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Monday, September 30, 2013

Poppins Book Nook–Topic: School

So, I didn’t come up with anything for this month’s topic, (School) BUT…I wanted to share with you what others did and give my wonderful reader’s a chance to enter the giveaway!!


Looking for some books that include HOMESCHOOLERS??  I found a few great lists, check them out!

Children's Books Featuring Homeschooled Characters

Completed List of Books Featuring Homeschooled Characters

10 Children's Books Featuring Homeschooled Characters
Books and movies with characters who are homeschooled

Be sure to stop by and read the great school selections from all the participating bloggers!

Enchanted Homeschooling Mom - 3 Dinosaurs - Monsters Ed - Chestnut Grove Academy- Growing in God's Grace - Royal Little Lambs - Life with Moore Babies - Teach Beside Me - The Usual Mayhem - Mum Central - Fantastic Fun and Learning - Kathys Cluttered Mind - Toddler Approved - Growing Book by Book - Adventures in Mommydom - B-Inspired Mama - The Fairy and The Frog - Edventures with Kids - Learning & Growing the Piwi way - A Gluten Free Journey - Preschool Powol Packets - To The Moon and Back -Our Craft ~N~ Things - Fresh Farm Adventures - Are We There Yet? - Afterschool for Smarty Pants

Enter the giveaway below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Have a school related post? Link up below:

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Share it Saturday - 10+ Apple Themed Activities

Chestnut Grove Academy Share It Saturday Blog Hop

new share it saturday hosts
Please visit my co-hosts:

Karyn from Teach Beside Me
Colleen & Leann from Sugar Aunts
Mary Catherine from Fun-a-Day
Kate from Laughing Kids Learn
and Tiffany from Life & Lessons From a Country Road

Last weeks highlights:
If you are featured – feel free to grab a button to display on your blog!

Chestnut Grove Academy Share It Saturday Blog Hop

PicMonkey Collage

Spicy Apple Play Dough by fun-a-day
Apple Pie Sensory Play by fun-a-day
Apple Hand Print Tree by fun-a-day
Stuffed Paper Apples by  Buggy and Buddy
30+ Apple Sensory Tubs by Living Montessori Now
Apple Tree Craft by Fantastic Fun and Learning
Apple Themed Math Activities by JDaniel4’s Mom
Chicken Fall Like Apples by JDaniel4’s Mom
Play Dough Apple Orchard by Plain Vanilla Mom
Apple Tree Apple Tree : circle game by Let’s Play Music
5 Foam Apple Math Activities by imprints from tricia
Apple Sorting Sensory Bin by Munchkin and Bean
Apple Pie Play Dough & Fun Apple Books by Where Imagination Grows
Water Beads & Apples Sensory Bin Play by Little Bins for Little Hands

This Week’s Link up:

Link up your posts with educational ideas, crafts, and teaching tips.  Please include a link back if participating.

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Friday, September 27, 2013

Field Trip #101 Friday Blog Hop

Field Trip Friday!
A Blog Hop designed to share 'FIELD TRIP' related Blog Posts

(does not have to be a 'home school field trip', can be any trip to any place with your children!)

Please stop by and visit my co-hosts blogs and give them a shout out!

Lisa @ Our 4 Kiddos
Misty @ Mimi's House

So our big trip hasn’t happened yet this week….so for Field Trip Friday, I’m going to post about our Homeschool PE group we just started this week.  It meets every other week, and C had a really great time (Z is at preschool co-op during this time). 

They did some exercises and then played some games…it’s divided into younger and older kids, and is run by a couple that is part of our homeschooling group (that has both younger and older children).

This is the 2nd year that they have done this group, but last year we didn’t have a vehicle the day of PE. 


Do you have a PE group that you participate in?

**NOTE:  Before linking up please review guidelines HERE



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    Thursday, September 26, 2013

    Sharks Wrap-up (Preschool & Second Grade)


    Finishing up his lapbook from the Amanda Bennett Shark Unit Study

    The shark skeleton he ‘dug out’ of the Shark Dig Kit

    Looing up shark definitions for his lapbook

    Examining shark teeth
    Movies we watched:

    Netflix -
    Shark Super Highway
    The Great White Odyssey
    Hulu Plus 
    (I recently discovered that Hulu Plus has more episodes available of Wild Kratts then Netflix does)-
    Wild Kratts – Great White Sharks

    Books C Read:
     Picture of Sharks (Level 1) - IR
    Other books we used:
    Picture of Sharks - ILPicture of Sharks Fact Cards

    Monday, September 23, 2013

    Weekly Workboxes–Pirates–Arrrgh! (Free Printables)

    PicMonkey Collage
    First off FREE Pirate Math Printables!!  An adding mat and counting cards, just add Gold Doubloons or Pennies….
    The other printables used with this unit (unless otherwise indicated) came from 2 Teaching Mommies Pirate Unit.

    Sensory Table – Sand, Rocks, Toy Pirates, and buried treasure (gold doubloons, golden necklaces and jewels).  It looked nicer when I first set it up, but the kids got into it before I took a picture! 

    Pirate Potato Head

    Matching uppercase and lowercase letters.  I got this from Teacher’s Notebook (FREE download).  There are other matching options, like lowercase to lowercase and beginning sounds.  I already had these round letter magnets from the Letter of the Week curriculum (from Confessions of a Homeschooler), I have them on magnets, but you could put them on milk caps (or other round items).

