Well, we aren’t really using workboxes this week….this entire month is going to be off a bit with Christmas coming up, and we have company coming later this week, and then we are taking a week long vacation. So, I know I’ve kept up a post a day since diving in head first to this blog, but this month you may find I don’t live up to those standards.
Moving right along, even though we don’t technically have workboxes this week, I did want to share some activities we are doing.
First off, we are doing an Australia Unit Study (Little Passports), it’s a bit different from how we usually do our Little Passports Country Study, but this time we are using Unit Study with Amanda Bennett’s Expedition Australia. And we are really enjoying it. We’ve supplemented some stuff from Enchanted Learning, and Expedition Earth as well….so that’s the bulk of our study this week.
We put our Christmas Decorations up for Family Home Evening this past Monday. So the boys have really be enthralled by them, particularly the nativity scenes. This block nativity set I made several years ago at a Relief Society Super Saturday. Today me and the two littlest guys had lots of fun stacking them and knocking them down! We would talk about the characters on each block, naming the animals, their sounds, pointing out baby Jesus, etc. (I’ll post a tutorial on the Nativity Blocks later this week).
They also enjoy playing with my Holiday Beanie Babies (I discovered their fascination for them with the Halloween and Thanksgiving ones I had, and my Christmas ones are much more abundant)
We also have a Little People Nativity set, and several other little nativity sets (non-breakable, that C has really enjoyed playing with). There is a large basket of Christmas themed books by the Christmas tree as well.
December 1st we begin our Daily Christmas Lessons from the Discover Christmas Book by Discover the Scriptures, as well as our Advent Calendar with scripture and candy.
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