It’s conference weekend, and the subject of pornography is bound to be brought up at least once during the talks given. It has become so prevalent in our society today, and very much accepted among many. Yet the damages it brings can be catastrophic to our spirituality, our marriages, and everything which we hold dear in our lives. How do we teach our children about the dangers of pornography and what to do should they encounter it?
I was recently contacted by an animator who has made a short cartoon clip to teach children about what to do should they encounter pornographic materials. The animation was made from a story, which was published in the March 2004 Friend Magazine (an LDS children’s magazine). You can watch a preview to this cartoon and it can be purchased for $1

The link also includes a family home evening lesson plan, which links to the original story and an internet pornography story, which was published in the June 2011 Friend.
I watched the video originally not haven read the story from the Friend, after reading the story the video made a lot more sense to me, and I feel it is best watched accompanied with the story. The one thing I felt the video was lacking, was a true definition of what pornography was, it made the point that it wasn’t to be viewed, and that they should take it to their parents to dispose of it. I have no real suggestions as to how this could be achieved, because of course you can’t SHOW it. But the story is better able to make the point using written language, which is why I feel they should be used together.
As parents it is our responsibility to properly guard our children against the evils of the world. Not only do we need to teach our children how to respond should they find themselves in these situations, similar to those in this video and the Friend stories. We need to also look at what we have around our homes. This may seem like an obvious, but my Sister-in-law was telling me once that their Stake President had stated that many of the teenage boys and men that came to him about pornography issues started from catalogs/magazines that their mothers/wives were receiving at home. Victoria Secret catalogs, for example, or other magazines showing women in underwear or otherwise scantily clad. We need to be careful, as to what we allow in our home.
Such an important topic to talk to our kids about, but so difficult to broach.
ReplyDeleteLots of great advice in this post and pornography is so harmful to families and individuals! It is so sad that it is so easily accessible in mags, internet and guarding our children from it is difficult yet necessary! Thanks for mentioning about the magazines that women/men subscribe to. That's a very good point! Thanks for linking up to NOBH!