SchoolhouseTeachers.com is an online, fully inclusive curriculum AND it’s affordable! Sound to good to be true? Well it’s not!
SchoolhouseTeachers.com has EVERYTHING you need for a full program or to use as a supplement, filling in curricular gaps for PreK – 12th grade.
The website consists of a large variety of subjects and activities for every age/grade. All you do is pick which subjects, go to the lesson and implement. Waa-la, it’s that easy!
No more lesson planning, researching, or preparing needed!

Maybe you already have a curriculum you are using that you LOVE, even still SchoolhouseTeachers.com has something for you!
Liven up your everyday routine with activities from the Dailies menu, how about Daily Games, Everyday Astronomy, This Day in History, Daily Spelling Lists or Copy Work there are lots of activities available to boost your current curriculum.
Membership also includes a virtual library with resource books of varying topics, access to all issues (digital format) of The Schoolhouse Magazine (dating back to 2007), a FREE monthly ebook, Schoolhouse Expo Webinar recordings and all 5 of The Schoolhouse Digital Planners.
Additionally, the Teachers at SchoohouseTeachers.com are only an email away to answer any questions you have about their lessons.

Each month the wealth of information and resources is built upon as new lessons are posted, giving access to more and more learning possibilities.
We took a close look at their Classical History, and jumped into a lesson on the Canaanites, to supplement our already scheduled lesson this week. The lesson was easily outlined, it gave a brief explanation and history of the Canaanites, gave suggestions for further reading (from a variety of sources), a coloring page and a video. The lessons also include a list of suggested resources that go along with all of the Ancient History Lessons. The lesson was very easy to follow, took no preplanning, most of the recommended texts were items we already had for studying history. It was really so simple!
We also took a look at the Virtual Library Craft Shelf, where a variety of art projects are suggested by month! We will be making the Shaving Cream Christmas Cards this weekend!
I especially liked their Dailies section, with a wide variety of daily activities to add to our school day! Daily Spelling, Daily Math, Daily Copy work, Daily Games! The possibilities are endless!
The entire website is VERY easy to navigate and each lesson is plainly laid out. They even provide a weekly checklist to make sure you cover every intended subject!
You can incorporate what SchoolhouseTeachers.com has to offer as much or as little as you like to best fit the needs of your family. It is so versatile!
The best part is that you can get your first month for only $1, and each additional month is only $5.95. That’s it! No additional fees per child. It’s only $5.95 for unlimited access to ALL SchoolhouseTeachers.com has to offer!
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Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this product through the Schoolhouse Review Crew in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations.
Great review! We really love the site as well!