Welcome to Workbox Wednesday! If you use workboxes, tot trays, or anything similar, feel free to post a link to your blog post or a picture (pictures can be from Facebook, but please make sure they are PUBLIC so we can see them, or use a host like photobucket.com to get a URL for your photo) that shows WHAT IS IN YOUR BOXES!
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This week I am featuring my 2nd graders boxes. His boxes do not change a whole lot from day to day for the most part. BUT, we have just started a new review for Moving Beyond the Page. These are his boxes from DAY 1 of the unit study.

The front of the boxes. I label them by subject, there is a with Mom card I use if he has to do it with me (teacher guided). There are a few other cards I may sticker here as well, as you’ll see with the history box.

L to R: WriteShop Lesson (another review we are doing), Vocabulary exercise from Moving Beyond the Page, Atlas, Desert Toob and Biomes worksheet (MBP).

L to R: Texas worksheet (MBP) and Texas items from Continent box, Geology book and project items which include Chocolate Chip Cookies, toothpicks, Periodic Elements Table, Data Chart and Graph (MBP), Math U See Gamma Unit 13 test

L to R: Gemstones worksheet (MBP), All About Spelling, Church History Reader

Since History is on the computer, this drawer is empty and I placed a computer tag on the box.
We do not have a particular order we do our boxes in with the exception that Religion is FIRST and History is LAST. I will ask him to do boxes that do not need my assistance in place of those that do IF I am busy with the other kids. Sometimes he doesn’t really feel like doing any of the boxes, and he will be indecisive, in those cases, I choose…otherwise he has the say in the order of which he does his school work.