These last two weeks we finished up our Animal Kingdoms unit for science, talking about Mammals, and then reviewing the vertebrate kingdoms.
We also played the game Quick Pix Animals

We watched The Magic School Bus Bats episode, and Brain Pop Jr Classifying Animals (It’s FREE!)
For History we talked about Ancient China
C read
We watched

We also watched an Ancient China episode on Brain Pop Jr (you need a subscription to view this)
Then C practiced some of his Chinese words for the week by painting them (I printed them extra large). The one he is showing below he did on his own from memory, after seeing it on Big Bird in China.
They also got out the play dough and tried to make their own Terracotta Warriors (no pictures).
It was a good two weeks even though we didn’t get any field trips in b/c of colds! Boo!
We will be taking a few weeks off of our regular science curriculum to do a review…but will pick up next week with History. This week we are off to the beach!
*Check out Brain Pop Jr, they have a few free videos and then a featured FREE video each week. Brain Pop has one FREE video a day. Recently they have had videos about Tornados, Land Changes, Bridges (they seem to go along with current events, like the OK tornado and the WA bridge collapse). We just bought a subscription through the Homeschool Buyers Co-op at 25% off. But you can get the FREE stuff online or by downloading the FREE APP!
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