    My son enjoyed furthering our Titanic Unit by visiting Titanic Movie Maker
    titanic movie maker
    and also had a blast play Martha Speaks – Word Play
    word play
    The site is designed for school aged children of all ages (K-12th), and best of all it’s FREE!!  You can’t beat FREE, so head on over and try it out!
    It’s a great tool and resource for parents, teachers and children alike!
    *If you are a homeschooler, make sure you register as an EDUCATOR in order to make assignments. 
    **A new site will launch on September 3rd, classroom currently scheduled will NOT transfer to the new site design.  You will need to re-invent them after the 3rd of September. 
    Disclaimer:  This is a sponsored post, I am receiving a small compensation for posting this review.  This factor, however, has not influenced my opinion in any way. 

    Field Trip #96 Friday Blog Hop

    Field Trip Friday!
    A Blog Hop designed to share 'FIELD TRIP' related Blog Posts

    (does not have to be a 'home school field trip', can be any trip to any place with your children!)

    Please stop by and visit my co-hosts blogs and give them a shout out! 

    Lisa @ Our 4 Kiddos
    Misty @ Mimi's House

    Okay this week was a non-educational field trip, but it was loads of fun and great exercise!! 

    We visited iTrampoline, a new indoor trampoline facility here on Oahu. 


    I’ll have to try it out myself after I have this baby!

    **NOTE:  Before linking up please review guidelines HERE

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      31 (2) 31 Days of Field Trips (31) 5 senses (6) abcmouse.com (1) adult education (1) advent (1) all about me (1) Alpha-Phonics (1) Alphabet Box (1) amphibians (1) animal trackers (10) ants (3) Artist Study (9) arts and crafts (16) Australia (2) award (4) baby (5) baby bird (2) baby food jar crafts (1) Back to Homeschool (6) balance (1) banyan tree (1) beach (1) bees (3) Being a Mom (2) birds (5) Birthdays (2) Blogging the Alphabet (28) bloom (1) boats (2) Book List (3) Book Nook (1) Book review (62) book sneeze (3) Boost your blog (1) Brag Time Hop (31) Broccoli (1) butterflies (5) butterfly (3) Butternut Squash (1) Campus Book Rental (2) Capybara (1) Capyboppy (1) Charlotte Mason (1) Cherry Tomatoes (1) Chestnut Grove Curriculum (22) Chinese Language (7) Chinese New Year (1) Chinese Worksheets (1) Chore Chart (4) Christmas (28) classical approach (3) cleaning schedule (1) close to my heart (7) co-op (2) Color Tablets (2) computer games (2) Continent Boxes (5) crabs (2) cricut (2) CSA (4) Cub Scouts (1) culture swap (2) currclick (2) curriculum (23) cursive (1) daily schedule (3) Deep Covered Baker (1) Digital Scrapbooking (5) dinosaurs (18) Dissection (1) diswasher detergent (1) dolphins (2) donuts (1) Earth Science (5) Easter (8) Easy Readers (1) education cubes (7) educents (2) Eggplant (1) Emeals (5) emotions (2) exploring Hawaii (127) fairy tales (1) fall (15) family (1) Family Home Evening (5) farm (3) Father's Day (1) feelings (2) felt board (1) FHE (5) field trip (278) Fifth Grade (1) first grade (37) fish (3) flowers (4) Free Printables (13) freezer meals (1) frogs (3) Fundraiser (1) games (5) garden (1) General Conference (9) geocaching (3) Geography (37) Getting crafty (20) gift ideas (4) Giveaway (101) guest blogger (13) HALLELUJAH (3) Halloween (14) handwriting (2) hanukkah (2) Health (6) health curriculum (2) Heart (1) heart parenting (1) hermit crabs (2) History (48) Holidays (26) Home School (55) Home school mother's journal (7) Home School Room (10) Homemaking (15) homeschool (1) Homeschool Blogging Network (5) Homeschool Swap (1) How to (1) Human Body (5) ice cream (2) informal learning (2) insects (6) IPAD (37) Japan (2) jellyfish (3) Jesus Christ (1) karate (1) Kauai (2) kids in the kitchen (16) kindergarten (36) kindle (11) Kwanzaa (1) ladybugs (2) Language Arts (6) Language Program (2) lap books (5) Latter Day Homeschool Blog Posts (3) lds (18) lego (3) lego club (3) lesson help (1) letter a (2) letter b (4) letter c (3) letter d (1) letter f (2) letter I (4) letter j (2) letter n (1) letter o (2) letter p (1) letter s (2) letter t (1) letter u (1) Library (1) Light box (4) Lighthouses (7) Little Passports (22) Mamapedia (1) mammals (2) Mango (1) Map Display (1) Marriage (1) Massachusetts (1) Math (44) meal planning (1) Memorial Day (1) Mexico (1) minecraft (1) Montessori (145) Montessori At Home Book (2) Montessori Print Shop (24) Monthly Subscription Program (1) Mormon (32) morning routine (1) Music (9) My Father's Dragon (1) My Groovy Planet (1) My Memories (8) Nature (23) nests (2) New Year (1) New Years Resolutions (1) Ocean (15) octopus (2) olympics (1) Operation Smile (2) Organization (14) Owl Pellets (1) P.E. (3) Paleo (5) Pancake Day (1) pandia press (23) parenting (1) Patterns (1) penguins (2) phonics (7) physical education (1) Picasso (1) pinterest (4) pirates (4) playdough (6) Pollock (1) pond animals (3) popcorn balls (1) Poppins Book Nook (35) pornography (1) preschool (95) President's Day (2) puffins (1) pumpkin (3) pumpkins (2) rain forest (1) Read Alouds (3) Reading (14) Real Life (1) Recipe (34) reptiles (1) Reverence (1) review (239) road trip (1) rockets (2) Sacrament Bag (2) safety (2) Saturday Adventure (1) schedule (3) scholastic books (1) Science (63) scissors (1) Scriptures (1) sea urchins (1) seasons (6) Second Grade (7) seed (1) sensory bin (5) Share it Saturday (84) ships (2) SimplyFun (3) skin care (2) snow (1) snow globe (1) Space (11) spelling (16) spiders (4) spineless sea urchins (1) sponsor (9) starfish (3) stitch fix (9) stocking stuffers (3) Summer Fun (2) Tell me more (1) Thankful (5) Thanksgiving (5) The Friend Magazine (1) The Giggler Treatment (1) The Road Not Taken (1) Third Grade (6) Thirty-one (2) thumbsucking (1) Titanic (1) tools (1) Top 10 (2) TOS Blog Cruise (83) TOS Review Crew (136) tot school (65) Totsy (1) Traditions (1) turtles (1) Unit study (18) unschooling (2) Usborne Books (21) Valentine's Day (8) virtual book club (1) We choose virtues (1) Week 1 (2) week 2 (2) week 3 (2) week 4 (1) week in review (62) Well Trained Mind (1) whales (3) What my child is reading (48) Whole 30 (9) why we homeschool (5) winter (3) Word (1) wordless wednesday (7) work boxes (104) Workbox Wednesday (49) world as classroom (3) worms (3) Wrap-up (3) writing (4) young women (8) Zero Grandparents (1) zoo (2)