At A+ Interactive Math, they recognize the hardship that many homeschooling families face and they want to do their part to help during this holiday season. They believe it is their social responsibility to help others; therefore, they have created the Holiday Giveaway program so that they can do their part in helping homeschooling families, especially during this holiday season.
Their A+ Multi-Sensory Interactive Math Curriculum Software has already helped so may families over the last 5+ years. However, due to a variety of reasons many families struggle to get access to the very best educational resources that provide the best possible education in order for their children to reach their fullest potential. They completely understand this dilemma and are doing their part to help as many homeschooling families as possible.
The Holiday Giveaway program will provide Full Year Math Curriculum totally FREE to a total of 50 families. This is estimated to total $6250 in retail value. In addition to 50 families receiving the A+ Multi-Sensory Interactive Math Curriculum totally FREE, they will also provide a 40% off coupon code to all the families that enter or are nominated for the giveaway (after the giveaway concludes on Christmas Day). This will be the lowest price ever, even lower than the conference special prices.
Every family that is nominated will receive help from us this holiday season!
Please visit them on the web at http://www.aplustutorsoft.com and click on the Holiday Giveaway to learn more. Also, be sure to look at the FAQs and Guidelines for more information.
I did a review for A+ Tutorsoft not too long ago, you can check it out HERE
So go on over and enter yourself or nominate someone you know could benefit from free curriculum (isn’t that most of us??!!)