As I was contemplating what to write about for this series, I stumbled upon this video (which I’ll share at the end) about Expressions of Love, and I knew it’s what I needed to expound on!
It was a great reminder to me, and I’m sure we all can use some reminding now and then.
There is a wide variety of ways to express our love to our spouse. There is no right or wrong way to do so.
I highly recommend the book The Five Love Languages to figure out the ways that will best express love to your spouse. You can take this online quiz to figure out your love language, do it with your spouse!
A few things I have found to work for us, spending time together! Sometimes that time is hard to fine, but we try to squeeze it in, by going to bed at the same time, taking a shower together (My dad swore that this is the secret to a long lasting marriage, my parents are going on 39 years). Now, I’m not talking sex, here…(though that helps too!), I mean just spending time together. With little kids you have to take the time when you can get it.
My husband kisses me goodbye every morning before he leaves for work, this, to me, is an expression of love. Pats on the butt when we walk by each other. stealing a kiss when we can. Date nights when they come about. Helping with household chores. These are all expressions of love. I cook dinner every night for my husband, I strive to go to bed the same time as him each night (as opposed to staying up late, blogging, reading or otherwise), we try to get regular date nights (but, those are hard to come by).
When considering this topic, the thought occurred to me of the old common phrase, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder”. My husband and I have spent a lot of time apart in our years, many of which were in the first years of our marriage. We probably more actively sought out ways to show Expressions of Love during these absences. More letters were written, more phone calls were made, more gifts were bought/sent.
How different would relationships be, if we focused on these expressions of love, not just when we are apart, but also in our everyday normal lives?!
At the same time, I’d like to mention how vital it is also to focus on the good of our spouse and not to talk badly of him/her to others. If we focus on the negative (and none of us are perfect, we can always find something negative), it’s harder to find the good qualities and to give those expressions of love our relationship needs to thrive!
I just loved this video and the much needed reminder of how important it is to give expressions of love in marriage!
Just like plants need sun and water to thrive and grow, Expressions of Love are how we can nurture our marriage!
How do you give your Expressions of Love?
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