We had a really great nature study in co-op the other day that I wanted to share with all of you (with permission from the mom that taught, of course).
We talked about Trees, how they get their nourishment and how they help the environment. Then we had snack of sweet potatoes (roots) and cauliflower (flowers).
Our art project then consisted of collecting leaves and flowers from the yard. The children each received a canvas/cloth tote in which to pound those items. This was our first time doing this, so we did learn a few tricks for the future which I’ll share with you.
The cloth was pretreated in a water and alum solution. We placed the plant materials on the inside of the bags and pounded the outside, but decided that having them on the outside would have been better. It also would have been beneficial to stick the items in place with either tape or contact paper, they tended to move around a lot. The larger surface mallets made the better product, and it seemed to come out better if the cloth was slightly damp.
Despite these few after the fact realizations, the kids still had a lot of fun and they turned out cute.
The bags were bought online from Oriental Trading, they have a variety of choices.