52 Weeks Of Family Night: Fast and Easy Lessons for Young Families
It's on the bookshelf in plain view, so we can't forget!
However, tonight...we will be doing SCRIPTURE COOKIES...the Primary sent home a newsletter last week. And I have heard great reviews on it...so we will do it tonight.
Here is how it goes:
Search your scriptures to find what ingredients are needed to make these scrumptious cookies. Look up the scriptures and write the ingredient in the blank spaces. Once you have found all the ingredients, then you are ready to make and bake your Scripture Cookies.
Recipe from: Our Scriptures
Preheat oven: 350 degrees
Beat together: 3/4 cup of Psalms 55:21
1/3cup of 2 Nephi 26:25
1 1/2 cups of Jeremiah 6:20
2 of Isaiah 10:14
Add: 2 cups of 1 Kings 4:22
1 teaspoon of Song of Solomon 4:14
1 teaspoon of D&C 101:39
1/2 teaspoon of 1 Corinthians 4:6
3 cups of D&C 89:17
1 cup of 1 Samuel 20:12
Drop by spoonful onto greased cookie sheet
Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes
But not before reading Joseph Smith - History 1:37
and D&C 133:11
(Answers: Butter, Milk, Brown Sugar, Eggs, Flour, Cinnamon, Salt, Soda Puffed Up, Oats, Raisins, Cook no burn in oven, Watch.)
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