In preparation for our Butterfly Unit last week, we planted a crown flower (milkweed) plant in our yard. You know the old adage, ‘build it and they will come’, well in this case it was ‘plant it and they will come’. In a short amount of time we had caterpillars and caterpillar eggs on our plant! (Monarch caterpillars only eat Milkweed plants, so it is the only place Monarch’s lay their eggs).
We had a butterfly habitat from Insect Lore from a few years back when we did Painted Lady butterflies. We have been using that to house our Monarch caterpillars. We have released 3 butterflies already, and now have 9 chrysalis!
The kids have had a lot of fun taking care of them and helping my husband bring in fresh crown flower leaves.
(I already made mention of this in our FTF post from last week, but wanted to share some pictures!)
Want Monarchs?? Plant some milkweed!
For more information go to
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