Sure, Library books are free (if you remember to take them back on time). If you are like me, however, you like to have books on hand, to keep. I’ll admit I have a book addiction (I am sure I have admitted it before), but there are definitely ways to build a library at home for cheap!
We use a Charlotte Mason – ‘Real Books’ – approach to most of our curriculum (history and science mostly) and I like to have books we can keep and revisit over time.
Here are a few tips to getting books for cheap! – Go through your books and ones that you no longer want or need can be listed on the sight. (Don’t let the name fool you, they don’t have to be paperback books). Sign up and list 10 books and receive your first 2 credits FREE. For each book requested from you (from what you post), you mail and pay postage, once received you receive a book credit. Book credits are used to receive books of your choice for FREE! You can make a wish list of books you want that are not currently listed and you are notified FIRST when these books are posted! I have gotten TONS of books through this site, many hard to find! You can also purchase book credits for a reasonable rate.
Used book stores: – if I can’t find what I need on paperbackswap, and I only need one or two specific books I will check Amazon. Typically you can find books for as little as ONE Cent with a shipping fee of $3.99. Watch out though, sometimes with shipping costs, it is cheaper to buy new and get FREE shipping, depending on what you are buying.
Wonder Book and Video – This is great if you are buying more than one book. Standard and Priority Shipping is free for 2 or more items in the continental US, you can also pick up locally (Frederick, MD).
Ebay – I have bought several LOTS of books on ebay for reasonable prices. This is great if you are looking for a series of books, or books recommended or used in a specific curriculum.
There are many other ways to get books at great prices, but the above options are especially great when you have SPECIFIC books you are looking for.
You can save a lot of money by buying teacher’s guides to literature rich curriculums (even if you buy new) and acquiring the books used through these methods.
Another great way to save is by using e-books. Amazon has a FREE Kindle App, there are a large variety of books for FREE for this app. The app can be read on a computer, android or iOS devices, as well of Kindle devices. They have daily KINDLE DEALS that post each day also. Although I love my tablet, nothing replaces a good old fashion book!
Want to know how to organize your home library? Check out my Homeschool Bookshelf!

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