A pictograph of summer things we like to do inside and outside (though since we are in Hawaii, the season doesn't really matter all that much) My child does not like to draw at all, so I drew the pictures, but a child could easily draw them. Inside: Chuck-E-Cheese, Lincoln Logs and Train Tracks Outside: water balloons, gardening, playground, beach, riding bikes and camping.
A real graph of shoes! I took 13 shoes and 8 pieces of 3 different colors of construction paper. We then decided how we were going to sort the shoes (we decided to sort them by who they belonged to), and then placed them on the graph.
A Matrix - we used this matrix to describe objects using 2 characteristics (in this case, shape and color). We sorted the shapes first, then we placed them in rows by characteristics. Then we played a game. C closed his eyes and I removed a shape, he then had to tell me which was missing (using shape and color). Then we switched roles (I closed my eyes and he removed the shape).
(lessons taken from Saxon Math K)
love the matrix activity!!!