My kids love to watch TV any chance they get! We do not watch a lot of it, so they were stoked to be able to review the Go Science DVDs (Series 2) from Library and Educational Services.
We got to check out two new DVDs from Series 2. The first was Sound, Gravity and Space. This DVD consisted of 15 clips about 3-10 minutes in length. Each clip is a different experiment based on that topic. You have the choice to watch all the clips (one after the other) or you can pick specific clips to watch. In most cases the experiments consist of “Do not try this at home” demonstrations or they use equipment that is not easy to come by or is very large and not an experiment you would do in home.
The experiments are taped with a group of children, who participate in the experiments alongside Ben Roy, whom is the ‘teacher’ in these videos.

Here is a clip from the Gravity section of Volume One DVD (pictured above).
The second was Life Science and Weather. This DVD is set up the same as the first; the experiments just encompass the different subject matter.

My kids enjoyed these experiments. They did not enjoy the simpler experiments nearly as much as the larger (cannot be done at home) experiments. I felt that it was more beneficial in those cases, they were able to see things that they otherwise may not have ever seen. Some of the simpler experiments were actually things we had already done in the past.
This is a Christian company and Ben Roy does bring a lot of the experiments and science lessons back to relation with God. He points out that science and God are linked and usually has some sort of short religious lesson that goes with the experiment.
We used these DVDs two ways. The first DVD we watched in segments, based on the topics at hand. Only watching a few clips each day. The second DVD we watched from beginning to end in one sitting. My kids enjoyed the DVD better when we watched just a little at a time. They lost interest when we watched a lot at once.
I enjoyed the little clips in small doses as well. When watching them one after the other there were a few things noticed by myself and my children that kind of got annoying over time. Nothing major, just things like Ben Roy says ‘interesting’ A LOT. He also ends each clip the same way, with the phrase – “When you learn about Science, you learn more about Your Creator – God”, hearing that every 3-10mins more than a few times was a bit excessive.
I think the best way to use these DVDs would be to watch 1-2 experiments in a sitting. Pick the experiments that co-relate to the science you are studying. If the experiment is one you CAN do at home, try it! Having the do at home experiments on the DVD can come in handy if the experiment doesn’t go quite right (I think this has happened to the best of us at least once!).
My kid’s favorite clips from Volume 1 were the Candle SeeSaw, Solar Bag and Bang Barrel. They really enjoyed all the Weather experiments from Volume 2, but their favorite was the Liquid Nitrogen Cloud.
The fact that the clips are short is great for younger kids or those with shorter attention spans. Even though my kids lost some interest when watching them all in a row, some of the really amazing experiments quickly drew them back in. I heard “Can we do that!” A LOT! I had to point out several times that we didn’t have the proper materials, they were hard to fine, etc.. There are some really neat ones on these videos! Every kid is bound to have several of them that get them excited about science!
The DVDs are available at the Library and Educational Services website. They cost $8.97 each or can be purchased as a set (7 DVDS, over 80 experiments) for $59.82. They are recommended for ages 4-12 years old. My 3.5 year old enjoyed them as well. Each DVD is about an hour in total viewing length.

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