Okay so I am WAY BEHIND in our Weeks in Review post, so this is more like a MONTH in REVIEW! Man, it’s really hard to go back over so many days and remember what you did!
One thing is for sure, we have been reviewing a lot of products and having lots of fun! I feel like I have been so busy though that pictures have been an after thought! Got to get back to taking more!
3/28 -
Monday – We had MMA was suppose to be our first day of the new session, and ended up being our last day for the season. It’s only my 3 kids and another family with 3 kids in the homeschool class, and well one of the kiddos in the other family was injured, so they pulled out…it’s more fun for my kids when it’s not just them, so we are sitting out and will be back (hopefully) in the fall. We also had 4H, the kids made presentations about different types of robotics and presented them. C researched VEX and Z and c researched LEGO WeDo.

Tuesday – was the egg drop challenge at the library, I posted about it that week in our Field Trip Friday (#195)

Wednesday - C had a Robotics event and the other kids and I hit up Trader Joe’s (since it was nearby) and played at a park for a bit (until someone let her kid pee under the play ground equipment, where kids were playing, then we left… YUCK!).

Thursday – The two littles had a class at the library for the Letter H (they love these monthly classes), and the bigs had track practice.
Friday – C had his Battle of the Books practice. We also went to the PEEP SHOW that evening and used some BOOK ITS at Pizza Hut afterwards!

Sat & Sun – General Conference weekend, always an inspiration! We also hit up the kids workshop at Home Depot, it’s FREE the first Saturday of each month. The kids LOVE It. I posted about it (and Thursday and Friday) in Field Trip Friday the following week! (#196)
4/4 -
Monday – Normal school day, it’s kind of nice not having MMA now, we don’t have to run around on Monday and Wednesday every week!
Tuesday – We had our Homeschool Review with the county. I usually go solo, but hubby couldn’t take off, so I had to bring the whole crew. It was, well, eh, interesting! It went well though, and we are cleared for another year of homeschooling! We then headed to CFA to celebrate and then off to the last Battle of the Books practice before competition. The other 3 had story time. The night was finished off with track practice and cub scouts. BUSY DAY!
Wednesday – We had a field trip to the Visionary Arts Museum (Field Trip #196), We hiked up this HUGE hill to go to a playground for lunch afterwards.

Thursday – Co-op day! Always a busy and fun day! We had an Easter Egg hung (indoors b/c it was raining).

Friday – We had Piano, we headed to Costco, then I prepped for my out of town scrapbooking retreat. C had his Battle of the Books Competition. They didn’t place, but they sure worked hard and had a good time. I left town for scrapbook retreat at half time, but my aunt stayed with him and they all went to Sweet Frogs to celebrate afterwards.

Monday – Got in a little bit of school, and had our co-op planning meeting/pot luck for the Fall. Lots of great classes coming up next semester. I’ll be teaching Middle School Chemistry! Can’t believe C is going to be in that class! (5th-8th).
Tuesday – Track and Scouts, otherwise a quiet day! C was having some issues understanding division, so we broke out the pennies and put them into groups. I love our computer program math, but sometimes you just have to have tangible manipulatives!

Wednesday – We had a field trip to the Federal Reserve Bank (see Field Trip #197). We had some friends over for dinner and had a yummy cook-out!
Thursday – I had a church planning meeting in the morning for an event that is coming up, then the kids had track in the evening.
Friday – Science and Engineering Day – we were exhausted! (See Field Trip #198)

Saturday & Sunday – I had a nice morning at the church for a Woman’s Conference, while hubby took the two middles to their history class at the Historical Society, then they two bigs had a library class (more on that later).
Monday – The two bigs started a 3 day art class today. We got some school in this morning, I rushed them to eat lunch and then realized I had my times messed up. By the time we got home it was late in the day and the weather was beautiful, so they all went outside!
Tuesday – C has cooking class, track and cubs. While C was at cooking the rest of us had school and playtime at the park! It was a beautiful day!

Wednesday – Field trip (more later on that). On the way there, I somehow hit a mailbox as I was looking in my rearview mirror. Not the best way to start the day, but good news is that when I returned home I found the pieces to my mirror and put it back together! (and mailbox was fine too!)

Thursday – Co-op, We only have ONE more co-op left this semester! We had a Market Day today and the kids all got to sell things. C decided to sell origami and a few other odds and ends, c wanted to sell cookies (he and hubby made PB&J cookies) and Z wanted to sell lemonade (freshly squeezed!). The Lemonade was the biggest hit, but everyone had fun and they all bought fun stuff too! When the bigs were at track, the littles opened their Koala Crate and Little Passports! The big will get to open their Tinker Crate and Little Passports later!

Friday – Piano and Costco! Only computer school today and ART! I got to have MNO Paint Night with my Mom, aunts and cousin!

Saturday – We celebrated Zs 7th birthday (his real birthday is Sunday)

Linking up at:
My Week in Review at Our 4 Kiddos, and Weekly Wrap up with Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers
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