Math-U-See Gamma
Elemental Science – Earth Science and Astronomy
Beautiful Feet Early American History
Handwriting Without Tears Printing Power - Grade 2
First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind: Level 1 with
Audio Companion for Levels 1 & 2

Explode the Code/Book Four

Chinese – continue with Chinese tutor until we move, then restart Better Chinese program
Religion –
Hands On Church History

Geography –
Little Passports US States Edition
Reading – The history curriculum is very reading heavy, we will be using those books (obviously) and adding in some of our own selections based on topics we cover in History and Science, as well as just for fun choices. We like to take suggestions from
Sonlight’s reading lists (Core D is Early American History) and also
Usborne books.
Co-op – will consist of Art and Music Appreciation, Geography Presentations and Science Experiments. We will meet every other week. When planning out co-op this year, I took a look at the things I wanted to cover in the past, but yet always get put on the back burner….this is how I came up with the subjects we will cover. We will be losing some of our members from the last two years due to military moves.
HISTORY NOTE: We follow the classical model for History and Science, which means that technically we should be studying Middle Ages this year. I was all set to do so, even purchased Pandia Press History Odyssey Middle Ages I, but after careful consideration we decided to do US History for a variety of reasons. The main reason is that we are scheduled to leave Hawaii March 2014, we are planning a cross country RV tour from California to Maryland. The second reason is we have hopes of getting an overseas tour, so we don’t plan to be in Maryland very long 4mos – 1.5yrs is all, so why not study the US while we are still in the US. It will also be great to work in the US States study during this time…we never quite finished it when we started previously, I’m always a bit over zealous when we start out the year! I chose not to use Pandia Press because I wanted to focus primarily on US History, Early Modern History includes World History. Also, I have heard mixed reviews on SOTW 3 & 4, that it’s geared more towards older kids (my son is 7) and that they are sort of dreary (lots of war) and not nearly as interesting as 1 & 2. I love the idea of REAL LIFE BOOKS, so Beautiful Books really appealed to me. I have also been eyeing the company for consideration in Middle School and High School, so this is a great opportunity for me to try them out. We will plan to cover MIddle Ages afterwards, and then Early Modern and Modern….then start the yr rotation again with Ancients.
SCIENCE NOTE: We loved Pandia Press for Science in First Grade, and I went back and forth in regards to using them for Second Grade. I still think that their Earth Science and Astronomy Program is a great one (from what I have looked over with the try before you buy program)…BUT…after comparing the outlines of Pandia Press and Elemental Science, I liked that Elemental Science spent some time on Natural Disasters, a topic that I know my son will be fascinated by. I prefer the lab sheets from Pandia Press; Elemental Science requires a lot more writing, which I will have to adapt because my son does NOT LIKE TO WRITE! Right now I plan to do this by just having him keep a science notebook, and draw pictures or make notes as he sees fit.
I think one thing I’ve learned over the last two years of ‘officially’ homeschooling is to make more reasonable expectations for the school year. I’m sure there will be things that don’t work out and/or change for various reasons, but I’ve decided to start out the year lighter….which makes me feel (as I look over this list) that I’m forgetting something! Haha
We will start our ‘offical’ new school year in September
Our Preschool choices can be found
Our Extra Curricular choices can be found
Linking up at
Teach Them Diligently for Curriculum Choice Share 2013-2014
Weekly Wrap Up - Curriculum Edition