We were happy to be able to check out the We Choose Virtues: Parenting Cards in the King James Version for this review. I have used previously the New International Version, but our religion uses the KJV of the Bible and was excited that they recently added these cards! I was even more excited to be able to be part of the review for them!
Along with the Parenting Cards we received the Download Bundle, which included Kids of VirtueVille Coloring Book (PDF Download)
Family Character Assessment (PDF Download)
Teacher's Handbook (PDF Download)
Butterfly Awards for Kids (PDF Download)
We Choose Virtues is a great program for introducing and instilling these important characteristics in your children. The virtues are linked to characters to help children remember them easier. They are linked to the scriptural references, and have sayings to help explain what the virtue IS and what it IS NOT. (as pictured below).
(front of NIrV version)
The backs of the cards dialogues, teaching ideas and ways to help remember the virtue by the character name (shown below).
The download bundle, though not required to use the cards, is also helpful. The Teaching Handbook has more teaching ideas. It also has great points for ‘teachers’ (in our case parents) on modeling the virtues and why that’s important. Of course, as parents we always try our best to be good examples to our kids, however, I know that I am not always the best example of patience. I am sure some times I lack in other areas as well, so it was a good reminder to me to always be at my best, so that my kids can be too!
My kids enjoyed the coloring pages that went along with each virtue. After introducing a virtue, we would color the page that went along with it. Honestly, my kids are not lovers of coloring, but they did enjoy coloring these pages. (I was surprised).
I was not too fond of the Family Character Assessment. It just was not a good match for my kids (especially my oldest, who tends to be pretty hard on himself sometimes). After completing it, he was really sad and made some comments about how he is horrible. We do struggle in a lot of the areas that were on the assessment, but those are typical things for a child his age. He is not a BAD kid by any means. I was sad that the exercise made him feel that way, so we did not refer back to it at all. We did discuss that everyone has room for improvement and no one is perfect. I would just use the exercise with caution, based on your own family.
We used the Parenting Cards at circle time each morning. We picked a new virtue each week, and we recited the card and scripture each morning. The card was on display in our circle time area throughout the week, and after coloring the character page we also displayed it in the classroom.
We made an extra effort that week to work on the virtue, and point out when we were exhibiting it successfully. I tried really hard to make this a positive reinforcement, and not point out ‘lack of’ virtues. If it seemed someone was lacking in the virtue at the moment, I would ask them what the virtue of the week was, and what they could do that would show that virtue (in the situation at hand). It was a great reminder for everyone and helped them to think out the situation and their response to the situation.
These really are a great tool for introducing and initiating conversation about the virtues. They could easily be built upon by using books, other scriptures (the KJV only includes Old Testament verses), videos, etc. To make an even more in depth lesson on the virtue OR they can be used on their own. Either way great lessons are to be learned.
The cards are recommended for ages 3-11years old (and are great reminders for us as parents too). The Parenting Cards cost $38.49 and the Downloadable Bundle costs $7.99. Other products are also available to add to the experience. Check out their website for more details.
**We Choose Virtues has graciously provided reader discount codes**
1. JUNE: *Promo Code BIG50 for 50% off our amazing set of 12 11x17 Kids of VirtueVille Posters! This is the first time we have ever offered these posters at this price. They are great for school classrooms, Kids Church, or your homeschool room. Kids love them for their bedrooms, bathrooms and kids’ hallways.
2. JUNE-AUGUST: *Promo Code BTS20 for 20% off anything in our WCV Store. This includes any kit. Let’s start School with Virtues this year!
*Only one promo code per order

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