My hair and body have been loving Koru Naturals the last several weeks. We were lucky to be able to use Pure Emu Oil and Manuka Oil Shampoo and Conditioner.

My body has had a really hard time adjusting to our move from Hawaii to Maryland and the winter has been so harsh! My skin is so dry and itchy! Emu Oil has helped this drastically! I have used it not only on myself, but also on my kids. Chapped wind cheeks and dry skin are easily smoothed with Emu Oil! It doesn’t feel greasy either! (Unless you use to much, it is easy to tell if you have!). When I get out of the shower, my cheeks are always very red! Emu Oil clears it up right away!

I just recently had a cold a well, I kept applying emu oil to my sore chapped nose and it helped SO MUCH! Now if only I could figure out some way to get it on my back on my own! Though it can be added to bath water for an all over body treatment!
You can use Emu Oil on dry hair, dry skin, in baths. It has many health benefits and can also be used as a carrier oil for essential oils!
It is gentle and non-hypoallergenic, it is great on sensitive skins. It has anti-inflammatory properties. It’s been known to help with all sorts of skin problems, as well as arthritis, injuries, and the like. There is lots of really great information about the benefits of emu oil.
I have used natural shampoo and conditioner on my hair for at least 3 years now. I have managed to knock my shampooing down to 1-2 times a week (it was a rough transition, but that was over 3years ago!). My hair LOVED Koru Natural, just one shampoo and I could see and feel an amazing difference in my hair!

It was so full and wavy, I did not use any product in the picture above! It just looks and feels great! For those who are not use to natural shampoos and conditioners, take note, they are not nearly as sudsy as your ‘normal’ shampoos. This is a huge change and one that was hard for me to adjust too. Some tips that I do are to lather the shampoo up in my hands as much as possible before putting in my hair. Rub it around for several minutes before rinsing out. Conditioner I leave set for several minutes before rinsing. It really is amazing how much healthier your hair is without all those chemicals that are in your leading brands!
Chemicals in shampoo make your hair dependent on them, it’s not necessary to wash every day or even every other day. I know it sounds crazy, it did to me at first too, but after switching to natural shampoos and washing less often, my hair has never been healthier! Manuka Honey and Oil has known health benefits as well. Benefits include reducing hair loss, preventing dry scalp and fighting frizz (which all explain why my hair is looking so good!). The essential oils that are in the shampoo also add an amazing aroma therapy experience!
With Koru Naturals, I was able to continue with my 1-2 times a week of shampooing and my hair has never felt better! My scalp is great too! (I was having some issues with it after moving as well).
These both are really great products! I love that I’m using all natural. It feels good on my skin and hair, and I know that they are safe for my children! That’s a double bonus!
The shampoo and conditioner costs $14.95 for the set, they may also be purchased individually. Emu Oil is $9.85 for a 2oz bottle, larger sizes are available.
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