    Counting cards with gold doubloons

    Magnet page from 2 Teaching Mommies

    Adding doubloons- roll dice and place that many doubloons in gold coin (do twice), then add them and place correct number in treasure chest OR pick a number, count the doubloons and divide them between the gold coins to make a problem.

    Shadow matching from 2 Teaching Mommies

    Size sequence from 2 Teaching Mommies

    Pirate spelling from 2 Teaching Mommies

    Counting clip cards from 2 Teaching Mommies

    Pattern cards from 2 Teaching Mommies (I cut the pattern demo strips shorter so that he can finish the pattern on his own without copying)

    Tweezing for treasures – jewels under the sand, tweeze and place in bucket.  Hand broom is for cleaning up sand messes.
    I also have a few prewriting pages from 2 Teaching Mommies, and some cut and color worksheets from Enchanted Learning (membership required).  For my oldest, I printed out several of their spelling, following directions, etc pirate themed worksheets and made a packet.  For him this is just a ‘fun week’, he will only be completing the packet, reading time and math.  Other subjects are on hold. 
    We are also listening to Treasure Island Book/CD and will be watching several pirate themed shows/movies.  The week will end with a Pirate ship cruise with Hawaii Pirate Adventures!! 

    We will also be decorating our own wooden pirate treasure chests!
    Items used for this unit:

    and pirate treasure items from your local dollar store (or equivalent)!
    Will post what we read and watch in our WRAP UP!


    Saturday, September 21, 2013

    Share it Saturday- 10+ Fall Sensory Ideas and Activities

    Chestnut Grove Academy Share It Saturday Blog Hop

    new share it saturday hosts
    Please visit my co-hosts:

    Karyn from Teach Beside Me
    Colleen & Leann from Sugar Aunts
    Mary Catherine from Fun-a-Day
    Kate from Laughing Kids Learn
    and Tiffany from Life & Lessons From a Country Road

    Last weeks highlights:
    If you are featured – feel free to grab a button to display on your blog!

    Chestnut Grove Academy Share It Saturday Blog Hop

    PicMonkey Collage

    Leaf Confetti by P is for Preschooler
    Fall Sensory Bin by Fantastic Fun and Learning
    10 Fall Sensory Bins by The Jenny Evolution
    Fall Sensory Jars by Blog Me Mom
    Fall Spice Railroad by Play Trains
    Autumn Scented Playdough by Munchkin and Bean
    Pumpkin Spice Cloud Dough by Teaching Mama
    Pumpkin Patch Small World Sensory Play by Buggy and Buddy
    Fall Nature Table by Buggy and Buddy
    Books and Bins – Earl the Squirrel by Little Bins for Little Hands

    Link up what’s new this week! 



    Link up your posts with educational ideas, crafts, and teaching tips.  Please include a link back to this blog if participating.

    (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

    Friday, September 20, 2013

    Field Trip #100 Friday Blog Hop

    Field Trip Friday!
    A Blog Hop designed to share 'FIELD TRIP' related Blog Posts

    (does not have to be a 'home school field trip', can be any trip to any place with your children!)

    Please stop by and visit my co-hosts blogs and give them a shout out!

    Lisa @ Our 4 Kiddos
    Misty @ Mimi's House

    Wow #100 Friday Blog HOP!!!!  Unbelievable!!

    As a finishing touch to the dolphin unit and the shark unit, we headed to Sea Life Park.  (Of course, my camera battery has decided it doesn’t want to hold charge anymore….so it died shortly after arriving, even though I had just charged it)

    PicMonkey Collage


    **NOTE:  Before linking up please review guidelines HERE



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      Wednesday, September 18, 2013

      Titanic Unit Study (and Birthday Party)

      My son read Titanic Lost and Found early last year and has been obsessed with it ever since.  I finally got around to do a titanic unit, he counted down the days until it started. 

      Drawn from the Draw the Titanic Book

      Coloring Page from Titanic Coloring Book

      Lapbook by A Journey Through Learning

      Shrinky Dinks

      Wooden titanic model kit

      C made several Lego versions of titanic.
      Some books we read:
      Activity worksheets to go with it 

      You can find other resources we used at this HOW TO MAKE A UNIT STUDY POST
      Movies we watched:
      Why ships sink
      Titanic (the movie) – we only watched from when they hit the iceberg until the end, be warned there is some bad language. 

      Discovery Streaming:
      Curiosity:  What Sank the Titanic?
      Myth Busters:  Water Displacement:  Down with the Titanic
      Reading Rainbow:  Sunken Treasure
      PowerMyLearning.org – Titanic Movie Maker

      Birthday Party!!
      First I made gift bags with a Life Preserver on them (cut from the cricut), the bag contained a bookmark, a titanic book and some life saver candies.
      The book we gave:

      The bookmark (you can get a printable sheet of 4 HERE), I laminated them.
      I got these sailboat kits from Oriental Trading that they put together and painted
      Melt the ice game
      Playing with the boats in the raft pool, filled with icebergs (I froze big blocks of ice in large ice cream tubs)

      The Cake, I used this desk kit from Amazon
      Pin the iceberg on The Titanic (I cut the titanic out on my cricut machine)

      I also wanted to play throw the life preserver game, having them toss a pool inflatable ring over some cones, but I couldn’t get cones.  So we just used dive rings and sticks. 


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