Who doesn’t love the beloved childhood book character Peter Rabbit? I do! and my kids do too! We were more than happy to review sequels to the childhood story remade by Kinder Cottage Publishing. We choose to review Peter Rabbit at the Farm and How Peter Rabbit Went to Sea. I thought these would be great titles since my kids love the ocean and love animals. I had no idea that sequels even existed! These stories are all hard back adaptations to the original 1917 publications by the Henry Altemus Company.

Peter Rabbit still likes to get into mischief, that’s for sure! But now his adventures take him even farther from home then Mr. McGregor’s garden. My children adored these stories, particularly my 3 year old, who asked for them to be read again and again. These make great bed time story books, cuddle up on the couch books, or read alone books. My 7 year old could easily read them himself, he reads at about a 4th grade level. I would say these books are about a 2nd grade reading level (for independent reading).
In Peter Rabbit at the Farm, Peter wanders off to Mr. McGregor’s Farm. There he finds a goose who is having some trouble. He offers to help, but ends up getting in all sorts of troubles, as Peter tends to do. He meets several farm animals and enjoys watching the lambs the best. He sneaks around trying to avoid Mr. McGregor and his helping hands. He then manages to return home to his mother and siblings with the help of a crow.
In How Peter Rabbit Went to Sea, Peter gets into trouble when he doesn’t complete an errand that his mother sent him on. (Just a warning to some who may not feel it appropriate, Peter does get a spanking in this book.) After being scolded Peter runs off crying into the woods. The next day Peter gets himself into more mischief by disobeying his mother. She has strictly forbidden them to go to the brook, but Peter wants to sail a boat. He goes to the brook and makes a boat and sails off far away to sea. He meets a whale, a shark and a sea gull, then returns home and goes off to bed. His mischief always wears him out!
Both stories keep to the same tune and style of the first Peter Rabbit story, which so many are familiar with. The illustrations are an older style, preserved from the original stories as well. We thought these books were cute, and everyone enjoyed them. They were very classical and reminiscent of my husband and my childhood.
Peter Rabbit reminds me of my oldest son, a Curious George or Dennis the Menace of sorts. He doesn’t mean to get into mischief, he is curious about the world around him, loves to create and explore. I feel for Mother Rabbit though, always worrying about what Peter has gotten into or what he is up to now!
These books are 5”x7” hardback books are are available for $4.00 each. They both are 64 pages longs. These books are best suited for ages 3-9 years old.