I've removed the link for this product because I've been informed that it no longer goes to the actual curriculum, but may now be a site inappropriate for children. My filters blocked it when I went to confirm this, so decided it'd be better to just delete the site. It's a pity because it was a great little curriculum.
For this review I used La La Logic’s Preschool Curriculum with my 4 year old. La La Logic is an online based preschool curriculum that is based on logic. It incorporates online games (which work on tablets), printable hands on worksheets, and other enrichment activities.
The program is designed for one lesson a week, one activity a day, 5 days a week. However, you could do it quicker, particularly with older children. It is recommended for ages 3-6 years of age and includes 100 weeks of lessons.
We took the one lesson a week approach, typically breaking the lesson up over 3 days. The first day would be the online game portion (Brain Challenge), the 2nd day was the Extension Activity, and the 3rd day was the Worksheet. Though sometimes the order varied.
My son really enjoyed the online portion, though wished it was longer. (There is an option to just do consecutive online lessons (called Continuous Brain Challenge Mode) and you can also repeat specific subject areas for extra practice. I tried it with my 6 year old, he found it too easy, BUT did enjoy the Continuous Brain Challenge Mode, as opposed to the individual lessons. He also would sit in on some of the Extension Activities.
Brain Challenge activities consist of finding patterns, counting, solving puzzles, matching, etc… The worksheet would generally be related to one of the activities completed in Brain Challenge (or similar), cutting and gluing were typically part of the worksheet activity. The Extension Activities consisted of reading stories, having children summarize or repeat stories, answering comprehension questions, playing games, etc…

Examples of Brain Challenge Mode

Examples of worksheets
Each week you log in to the program and print that week’s schedule, worksheet and extension activities. There is a place in the program to type notes at the end of each week, and a box to check when completed. This is great for keeping track of where you are at in your lessons. I didn’t find that I needed the note box at all, but can appreciate it’s usefulness.

Activities pictured above are a few of the ones we completed during this review period. They consist of the Brain Challenge games with the iPad, exchange ‘cookies’ for pennies with a cute poem, cutting out and sorting animals by similar characteristics, cutting out and matching animals with their shadows, dotting (or coloring) shapes a color as directed, cutting out pictures of shoes and matching them into pairs, and bottom right we are playing a game of passing the pen with our toes! These are just a few of the activities we did!
My son really enjoyed this program. I love the enrichment/hands on activities as well as the online aspect. The cutting was a bit difficult for him, but was good practice. The shapes are not always straight lines to cut, so that was hard, he did much better on the straight lined objects. The worksheets are not in color, which saves on ink, but also makes them a bit bland. Not a big deal, but I would have loved to have had a color option! I love that the lessons are short, preschool need not be labor intensive, just a few short lessons a week! It can stand alone as a preschool program or be added on to another program.
The price is right! It’s $29 for a Lifetime Membership and can track up to 5 children. You can get a free trial and there is a 30 day money back guarantee! A
As an Early Childhood Education major, I think this is a quality program for young kids! I will continue to use this program, and since it’s a lifetime membership, I can use with subsequent children as well!
Social Media:http://www.facebook.com/lalalogic