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Some of the links on this blog are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and/or believe will add value to my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Turning 33


Birthdays just aren’t what they use to be.  I guess some adults don’t care to much about their birthdays, but I would still like to have a bit of a big deal made about mine. 

How you know you’re an adult on your birthday:

You are up all night with one (or more) of your children that are not wanting to sleep (as opposed to partying with friends)

You are up at the crack of dawn with the same children who didn’t sleep all night (as opposed to sleeping in till noon to catch up on the sleep you lost while out with friends). 

Your husband insists on making dinner, instead of going out or ordering in and you wake up to a sink full of dishes.

You take a 2+ hour nap during the day of your birthday (okay that might not be different, it all depends)

Instead of being showered with gifts, your husband tells you to tell him if you see something you like and he’ll buy it. 

You get an Amazon Gift Card from you mom, and all you can find to buy is stuff for your kids.

No elaborate birthday cakes, surprise parties or expensive presents.

However, I’m trying to focus on the positives, aside from being a year older….

Things that made my birthday great this year were:

  • 85+ messages from friends and family on Facebook (Facebook really has increased the ‘I feel special factor’ on my birthday)
  • Being told “Happy Birthday” by my 5 yo when he woke up in the morning
  • Getting a quiet 2+hr nap, kid free
  • Spending the morning with my family in beautiful Hawaii
  • Waking up to two messily wrapped presents in Thomas Christmas Paper
  • C telling me my gifts were a necklace and a humming bird feeder (he was close)
  • Opening presents to find a coco nut lei with purple flowers and a butterfly shaped bird feeder, which made the gifts a bit more special.
  • Being sung happy birthday to, having my kids blow out my candles and eating a very messy, but yummy cake that was baked and decorated with lots of love (and picked out my C).


I am very thankful for my family, and the things they did to try and make my birthday special,

Happy Birthday To Me! 

Book Review - A Place Called Blessing by John Trent

A Place Called Blessing by John Trent, Ph.D. is a very uplifting and inspirational story about the life of a young boy who grew up in the foster care system.  When Josh is 5, he and his two brothers lose their parents in a car accident. Following his life from a young child through adulthood; the reader is taken on a journey of overcoming obstacles and facing feelings of inadequacy, mistrust and unworthiness.  This journey, 'where hurting ends and love begins', paints a picture of the ‘five essential elements’ as laid out in The Blessing, leading the reader on an emotionally healing journey of their own.  A self help book of sorts, but a great fiction read as well.  The principles taught in this book can be applied in many aspects of life.  
It's a feel good, tear jerking story that shows the important roles that God, love and forgiveness play in our lives.  There are discussion questions for each chapter at the end of the book; making it a great book club read or a more thought provoking self read. 
I definitely recommend this book, particularly for those trying to overcome past heartaches, on their own healing journey or who want an uplifting story to enjoy.

This book serves as a companion to Dr Trent's book The Blessing; however, A Place Called Blessing can stand on its own as well.  

I review for BookSneeze®

Friday, July 29, 2011

Field Trip #6 Friday Blog Hop

Field Trip Friday!
A Blog Hop designed to share 'FIELD TRIP' related Blog Posts

(does not have to be a 'home school field trip', can be any trip to any place with your children!)


This week was our ‘vacation’ week for the month, so today we hit up the water park!  Boy was it crowded, kids here go back to school August 1st; I think everyone wanted to get a trip in before school starts!  It’s hard to believe just a few short months ago C wouldn’t even put his face in the water, and Z hasn’t been to comfortable with the lifejacket until today!


waterpark 009waterpark 011waterpark 015waterpark 017waterpark 018

waterpark 021waterpark 020


**NOTE:  Before linking up please review guidelines HERE

    (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

    Wednesday, July 27, 2011

    Education Cubes

    Education Cubes Show & Tell

    We used the continent pages to play a game.  We printed this continent hop game from SPELL OUT LOUD Blog, then we would roll the cube to see which continent to hop to.  (we ended up having to move to the hardwood and tape them down)

    We also used the cubes for sorting animals by habitat.  We used the blank template, and I made some habitat squares to glue on them, as well as some larger habitat pages to sort the animals on.  We used TOOB animals from various places, as well as other animals we had around the house.   You can download my sorting cards and habitat squares here.

    We also played a body part bean bag game, using the body parts page and the colors page.  You roll a body parts cube, and then a color cube to know which color bean bag to put on which body part.  Try to keep them there while you roll again!

    Tuesday, July 26, 2011

    Workbox Wednesday

    Workbox Wednesday

    Gluing dots to make a ladybug

    tweezing lincoln logs to place in slots

    Painting with a spider

    Spelling with magnet tiles

    L items (HWT, leapfrog, lacing L, tracing L, sandpaper L)

    I got this great set on sale at Borders...came with bugs, poster and book.  Z had lots of fun with it.

    Check out my Math Monday and Education Cubes posts for MORE ideas!

    Monday, July 25, 2011

    Tiggerific Tuesday! Blog Hop...or Bounce CO-HOST!

    Welcome to Tiggerific Tuesday! Blog Hop...or Bounce!

    Link up, meet new friends, network with other bloggers, and have fun!

    Our Requests:
    1. Follow the Host (Magical Mouse Schoolhouse) and the Guest Host (Chestnut Grove Academy) on GFC, Networked Blogs, Twitter or Facebook. (We will follow back!) Leave a comment below to let us know.

