Dinosaurs are quite popular in our house, we have a wide variety of favorite dinosaur books and we have done a lot of different dinosaur activities that I’ll be resharing with all of you!
Usborne Books has a wide variety of Dinosaur themed books for all ages.
Here are some of our favorites:
The possibilities for dinosaur activities is endless!
Comparing Weight with Dinosaur Eggs
Dinosaur Matching and more
Making Fossil Prints in playdough
Measuring Dinosaurs with nonstandard measurement
You can find even more dino activities at each link!
We also watched Bus-a-saurus Episode and my kids had a blast with this Magic School Bus Dinosaur App (You can try the LITE version for FREE)
Check out my DINOSAUR PINTEREST Board, and we’ll have a DINOSAUR ADVENTURE coming soon at Field Trip Friday (probably next week!)
Continue to follow us and the other participating bloggers on the last Monday of each month!
Enchanted Homeschooling Mom - Royal Baloo - 3 Dinosaurs - Monsters Ed -Chestnut Grove Academy - Growing in God's Grace - Royal Little Lambs - Life with Moore Babies - Teach Beside Me - The Usual Mayhem - Mum Central - Fantastic Fun and Learning - Kathys Cluttered Mind - Play Create Explore - Toddler Approved - Growing Book by Book - Adventures in Mommydom - B-Inspired Mama- The Fairy and The Frog - Edventures with Kids - Learning & Growing the Piwi way - A Gluten Free Journey - Mom to Crazy Monkeys - No Doubt Learning -Preschool Powol Packets - To The Moon and Back - Our Craft ~N~ Things - Farm Fresh Adventures - Proverbial Homemaker
Have a Dinosaur related post? Link it up here!
Link up your magical book fun below!
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