Fix it! Grammar is exactly that…a grammar program. In Book 1 your child is introduced to different parts of speech, which they then identify in a sentence. Each daily lesson consists of ONE sentence. Each sentence compiles on the other to make a story. After the identify the parts of speech (ie noun, verb, etc). They then rewrite the sentence. Each sentence also consists of a bolded word to be discussed for vocabulary purposes. They may also write the word and it’s definition (if it’s a new word for them). Homophones are also introduced in the first few weeks (such as there, their or they’re).
The lessons are THAT simple! Each program also comes with grammar cards for quick reference as reminders of the parts of speech and what each one is.
The ‘Fix-It’ part of the book comes by fixing errors. In Book 1 to this point those errors are only missing punctuation, but as time goes on more errors are introduced. I really like this concept because editing is a very important skill that is beneficial in so many aspects. It also helps improve and build upon your own writing skills when editing others mistakes.
My 8yo son DOES NOT LIKE writing; however, he never complained about these lessons. He is also enjoying the story that he is piecing together in the process. I often find him reading ahead to see what happens!
The Teacher’s Manual and Student Manual are spiral bound. The Teacher’s Manual, however, comes with a downloadable PDF version of the Student Manual. You will also need a notebook of some sort to rewrite the sentences and the vocabulary words. I attached a pocket in the back of our notebook for the grammar cards, as well.
We used this curriculum 3-4 days a week. The lessons take maybe 10mins. They are super easy, but my son has learned a lot and enjoyed them. We use it as our handwriting lesson as well, so he is to use his best handwriting when copying the sentence each day.
The cards that come with the program are also great. I have even learned a thing or two while using this program. For instance, we all know a noun is a person, place or thing, but, they also defined a noun as something that can be counted, and a word that you can use an article with. That seems obvious, but I never thought to explain it that way. These ways of explaining have really helped my son distinguish the parts of speech easier. What I love most about this program is the use of application of what is taught!
If you are unsure as to where you should start your child in the program there is a
placement test. My son has had some grammar exposure, but nothing really formal, therefore we started with Book 1. It has been simple for him thus far, but it’s also been great practice. I expect it to get a bit more challenging, but each lesson builds on the previous, just like the story is building on itself as well.
We will be continuing with this program throughout this school year. It is an easy add on to what we have already been doing without adding on much more time!
This program is recommended for grades 3 through 12. The Teacher Book is $19 and the Student Book (Spiral Bound) is $15.