So today I want to share with you some of our favorite educational games! I’ve listed them by subject, these are only a small handful from the large abundance of games we have, but they are a few of my favorite.
Check out what others from the TOS Crew have to share on the subject matter by visiting their blogs linked at the bottom of this post. Also, if you haven’t already….be sure to enter the awesome giveaway! (see the left sidebar for the link)
Science Games

Somebody is a great game for Human Anatomy! We used this game a lot when we were learning about the Human Body. It was pulled our recently, and my husband was amazed at how much our almost 4yo knew about the body parts!

This is a great Life Science Classification card game! We have been using this game as we learn about the Animal Kingdom. It helps teach the different families of animals,and can also be used to show which characteristics separate animals into which groups.
Math Games
Right now, the favorite math game is playing store. My son loves to put price tags on random things and have his younger brothers buy them!

We need to pull this game our more often! This game uses addition, subtraction, multiplication and/or division….it’s a fun dice game where you have to use the math problems to come up with the number rolled!
Logic/Strategy Games

This is the favorite in the house right now! To be honest I have NO IDEA how to play it! This is a game between my husband and my 6.5yo, though my almost 4yo likes to play along with. I know it uses strategy a lot, and my oldest son is getting better at it! It was a favorite of my husbands as a child.
Preschool Games

This is perhaps one of the first preschool games we owned, bought by my Mother-in-law as a gift for my oldest (she is a preschool teacher). I know Candy Land is a popular game among the littles, but this game is so much better!! I highly recommend it, all they need to do is be able to count (but you can even help them with that, heck…playing is a great way to learn!).
Geography Games

Great States Jr, is a fun game for learning where the 50 states are and little facts about them too!
*(the pictures in this post contain affiliate links)
We also love stratego in our house! It started out as a game my 8 year old and husband played together, but now I have learned and it is fun!!! I recommend taking the plunge and learning to play!