Keeping our little ones quiet during Sacrament Meeting can be a bit of a struggle sometimes. I know that I try to provide church related materials for them to use during Sacrament, something to keep them busy, but something to also remind them of why we are there. I am so excited to be adding the Interactive Book of Mormon Stories Vol 1 & 2 to our Sunday Bag!
I’m even more excited to be able to offer two sets of Vol 1 & 2 as a giveaway to all of you great readers!
The Interactive Book of Mormon Series was created by Natalie and is available for purchase in her Etsy shop as downloads for $9.99 ea or $17.99 for the set.
Here are some videos showing Volume 1 and 2 in action!There is a variety of ways you can put these together to best fit your family.
How else do you help keep your kids reverent during Sacrament Meeting? Share your ideas and mark it in the Rafflecopter Entry Form to enter the giveaway! Other entry options are also available !
Good Luck!!
Contest ends 4/17 at 12:00AM HST, winners will be posted here and notified via email Contest is also posted on Latter Day Homeschooling Blog a Rafflecopter giveaway