We used Homeschool Legacy, Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims Once-a-week unit study for this review.
We have used Homeschool Legacy before and LOVED it! See our previous review of Lewis and Clark unit study!
This particular unit study is labeled a ‘micro-study’ because it is only 6 lessons (6 weeks) and they lessons are pretty short.
One of the great things about Homeschool Legacy units, including Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims, is that it consists of one lesson a week. We typically take off Friday for swimming, but could easily fit in these lessons afterwards.
Each unit consists of 6 lessons, one less a week, for 6 weeks. There are recommended read aloud books for the course of the units. Each daily lesson consists of History lessons. The lessons are laid out, and read directly from the text. There are sometimes hyperlinks within the text to more information on the topic, for example in this unit, there was a link to read about the First Amendment. Other links lead to recipes, video clips and virtual tours.
I was able to easily give the lessons from my iPad, and show the video clips as well, sometimes we would use the laptop and cast the videos to the TV to more easily see them. (But that also required going downstairs, and we do most of our schooling upstairs).
There was some map work involved and vocabulary (looking up definitions) also.
I found the unit quite interesting, as we have a distant ancestor that came across on the Mayflower! I feel like most of it was more geared towards older kids, at least in my families case. It is recommended for grades 1-8, but might be more suited for 3rd grade and up. There are opportunities for research and report writing, as well as oral presentations, so it could be easily adapted for older students. For younger kids, in most cases they could just really listen, which didn’t always interest them.
This unit leads up to Christmas, so would be best used starting Mid October to Early November, as activities toward the end include Christmas Caroling and making garland decorations.
There is a yummy wassail recipe that we drank after Trick-or-Treating, that is recommended for after Caroling! (But since we were using it early….that would not have worked).
This unit was not as hands on as the previous one we reviewed. It did have some game activities and crafting, but nothing that really grasped my children’s interest (ages 3-10).
The lessons were fairly short, which was nice. They were also very informative. I feel like a lot was learned in those short lessons. This unit would probably go well with Christmas Comes to America, a 4 week unit study for the month of December! You can find reviews on this one and other Unit Studies by clicking on the image at the bottom of this post!
There are a lot of great unit studies available from Homeschool Legacy, it’s a great way to mix things up a bit in your schooling, without changing up the routine too much!
Although this one was not one of our favorites, I still recommend them to others often!
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