We received the WAY Comes Home Kit from HomeSchool Scholastics, an i4 Learning Company to use for this review.
WAY stands for Wellness, Academics and You and WAY Comes Homes is a family based health curriculum. It is designed to work with a family of multiple ages (mainly K-5/6). The kit includes all that you need for 3 kids, one in each grade level (K/1, 2/3 and 4/5/6). These materials include: Stock cards for activities, a journal for each level, DVD, teacher manual, 3 baskets, 2 foam balls, ink pad, glitter, balance scale, tape measure, plastic eggs, My Plate packet, stethoscope, and eye chart.
I have to be honest and say when the box first arrived, I was a bit overwhelmed. Trying to figure out when do what with which items, was overwhelming. However, the teacher book is laid out fairly well, and as soon as I sat down and took the time to actually READ over it, it became a lot easier.
There is a module for each grade set, and then optional activities for the other grade sets. We decided the easiest way to do it and cover all the material was to a module for each grade set on separate days, with the optional activities for the other grade sets along with it. This is because I have 3 children in the age brackets, and they each fall into one of the grade sets.
The modules are labeled ending in .1 for the Health Safari or K/1 grade, .2 for WAY Me Mysteries or 2/3 grade and .3 for Innerspace Adventures or 4/5/6 grade.
So on Day 1 we did Activity 1.1, with the additional activities for WAY Me Mysteries and Innerspace Adventures.
Day 2 we did Activity 1.2 with the additional activities for Health Safari and Innerspace Adventures
Day 3 we did Activity 1.3 with the additional activities for Health Safari and WAY Me Mysteries.
The Day 4 would start Activity 2.1 and so on….
Hopefully that makes sense. It really can be done any way you see fit for your family, but this seemed to work for us.
My younger kiddos preferred the DVD lesson and the hands on activities over any of the journal work. My oldest didn’t care much for the journal lessons either, but I have all boys, and they don’t like to write! EVER! There are a lot of hands on activities though, and my almost 3 year old liked to join in as well. So it was fun for the whole family!
I gained a lot of insight into my 10 year old through some rubrics he filled out in his journal, which was a great activity for me to see what he thinks about himself.
I know a lot of homeschoolers in the groups I am in that are always looking for health curriculums… this is a great one! It requires little (if any) prep, it can be done as a family and there is something for everyone, on every level.
The curriculum comes at a reasonable price too! Currently it’s on sale for $39.95. You can purchase additional workbooks, and card packs (if needed).
I feel this is a really well rounded health program, it talks about taking care of our selves, not only physically, but incorporates some mental health in there (particularly for the older kids). It incorporates other subjects as well, such as writing and PE.
If you have a mixed age family and want a one size fits all health curriculum, this could be the one for you!
UPDATED 9/8: The cost has lowered to $29.95 (no coupon code required) and free shipping!!
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