Weekend – Well last Friday brought sleet/snow so I didn’t get to leave on my girls weekend as planned. I stayed in and organized my craft stuff…then I left about 630am Saturday morning. It actually turned out well because there was ZERO traffic! I made it in record time (just under 2hrs). We spent Saturday and Sunday morning scrapping and I got several pages done! We even went out to dinner Saturday night and stopped by to visit my Grandma for a bit. I left just after lunch on Sunday and there was ZERO traffic headed home! Was a great trip!

My accomplishments! 95-100% of items used are from Close to My Heart!
Monday – Wow! Monday was rough! That’s about all I can say about that! I think it was just bad because we were all hoping for snow and that hubby would get to stay home…no such luck. It did snow, but only these teeny tiny flakes that never really amounted to anything. The good news was that Martial Arts was still a go. Speech was rescheduled though because by evening time it was looking ugly. I did some shopping therapy in while the kids were at MMA. I took Baby Girl to Kohl’s to get her some snow boots. They had ONE pair, that was her size,(actually one size too big)…but regularly $45, I got them for $19. I call that a win! (what’s with kids shoes being so $$$$). I also got the kids those cute book and stuffed animals to match for Kohl’s Care’s for their Easter basket! They are such a great deal $10 for the stuffed animal and the book!
Tuesday – Hubby had a delay to work, so he didn’t leave until 830 (usually leaves about 530). This was a MUCH better day! I like Tuesdays because I don’t feel like I’m running every which way! We typically stay home. It’s like the ONLY day all week we are at home. Why is it called “home’ school again??
Wednesday – An even better day! Martial Arts and Speech was rescheduled for today too.

Everyday this week I’ve also made a little bit of progress in the schoolroom, it’s coming along nicely

Thursday – Co-op started back up after a seasonal break. The kids were all so excited to get back to see their friends. There are some great classes lined up this semester, but I think C has the best of them! We’ve go so many great mom’s teaching! Baby Girl also turned 15mos today! Wow! Where does time go? It was snowing a bit this evening, she brought her new boots to daddy, so he took her outside. She had a great time, but then she feel and busted her mouth when they were coming back in :/ OUCH! She is a trooper though she recovered rather quickly, despite the bloody, fat lip…..it was nothing a frozen gogurt couldn’t take care of.
Friday – As always Swimming! Computer School…It’s a good thing, because taking all 4 kids swimming is just exhausting to me! It’s nice to come home and relax a bit. We have our Architecture class too! Did you catch last weeks builds on Instagram?
This weekend we have our first Pine Wood Derby! I think I’ll spend Saturday morning getting some more school room organizing going! I also owe Z a date night this month…which is slowly creeping away from us (where did January go??)
The weather has not allowed me to go to my Aerobics classes either, so hopefully next week will be better!
Next week is another fun-filled one! 2 Field Trips – We will be making it to our first Home Depot First Saturday Kids Workshop…have you been? It’s FREE!
Link Ups this week -
Workbox Wednesday – Kites and Magnets
Field Trip Friday – Rose Hill Manor, Frederick MD
Share it Saturday
Post you might have missed -
Poppins Book Nook–To The Laboratory! #Giveaway
President’s Day FREE Printables Round Up
I’ve got some REALLY GREAT Reviews I’m working on right now! I can’t wait to share them with you!
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