Friday night – We had the church we had the church Christmas party and the kids saw Santa. K wouldn’t go near him…she screamed! We don’t actually ‘do’ Santa, but they still enjoyed seeing him and getting a treat.

Saturday & Sunday – Saturday was a busy day! We went to observe a JrFLL Expo so we could get an idea of what we are in for and what they need to do for Expo in February. Then Saturday night we headed to the Festival of Lights (see this week’s Field Trip Friday). Sunday was church day.

Monday – Normal Day with Martial Arts. c (4) joined the class for the first time and was so excited! Afterwards we went to the grocery store to grab a few things. I started Z (5) on Math U See Alpha. He had been doing MathSeeds and TouchMath…but he finished Mathseeds (as far as it goes) and TouchMath has just seemed to simple for him. He isn’t writing a lot just yet, so I got out stamps for him and he is having a blast! c wanted to do some stamping too, so I got out the weather stamps for him to play around with! We also decorated GingerBread Houses for Family Home Evening!

Tuesday – No more gymnastics, so a quiet day at home! Hubby had off for a dental appointment, and he took c to speech in the evening. K just caused mischief!

Wednesday – Martial Arts again. Today was a rough day (PMS crept in, but I didn’t realize until Thursday!). The morning was great, but lunch time it all went down hill! Kids were out of control and I was super cranky! Ugh!
Thursday – Another rough day (but then I figured out why!). We stayed home all day. It has actually been nice not to have to run around so much! I had my night out with the sister missionaries, always good to get away for a few hours!
Friday – Another day home…day started out rough, but got better (for the most part). We took an unplanned trip to Costco to grab a few items and meet up with a co-op member to deliver her pictures. Then I stopped by and gave my aunt a lift (she fell the Thursday night and hurt her face, her eye is pretty swollen, so she can’t see well enough to drive). She is doing alright, had her teeth checked out to make sure their was no damage. Then we came home, and I chilled! Hubby warmed up leftovers for dinner and then we had family movie night.
This week we started a 9 days to Christmas countdown courtesy of my MIL.
Day 1 (Tuesday) was Reindeer jokes, antlers and Rudolph noses, how to draw Santa and the reindeer hokey pokey.

Day 2 was Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer singing, reindeer noses in baggies and facts about reindeer hoof sizes and poop!

Day 3 was a crossword puzzle with clues and small stockings with candy canes.
Day 4 was scriptures about Jesus loving little children and a framed print of Jesus with children. Beautiful!
Next week we are just doing some Christmas Fun stuff! I’m looking forward to it!
Link Ups this week -
Workbox Wednesday (Polar Express Activity Round Up)
Field Trip Friday
Share it Saturday (open until Jan 2nd)
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Review: This is My Life Planner
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Bloggers needed: Review opportunity!
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