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Some of the links on this blog are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and/or believe will add value to my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Share it Saturday

Share it Saturday- final

Please visit my co-hosts:

Colleen & Leann from Sugar Aunts
Mary Catherine from Fun-a-Day
Devany from Still Playing School
Guest Hosting for February:
Jaime at Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tail

If your interested in joining us as a Share It Saturday host, please contact me!

Check out our Share It Saturday Pinterest Board!

Each week I will highlight a few previously linked posts.  Visit my co-hosts to see how they “Share It Saturday”!

Highlights from last week:

    Montessori-Inspired Toddler Geography Activities with Baby Beluga     Thread a Froot Loop Rainbow. Fine motor activity for kids!

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Friday, February 27, 2015

Week 28 in Review


Weekend:  Saturday morning I headed out to our church Woman’s Conference for the area (or Stake as we call it).  It was a great morning, but it turned treacherous as it snowed like mad while we were there!  Of course, everyone said the snow wasn’t coming until afternoon, and I didn’t pay it any mind, so I didn’t take my 4 wheel drive.  I rode with a friend in her teeny car.  The ride home was LONG and scary at times, but we made it and in the end had fun doing so!  Glad we were together anyways…alone would have been really rough! All the snow caused church to be cancelled the next day.  We got b/w 9-12 inches!  So we spent Sunday at home, we did our architecture project, made snow cream and the kids had a blast playing outside (it was 40 degrees out!).

C’s finished cake for the Blue and Gold Banquet

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Monday – Monday’s are always a bit rough here….how about for you?  We managed to get the day done though and get to MMA without too much of an issue. Though I discovered my tire was really low on air, and I couldn’t get the air pump to work or the fix-a-flat.  Hubby seems to have fixed it though, and that’s good because we have field trip plans tomorrow! 

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Tuesday – We had a field trip to Port Discovery!  Meet up with some friends from co-op, you can see more about it at Field Trip Friday.  They all passed out on the way home….field trip success! 

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Wednesday – School Day and Martial Arts.

Thursday – It snowed….not much, but enough to have co-op canceled.  It’s bitter sweet,we love co-op, but it’s exhausting and I was happy to stay home for a day! We took it an easy day, some computer school, played some games….and just relaxed!

2015-02-26 10.00.31

Friday – Hubby was home because he car was getting serviced.  He took the kids to swimming, and I stayed home and enjoyed the quiet while K napped! 

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This week we studied:

History:  We’ve been working on The Constitution this week, using Unit Study by Amanda Bennett. (on sale for $5 until 3/1…we will be doing George Washington next, that’s on sale too!)

Science:  We have been working on reviews for Visual Learning Systems, we used the Landforms section this week!  They are making salt dough maps of landforms in the picture above!  Loving this curriculum!

Link Ups this week -

Workbox Wednesday –Animal I Spy ABC with Free Printable
Field Trip Friday – Port Discovery
Share it Saturday

Post you might have missed -

Beginning Architecture Course Review
21 Books of Poems with FREE task cards and giveaway
14 series books for boys in upper elementary
Koru Naturals review

2015-02-23 17.24.11

Usborne Books is having a GREAT SALE on sticker dressing books!  My sons love these books!  The following books are on sale for $4.50-$5.00, plus other great books are on sale too!

PicMonkey Collage

A new subscriber only freebie will be coming soon!!  STAY TUNED!

Linking up at:

and Weekly Wrap up with Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers Blog

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Review–Koru Naturals (TOS Review)

PicMonkey Collage

Koru Naturals Review

My hair and body have been loving Koru Naturals the last several weeks.  We were lucky to be able to use Pure Emu Oil and Manuka Oil Shampoo and Conditioner

Koru Naturals Review

My body has had a really hard time adjusting to our move from Hawaii to Maryland and the winter has been so harsh!  My skin is so dry and itchy!  Emu Oil has helped this drastically!  I have used it not only on myself, but also on my kids.  Chapped wind cheeks and dry skin are easily smoothed with Emu Oil!  It doesn’t feel greasy either!  (Unless you use to much, it is easy to tell if you have!).  When I get out of the shower, my cheeks are always very red!  Emu Oil clears it up right away!


I just recently had a cold a well, I kept applying emu oil to my sore chapped nose and it helped SO MUCH!  Now if only I could figure out some way to get it on my back on my own!  Though it can be added to bath water for an all over body treatment!

You can use Emu Oil on dry hair, dry skin, in baths.  It has many health benefits and can also be used as a carrier oil for essential oils! 

It is gentle and non-hypoallergenic, it is great on sensitive skins.  It has anti-inflammatory properties.  It’s been known to help with all sorts of skin problems, as well as arthritis, injuries, and the like.    There is lots of really great information about the benefits of emu oil. 

Koru Naturals Review

I have used natural shampoo and conditioner on my hair for at least 3 years now.  I have managed to knock my shampooing down to 1-2 times a week (it was a rough transition, but that was over 3years ago!).  My hair LOVED Koru Natural, just one shampoo and I could see and feel an amazing difference in my hair!