    2. Follow as many people as you can and be sure to let them know that you are from "Tiggerific Tuesday! Blog Hop...or Bounce."

    3. You are not required to, but we'd greatly appreciate it if you could grab our button and write a post about this hop and/or display the button on your sidebar. Hops are only fun if bloggers know about them, so please help spread the word!

    4. Every week I will pick someone to Guest Host the hop with me. If you would like to be considered for the Guest Host position, leave a comment under this post to let me know you're interested and  follow us on GFC.

    Tiggerific Tuesday! Blog Hop...or Bounce!

    1. Magical Mouse Schoolhouse  46. My Magical Adventures  
    2. Chestnut Grove Academy  47. Angel Foods Kitchen  
    3. Between the Lines  48. Moms Bookshelf & More  
    4. Rose @ Walnut Acre  49. lindy  
    5. Life According to Damaris *Follows Back*  50. It's a Sunkissed Life  
    6. Adventures in Home Education  51. Tough Cookie Mommy  
    7. Boys, toys, chaos, & joys *follows back*  52. Mandas Disney Blog!  
    8. Debbie Does Coupons  53. A bit of history: Stagville Plantation  
    9. Style 'n Decor Deals *Always Follows Back*  54. SavingwithSaveOne  
    10. My Inspired Space  55. Mom 4 Real  
    11. A Simple Luxury  56. Honeybun cake - YUMMY  
    12. A Domestic Design  57. Martha  
    13. Yummy Grove  58. Learning Ideas-Grades k-8*Follows  
    14. Doorway To Health  59. Talkity Christian *Follows*  
    15. Josephine The Plumber  60. Rub Some Dirt On It  
    16. Conservasita  61. POSH- Follows  
    17. Digger Debt  62. cajunlicious  
    18. Splendid Glamour  63. Best of the Veg  
    19. Palace of Reviews  64. Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas  
    20. Ramblings of an Empty Mind  65. World for Learning  
    21. Inspiration For Moms  66. The Writing Garden - easy essay curr.  
    22. Jessy @ Our Side of the Mountain  67. Croppermom  
    23. About A Mom  68. Love of Anything Disney  
    24. Can do it MOM-MouseFan Diane  69. Stacy Uncorked *follows back*  
    25. Cute-Ecakes  70. Return to Disney  
    26. Love{&}Bugs  71. Where Nothing Good Comes Easy *FOLLOWS*  
    27. A Season for All Things  72. Denise's Journal  
    28. Deal Seeking Mommas  73. sara  
    29. Free Hot Samples - Freebies  74. Toddler Motion Sickness  
    30. ~Learning to Limit~  75. Deb @ Focused on the Magic  
    31. Heartfelt Balance Handmade Life  76. Reasonably Le$$  
    32. At The Maple Table  77. Days In The Park  
    33. CREATE WITH JOY - LET'S CONNECT  78. Denise  
    34. Couponing Texas "follows back"  79. Tantrums, Troubles, and Treasures  
    35. Racing and Saving Mama  80. Nay fr Cover to Cover  
    36. I Feel So Unnecessary  81. The B3 blog  
    37. She Calls Me Mama Leisha  82. THAT DISNEY BLOG =D  
    38. Life with Tootsabella and the Rose  83. Mommy Only Has 2 Hands!  
    39. barefootOCmama  84. Family Scrapbooks & Coffee  
    40. Frazzled Mama  85. Lady Bren  
    41. Starts At Eight - Planning  86. Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author  
    42. Tiany - Social Savvy Mom  87. Planet Weidknecht  
    43. Road Rage Retaliation  88. We May Not Have It All Together  
    44. Becks and the City *follows back*  89. The Old Block House  
    45. Homeschool Parent  

    (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

    Sunday, July 24, 2011

    Math Monday: Shapes, Patterns and NonStandard Measurement for PreK/K

    Revisiting the matrix - naming objects by 3 characteristics.  Again we played the 'what's missing' game

    Non-standard measurement
    I found this great measurement unit packet for FREE, and we used the first part of it for non-standard measurement with the linking cubes.  We will definitely be using the rest of it later down the road.

    Saturday, July 23, 2011

    What my Child is Reading


    What My Child is Reading this week:


    We Can Read About Nature:  An Arctic Year by Catherine Nichols

    Desert Animals (Benchmark Rebus (Animals in the Wild)) by Sharon Gordon

    C has a Raccoon Habitat Diorama he has to do for his Science Class that is due this upcoming week, hence all the Raccoon Books. 

    FOR FUN:

    Hamlet was a random library pick.  I left the two boys to look at some books in the children's section, while I scanned the bookshelves for my specific finds (they were in eyes view), I came back to Z having a HUGE stack of books on the floor that he had taken from the shelf.   I went through the pile and just grabbed two, totally judging the books by their covers and titles because I didn't put much if any other thought into it.  This one seemed to be a winner because it had a kite (my kids LOVE kites) and it was a Chinese dragon kite (my kids study Chinese).  I came home from running errands one day to find Q reading them the book, he asked if I had picked it particularly, and I told him the story.  Well turns out that Hamlet's friend in the book shares my husband's name...which is not a very common name by any means...the kids though it was so neat, and now the book has been read billions of times during the 1-2wk time frame we have had it!  It's a cute story too! (double bonus!)

    also linked at Book Sharing Monday


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