Latter Day Saints Home Educators – Home Education Conference in Virginia Beach: May 22-23, 2014
LDS Homeschool Conference in Provo, Utah: August 8-9, 2014
National LDS Home School Association
Support Groups – State-wide
Liahona Homeschool Support Group – California
Started in 1988 by Diane Hopkins to provide an organized opportunity for LDS homeschooling families in Orange County, California, to meet together.
LDS Homeschooling in California
Site includes a number of ways to communicate, including an email list and list of support groups. A conference is also planned.
Latter-Day Saint Oregon Home Educators Assocation
Serving Mormon families in Oregon and Washington.
Washington State Latter-day Saint Family Educators
We are a non-profit organization set up to help parents educate their children according to the desires and wishes of their heart.
LDS Homeschoolers in Maryland - This group is for members and friends of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who homeschool their children (or are considering homeschooling) in Maryland (or adjoining states).
S.H.A.R.E. of Southern Nevada
Email Loop:
Networking LDS and like-minded homeschoolers in Southern Nevada, with area groups in Moapa, Henderson, East Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, West Las Vegas and a Teen group.
LDS Pahrump Homeschoolers – Nevada
This group is for those homeschoolers in the Pahrump, Nevada area who have chosen to raise and teach their children in the home. LDS and like-minded families are welcome to share in our passion for teaching our children. This group hosts weekly co-op which can include social activities, idea sharing, classes, field trips, regular Mom Meetings to lend support, brainstorm ideas for future co-ops, make decisions that involve the group etc. We will share local resources with one another as well as be a support to one another in our shared passion for educating our children.
Beehive Academy – New Mexico
Latter Day Saints (LDS). Serving Albuquerque and surrounding area. Twice monthly meetings for group activities, including service projects, holiday activities, field trips, presentations, and social activities. Visit
Love-At-Home, NOVA LDS Home Educators – Virginia/Maryland
Loudoun County | Fairfax County | Prince William County | Fauquier County | Frederick County (MD) |
A group of Latter-Day Saint Home Educators. They coordinate and share ideas and events. This includes such things as social events; field trips; and unit studies.
Know of any other LDS groups or resources? Comment below and I’ll add them to the list!

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