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Some of the links on this blog are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and/or believe will add value to my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Share it Saturday!

Man, this week flew by….I knew I was forgetting SOMETHING!!  Sorry it’s late, but better late than never! 

Share it Saturday- final

Please visit my co-hosts:

Colleen & Leann from Sugar Aunts
Mary Catherine from Fun-a-Day
Devany from Still Playing School

If your interested in joining us as a Share It Saturday host, please contact me!

Check out our Share It Saturday Pinterest Board!

Each week I will highlight a few previously linked posts.  Visit my co-hosts to see how they “Share It Saturday”!

Highlights from last week:

Valentine crafts

star slime sensory play for kids
Star Slime

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Week 24 in Review


Weekend – Well last Friday brought sleet/snow so I didn’t get to leave on my girls weekend as planned.  I stayed in and organized my craft stuff…then I left about 630am Saturday morning.  It actually turned out well because there was ZERO traffic!  I made it in record time (just under 2hrs).  We spent Saturday and Sunday morning scrapping and I got several pages done!  We even went out to dinner Saturday night and stopped by to visit my Grandma for a bit.  I left just after lunch on Sunday and there was ZERO traffic headed home! Was a great trip! 

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My accomplishments!  95-100% of items used are from Close to My Heart

Monday – Wow!  Monday was rough!  That’s about all I can say about that!  I think it was just bad because we were all hoping for snow and that hubby would get to stay home…no such luck.  It did snow, but only these teeny tiny flakes that never really amounted to anything.  The good news was that Martial Arts was still a go. Speech was rescheduled though because by evening time it was looking ugly.  I did some shopping therapy in while the kids were at MMA.  I took Baby Girl to Kohl’s to get her some snow boots.  They had ONE pair, that was her size,(actually one size too big)…but regularly $45, I got them for $19.  I call that a win!  (what’s with kids shoes being so $$$$).  I also got the kids those cute book and stuffed animals to match for Kohl’s Care’s for their Easter basket!  They are such a great deal $10 for the stuffed animal and the book! 

Tuesday – Hubby had a delay to work, so he didn’t leave until 830 (usually leaves about 530).  This was a MUCH better day!  I like Tuesdays because I don’t feel like I’m running every which way!  We typically stay home.  It’s like the ONLY day all week we are at home.  Why is it called “home’ school again?? 

Wednesday – An even better day!  Martial Arts and Speech was rescheduled for today too. 

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Everyday this week I’ve also made a little bit of progress in the schoolroom, it’s coming along nicely

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Thursday – Co-op started back up after a seasonal break.  The kids were all so excited to get back to see their friends.  There are some great classes lined up this semester, but I think C has the best of them!  We’ve go so many great mom’s teaching!  Baby Girl also turned 15mos today!  Wow!  Where does time go?  It was snowing a bit this evening, she brought her new boots to daddy, so he took her outside.  She had a great time, but then she feel and busted her mouth when they were coming back in :/  OUCH!  She is a trooper though she recovered rather quickly, despite the bloody, fat lip…..it was nothing a frozen gogurt couldn’t take care of. 

Friday – As always Swimming!  Computer School…It’s a good thing, because taking all 4 kids swimming is just exhausting to me!  It’s nice to come home and relax a bit.  We have our Architecture class too!  Did you catch last weeks builds on Instagram

This weekend we have our first Pine Wood Derby!  I think I’ll spend Saturday morning getting some more school room organizing going!  I also owe Z a date night this month…which is slowly creeping away from us (where did January go??)

The weather has not allowed me to go to my Aerobics classes either, so hopefully next week will be better! 

Next week is another fun-filled one!  2 Field Trips – We will be making it to our first Home Depot First Saturday Kids Workshop…have you been?  It’s FREE!

Link Ups this week -

Workbox Wednesday – Kites and Magnets
Field Trip Friday – Rose Hill Manor, Frederick MD
Share it Saturday

Post you might have missed -

Poppins Book Nook–To The Laboratory! #Giveaway
President’s Day FREE Printables Round Up

I’ve got some REALLY GREAT Reviews I’m working on right now!  I can’t wait to share them with you!

Linking up at:

and Weekly Wrap up with Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers Blog

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Thursday, January 29, 2015

Field Trip #157 Friday Blog Hop–Rose Hill Manor Museum, Frederick, MD

Field Trip Friday!
Blog Hop designed to share 'FIELD TRIP' related Blog Posts

(does not have to be a 'home school field trip', can be any trip to any place with your children!)
**NOTE:  Before linking up please review guidelines HERE


    Rose Hill Manor Park and Children’s Museum had an Open House Homeschool Day.  This was the first time we had ever been, I had only briefly heard of it when we lived in MD previously.  It was a such a nice little place, I hope to be able to visit in the spring when it isn’t so close to take advantage of the outside exhibits also. 

    Rose Hill Manor Frederick MD

    Wednesday, January 28, 2015

    Workbox Wednesday–Kites and Magnetism

    Chestnut Grove Academy

    Welcome to Workbox Wednesday!  If you use workboxes, tot trays, or anything similar, feel free to post a link to your blog post or a picture (pictures can be from facebook, but please make sure they are PUBLIC so we can see them, or use a host like photobucket.com to get a URL for your photo) that shows WHAT IS IN YOUR BOXES!

