On another note, I got our maps laminated and hung in the school room. I planned to take them off and on as needed, but I think I may just leave them. On one side is the US Map and on the other side is the World Map, I can change them as I need to.
This map is different than the US Map we have displayed on the bulletin board in the hallway...that one will be used to map our family members and places we have visited while studying the US States this year.
We'll be using our world map as we map the locations of the little passport sets we will be receiving in the mail. I got a 3month subscription for 50% off from mamapediaIf we really like it I may continue it. The deal is still going on for one more day if you want to check it out! Just click on the mamapedia link and look under National Deals. I have also gotten great deals on magazine subscriptions like Disney Family Fun, National Geographic Little Kids, Your Big Back Yard and Wild Animal Babies.
I also got some great educational deals today at totsy.com, they have Workman Publishing Items on sale...there is about a day left, I purchased some reusable stickers for $4 a set. I got Ocean ones for the boys to decorate their room, and I got ABC and Colors for Zane to make Alphabet and Color books with. I also got a book on making Paper Air Planes for Cole and a Bug Book and Bottle. They had lots of other things to choose from like Brain Quest cards and workbooks. My two weaknesses, good deals and books (or generally educational items).
Hi Jen,
ReplyDeleteI love visiting your blog. You seem to have it all together and that makes me so excited for you. Your blog has been giving me a brain full of ideas and I love it. I'm so glad you're passionate about teaching your children. I share the same passion. Thanks to you I've purchased the Little Passport deal at 50% off. I can't wait for the kids to start learning about countries. Yippee! It's going to be so much fun.
Hi Jen,
ReplyDeleteI tried to post a comment but I'm not sure if it went through so here we go again....
Thanks for all the recent posts. I've enjoyed viewing your blog and seeing all the cool things you've been doing with your boys. I love the passion that you have for teaching your children. I share that same passion. I'm so happy that it is coming together for you. You're home looks wonderful and seems ready to set sail on a great year of homeschooling. You've inspired me. Thanks for posting about the Little Passports. What a novel idea. I have reviewed their website, watched videos and have loved what they have to offer so,....I purchased the 50% off deal from Mamapedia. Thank you for sharing. I'm excited to start a new adventure with the kids traveling the world. Yippee!
By the way, where did your husband take the kids exploring. We LOVE to explore.