It was so full and wavy, I did not use any product in the picture above!  It just looks and feels great!  For those who are not use to natural shampoos and conditioners, take note, they are not nearly as sudsy as your ‘normal’ shampoos.  This is a huge change and one that was hard for me to adjust too.  Some tips that I do are to lather the shampoo up in my hands as much as possible before putting in my hair.  Rub it around for several minutes before rinsing out.  Conditioner I leave set for several minutes before rinsing.  It really is amazing how much healthier your hair is without all those chemicals that are in your leading brands!

Chemicals in shampoo make your hair dependent on them, it’s not necessary to wash every day or even every other day.  I know it sounds crazy, it did to me at first too, but after switching to natural shampoos and washing less often, my hair has never been healthier!  Manuka Honey and Oil has known health benefits as well.   Benefits include reducing hair loss, preventing dry scalp and fighting frizz (which all explain why my hair is looking so good!).  The essential oils that are in the shampoo also add an amazing aroma therapy experience!

With Koru Naturals, I was able to continue with my 1-2 times a week of shampooing and my hair has never felt better!  My scalp is great too!  (I was having some issues with it after moving as well). 

These both are really great products!  I love that I’m using all natural.  It feels good on my skin and hair, and I know that they are safe for my children!  That’s a double bonus!

The shampoo and conditioner costs $14.95 for the set, they may also be purchased individually. Emu Oil is $9.85 for a 2oz bottle, larger sizes are available. 

Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/korunaturals
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/korunaturals/

Koru Naturals Review
Crew Disclaimer

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Field Trip #161 Friday Blog Hop–Port Discovery, Baltimore, MD

Field Trip Friday!
Blog Hop designed to share 'FIELD TRIP' related Blog Posts

(does not have to be a 'home school field trip', can be any trip to any place with your children!)

**NOTE:  Before linking up please review guidelines HERE


    We went with a couple co-op families to Port Discovery.  I got a pass on a Groupon several months ago and this was our first trip there!  It was definitely worth the trip and we will be going again.  They all had a blast and fell asleep on the way home, and yet still went to bed on time!  That never happens!
    port discovery

They currently have Lego Castle on display through the beginning of September! The closest parking structure (right next door) has a special if you arrive before 9am you can park on the roof until 6pm for only $8….we didn’t make it in time because of traffic, but bought a panda parking pass for $16 for the day, which is still a good deal. 

The kids also visited the Egypt display, the water room and had fun playing at the playground…there are a few places we didn’t even get to!  They have a eating area, so you can bring a lunch.  Lockers are available for purchase via token ($1 for 4 tokens), and they had a coat rack section!    Seriously, this one is a winner!

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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Workbox Wednesday - ABC I-Spy and Animal Match FREE Printable

Chestnut Grove Academy

Welcome to Workbox Wednesday!  If you use workboxes, tot trays, or anything similar, feel free to post a link to your blog post or a picture (pictures can be from facebook, but please make sure they are PUBLIC so we can see them, or use a host like photobucket.com to get a URL for your photo) that shows WHAT IS IN YOUR BOXES!

Also appropriate:  Free Printables or other fun activities that could easily be used or adapted for workboxes! 

Please visit my co-host at Tots and Me and Line Upon Line Learning

Visit others that link up, leave comments, follow, etc.  The favors will be returned!  Feel free to grab a button too, so others can find the link up and join in the fun!

Materials Needed:

Alphabet buttons, pencil bag with clear front, rice and duct tape.

Directions:  Put one of each letter A-Z into the zipper bag.   Fill with Rice.  Zip closed and reinforce zipper with duct tape. (don’t want anyone unzipping and spilling rice everywhere!)

How to use:  Search for the letters and then find the animal that starts with that later on the sheet.  Cover with a bingo maker or other manipulative (square block, button, etc..).  You can download a PDF of the animal sheet HERE

ABC animal sheet for letter find-page-001ABC animal sheet for letter find-page-002

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Check out the giveaway!
Also get 10% off at Educents with code CGA10 through 3/3

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

14 Book Series for Upper Elementary Boys

PicMonkey Collage
When my son graduated from picture books it was so hard to find books that looked interesting to him!  Here is a great list of chapter books for upper elementary one of them is bound to interest your son (but probably more than one will!).

The Secrets of Droon Series

A Series of Unfortunate Events

Dragonbreath Series

Encyclopedia Brown Series

Sugar Creek Gang Series

I Survived Series

Wishbone Series

The Chronicles of Narnia Series

The Library of Doom Series

Redwall Series

little britches
Little Britches Series

Geronimo Stilton Series

How to Train your Dragon Series

Dog Tag Series

Other offerings from Usborne Books
Extreme Adventures Series

Oliver Moon Series

Jack Russell:  Dog Detective Series

Many of these series even have pictures which is a bonus for my 3rd grade son, he can read at higher levels, but misses having pictures!  These series have all been read by us or recommended by others with boys in age range of 8-10.  As with any recommendations please evaluate and make your own decision for your own family. 


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