    Please visit my co-host at Tots and Me and Line Upon Line Learning

    Visit others that link up, leave comments, follow, etc.  The favors will be returned!  Feel free to grab a button too, so others can find the link up and join in the fun!


    2015-01-21 09.31.442015-01-21 09.31.58
    These two are for my 15mo (L) is from Letter K at Confessions of a Homeschooler.  The (R) is from 3 Dinosaurs, I used plastic shapes or cut out shapes from foam.

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    These kites are also from Confessions of a Homeschooler.  I attached ribbon tails and got bow shaped hair clips to add to the tails.  This is for my 4yo.  You’ll need two boxes to have enough to do all 10 kites.

    My kids favorite are always the Roll & Graph activities (especially my 5yo), and anything that has stamps!  Stamping K’s for instance on a kite!  Lot of great choices and Deb, has lots of great ideas as well at PreK & K Sharing.

    Living Montessori Now has a GREAT list of Kite Themed Printables.  I used many of them, however these were the ones I sort of made my own (as opposed to just printing and using).


    So many magnetic things are tiny pieces that my tot will most likely put in her mouth (though she is pretty good about not doing it, it does happen).  I wanted to put together some discovery bottles that would be fun but SAFE! 

    Additionally I wanted my older kids to have fun too!  My 8yo is doing a Moving Beyond the Page Electricity and Magnetism (& Ben Franklin) unit, so I wanted to put some things together that would coincide for the youngers.

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    The bottles are as follows:
    1.  BBs (as in BB gun)
    2.  jingle bells
    3.  colored paperclips
    4.  cut up pipe cleaners
    5.  Magnetic counting chips (pictured below)

    I bought the Mighty Magnet Set (pictured below) and it was great b/c all the pieces were large enough that I didn’t have to worry about my tot.  The magnets were large enough for little hands to grip too.  They all had a blast (though for some reason I didn’t get any pics of my tot playing with them!).

    Monday, January 26, 2015

    Poppins Book Nook–To The Laboratory! #Giveaway

    Poppins Book Nook
    <div align="center"><a href="http://enchantedhomeschoolingmom.org/2014/02/poppins-book-nook/" title="Poppins Book Nook"><img src="http://i1141.photobucket.com/albums/n597/enchantedhomeschoolingmom/ProfileImage_zpse3f27ae8.png" alt="Poppins Book Nook" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
    Grab the code above to come and link up each month and share what YOU do with the theme!  We look forward to hearing from you!

    This Year’s Co-hosts

    Enchanted Homeschooling Mom ~ 3 Dinosaurs ~ To the Moon and Back ~ Planet Smarty Pants ~ Farm Fresh Adventures ~ Growing in God�s Grace ~ Chestnut Grove Academy ~ Learning and Growing the Piwi Way ~ The Usual Mayhem~ Preschool Powol Packets ~ Monsters Ed Homeschool Academy ~ Adventures in Mommydom ~Teach Beside Me ~ Life with Moore Babies ~ Kathy�s Cluttered Mind ~ Are We There Yet? ~ Our Crafts N Things ~Hopkins Homeschool ~ ABC Creative Learning ~ Joy Focused Learning ~ P is for Preschooler ~ My Bright Firefly~A Mommy�s Adventures ~ Inspiring 2 New Hampshire Children ~ World for Learning ~ Ever After in the Woods ~Golden Grasses ~ A glimpse of our life ~ Journey to Excellence ~ Happy Little Homemaker ~ Little Homeschool Blessings ~ Raventhreads ~ Tots and Me ~ As We Walk Along The Road ~ Stir the Wonder ~ For This Season ~Where Imagination Grows ~ The Canadian Homeschooler ~ School Time Snippets ~ Peakle Pie ~ A Moment in our World ~ Every Bed of Roses ~ Finchnwren ~ At Home Where Life Happens ~ The Library Adventure ~Embracing Destiny ~ Day by Day in our World ~ Our Homeschool Studio ~ A �Peace� of Mind ~ Thou Shall Not Whine ~ SAHM I am  ~ Simple Living Mama

    PicMonkey Collage



    Ultimate Gruffalo Giveaway! Every month the Poppins Book Nook group will be offering readers a chance to win a brand new storybook or product that ties in with our theme for the month. This month one lucky entrant will win the Ultimate Gruffalo Giveaway. The winner will enjoy twice the magical enchantment in the double feature of The Gruffalo and The Gruffalo's Child! The beautifully animated films based on the best-selling books are now together on DVD from NCircle Entertainment! And the fun doesn’t stop there as they will also win a storybook of the Gruffalo and Gruffalo themed plush too!
    Entrants must be 18years or older and reside in a country that receives U.S. Postal mail. This giveaway is brought to you by the company Enchanted Homeschooling Mom who is owner and founder of the Poppins Book Nook and this month’s prize bundle will be sent to the winner directly from this month’s sponsor NCircle Entertainment. By entering this giveaway you are also acknowledging that you have read and agree to all of the Rafflecopter terms & conditions as well as Enchanted Homeschooling Mom's disclosures found here.  Just enter the Rafflecopter below to win:

    Link Up:

    Link up your magical "To The Laboratory!" book fun below!

    The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


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