If you follow me on facebook or twitter, you may have already read about the recent tragedy that occurred. The family pictured above suffered the loss of their 3yo and 6yo daughters in a house fire this past Thursday night in MD. The 8yo daughter and father are in the hospital. The mother (a friend of mine) and the 6mo baby have both been released (to my understanding). The out pouring of love and support has been awe inspiring. This family has lost everything, and though their daughters can never be replaced, we can help them on their road to recovery! Please offer anything you have to give - be it thoughts, prayers, monetary donations, physical donations, etc.
If you live in the Frederick, MD vicinity consider attending this fundraiser event
You can also find information for donation drop offs at this Facebook EVENT PAGE
Lillard Family Benefit Auction
Monetary donations can be received through GIVE FORWARD
I have set up a fundraiser through 31 Bags, 100% of proceeds will be donated to this family, please consider making a purchase by visiting my website, and clicking on Lillard Family Fund Raiser under Events. The mini utility bin makes a GREAT EASTER BASKET, think of what holidays are coming up and buy now! Mother's Day! Birthdays! Easter! Anniversary! End of School Teacher Gifts!! For every $31 you spend you get the new Keep It Caddy for only $5!!
I have also set up an Usborne Books Fundraiser for the Lillard Family, 100% of proceeds will go to the Lillards, if will run through the end of March (or longer).
I have also set up an Usborne Books Fundraiser for the Lillard Family, 100% of proceeds will go to the Lillards, if will run through the end of March (or longer).
and please, pray for this family, pray that they can find peace, love and comfort during this tragic time in their life. May God wrap his arms around them and bear up their burdens, may they feel our Savior's Love, is my prayer for them. I also pray for the rest of us, that we may remember our many blessings and never take them for granted, cherish every second that we have in this world, and with those around us.
Thank you!