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Monday, July 4, 2011

Math Monday - Math Books from Usborne Books

We didn't really do anything unique and exciting last week in regards to math, so I thought I would feature some of the MATH books and tools that Usborne Books has to offer 

 A Learning Palette Math Intro Pack is the ideal way to help children enjoy and understand all aspects of important mathematical concepts. Each Intro Pack includes curriculum written at the specific grade level of your child. Did you know your child can learn and understand Algebra, Geometry, Probability, as well as Numeration problems as early as First Grade and Second Grade. With Learning Palette Math Intro Packs your child will have FUN and be CHALLENGED to learn the appropriate mathematical skills necessary in his or her grade level.  Available for K, 1st and 2nd grades.  Available in sets or individually.

10 days to addition, subtraction or multiplication series.  Available as boxed sets or individually.
This hands-on approach to basic skills is a unique patented learning tool which utilizes visual and tactile learning senses. It gives immediate feedback by providing a built-in self-correcting feature. Children will master basic skills such as Addition, Division, Fractions, Multiplication, Numbers, Subtraction, and have fun in the process. Ages 4+

The Usborne Illustrated Elementary Math tells it straight and simple,explaining everything children and parents need in order to understand basic level math. This book will help to lay a firm foundation for confidence and success in math. Readers can dip in for quick explanations or work through by subject to build up knowledge step-by-step.  Ages 8+
  • Clear Definitions of over 450 key terms and concepts
  • Hundreds of useful examples and illustrations
  • Links to the best math websites the internet has to offer

A thorough understanding of numbers and math is a basic life skill, best learned when young. This colorful activity book is designed to help reinforce those essential skills, to build confidence through practice and to make learning fun. The activities have been designed in consultation with an enthusiastic elementary school math specialist and include the skills required in the math curriculums for children aged five to seven.  

Apollo is very amusing. He is also very good looking, very kind and very clever. He can even teach you how to count to ten. Pay close attention! You might just learn something else, too!  Ages 3-5

This series of activity books is both entertaining and educational. Designed to be used with adult guidance, they will provide young children with hours of fun, while encouraging the aquisition of number skills and helping improve pencil control. Ages 4-7

 FINGER MATCH is a fun, new product for children ages 3-5 and designed to teach important readiness skills for Pre-K, Early Math, and Reading. As children play with Finger Match they will improve visual discrimination using context clues, practice beginning reading skills using left to right directionality, develop fine motor skills, reinforce previously learned skills and feel successful with the unique SELF-CORRECTING feature.
Covers basic counting, big and small, left and right, and categorization.

This sticker book is designed to help young children develop vital basic number skills in a simple and enjoyable way. it starts with counting to ten and covers number recognition, number patterns and sequences, addition, subtraction and multiplication. Finding the answers to the "puzzles" encourages active learning and the charming, detailed illustrations provide plenty to talk about for children of all ages.  Ages 4+

This bright and lively book is full of activities to help young children develop first number skills in a fun way. Finding the answers to the puzzles encourages active learning and the charming illustrations provide plenty for children to talk about.  Ages 9mo+

 Explore math concepts with Pipkin the penguin, each book comes with a poster that really puts the concept into perspective!  Ages 3+

 Everyone studying math needs this book, and it is an essential study guide when preparing for exams.  Ages 12+  Also available as a kid kit
  • Over 500 definitions of all the key terms and concepts
  • More than 300 useful illustrations and diagrams
  • Over 100 worked examples
  • Comprehensive cross-referencing and detailed index
  • Internet links to recommended websites

This pack is bursting with puzzles & games that will put your math skills to the test. Use the pen to write the answers on the wipe-clean cards.  Ages 6+

Usborne First Numbers Flashcards are a great way to help your child learn about numbers. 42 of the cards show numerals or number words on one side and a picture on the reverse. Seven cards show mathematical symbols, and one card suggests ways to use the cards at home or in the classroom.  Ages 2+

An amazing flap book that shows just how fascinating maths can be.
Colourful double page topics introduce numbers, shapes and measuring, fractions, algebra, calculus and pi, and maths in everyday life.
EXACTLY 86 flaps conceal interesting facts and fun visual explanations that make abstract concepts meaningful.
With puzzles to solve and games to test calculation skills, and internet links to fun maths websites to find out more.  Ages 7+

Find these and MANY more books HERE


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