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Some of the links on this blog are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and/or believe will add value to my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Friday, March 30, 2012

Field Trip #40 Friday Blog Hop

Field Trip Friday!

A Blog Hop designed to share 'FIELD TRIP' related Blog Posts

(does not have to be a 'home school field trip', can be any trip to any place with your children!)

We are still not back in 'school' mode, I figure with this year being only Kindergarten, I can slack off a bit...we are back on track with Easter next week though!  But our field trip today was to Chuck E Cheese, with our Potty Training Chart in Hand,  my almost 3 year old is potty trained!  It's a miracle ;)  
No honestly, I didn't think it was gonna happen, but we worked through the little bumps, and he 'got it'.
He didn't want to sit on the toilet for more than a second, and would declare he was done, and then 2 seconds later pee his underwear...at which point I'd put him on the toilet and the cycle would continue, wetting 3-4 pairs in a hour block.   So I decided the trick was to get him to stay on the toilet until he was done...so we read books!  And it worked, for a couple of days I would read a book to him while he sat, taking him to the toilet about every hour.  And he would go most of the time...and with in a few days, and only a couple accidents, and a few near accidents, he has been dry for 2 days, including nighttime and naps (though at night we use a pull up and call it his 'sleep underwear').  I am seriously shocked at how quickly and easily it went!

My big 'ol pottytrained boy!!

and the baby keeping a sharp eye out for Chuck-E, he was not fond of him AT ALL!  (this was the first time he ever showed an aversion to him).

**NOTE:  Before linking up please review guidelines HERE

    Now it's your turn:  Post your Field Trips!

    1. Peace, Love, Twins, and Strawberries  2. Fun With Nature  3. Field Trips Galore  

    (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

    Wednesday, March 28, 2012

    Homeschool Brag Time Thursday Hop #21

    Chestnut Grove Academy
    Welcome to Homeschool Brag Time Thursday!
    Come link up your Homeschool related posts to 'brag' about the great things you and your kids are doing! Browse around and see what others are up to as well! (Please link up the direct URL of the post you are 'bragging' about!)

    Please Follow your hosts and grab our Brag Time Button to display in your post or on your blog so others can join in the fun as well! (Failure to follow these specific guidelines will result in your link up being deleted, so PLEASE be sure to 1) link up the direct URL of your post and 2) post the hop button on your post or blog (where we can find it).  We also kindly ask that you follow us, we WILL follow you back!) Thank you!

    Chestnut Grove Academy

    (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

    Sunday, March 25, 2012

    Getting Organized (Part 2)

    I got these ideas from pinterest, so I can’t claim them as my own….but this first one is what inspired my paper organization in the Part 1 post from last week.


    This is just an over the door shoe holder, I have it hanging opposite side of the paper, so all my stuff is in the same area.  As you can see this holds, paint, glue, dot markers, crayons, scissors, and other miscellaneous art materials, all in one handy location!!   Vertical storage is so great, I try to utilize as much of it as I can!! 

    This is also something I’ve seen posted all over pinterest, and I FINALLY got around to do it!


    This is in our eating room, and on another wall I have this


    The plastic pockets hanging are from IKEA (I assume they still carry them, I bought them a long time ago, and unfortunately Hawaii does not have IKEA)

    One more thing I accomplished, game organization!  We have a game shelf with cabinets at the bottom, but the kids games never get put back into the boxes correctly, and it drives me insane…so I used some plastic shoe boxes from Costco to repackage most of them, and some pencil boxes for the card games.


    I ended up putting the Jenga in a shoe box too after I took this photo!  I just used boxing tape to adhere the game title (cut from the original box) to the shoe box.  I need to come up with a solution now for the games with gameboards.

    More Organization to come!

    Friday, March 23, 2012

    Field Trip #39 Friday Blog Hop

    Field Trip Friday!

    A Blog Hop designed to share 'FIELD TRIP' related Blog Posts

    (does not have to be a 'home school field trip', can be any trip to any place with your children!)

    Another uneventful week, man, I have been such a slacker!  I think I have the end of school year itch, and am in such a hurry for it to just be over....that I've already checked out mentally!  I am so excited about starting next year and a bunch of organizational changes that I'm making.....
    Anyhow, no excuses!  Luckily we are just Kindergarten this year so it doesn't really 'count', and well just because we are not holding 'formal' school each day, I know that my kids are still learning!
    We did meet up with a friend at the Children's Discovery Museum

    **NOTE:  Before linking up please review guidelines HERE

      Now it's your turn:  Post your Field Trips!

      1. Natural Field Trips  4. Natchez PowWow  
      2. Playing in the Mud  5. MissMOE Terra Cotta Soldiers  
      3. Disney Animal Kingdom Field Trip  

      (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

      Wednesday, March 21, 2012

      Homeschool Brag Time Thursday Hop #20

      Chestnut Grove Academy
      Welcome to Homeschool Brag Time Thursday!
      Come link up your Homeschool related posts to 'brag' about the great things you and your kids are doing! Browse around and see what others are up to as well! (Please link up the direct URL of the post you are 'bragging' about!)

      Please Follow your hosts and grab our Brag Time Button to display in your post or on your blog so others can join in the fun as well! (Failure to follow these specific guidelines will result in your link up being deleted, so PLEASE be sure to 1) link up the direct URL of your post and 2) post the hop button on your post or blog (where we can find it).  We also kindly ask that you follow us, we WILL follow you back!) Thank you!

      Chestnut Grove Academy

      (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

      Chore Chart

      The homeschool room is not the only thing I am revamping….we have gotten really lax on the chore chart, and decided to give it a bit of an overhaul as well.  I modeled the function of it after one a dear friend of mine posted on her  facebook page, but the general design comes from Confessions of Homeschooler’s blog (including the printed cards I am using, though I did make a few of my own).
      Now let me see if I can successfully explain how our version works. 
      The top row has extra chore cards, they can choose to do these things to earn tickets (located at the bottom of the chart).  2 tickets can be traded for a small prize, 5 tickets can be traded for a big prize. They must finish their daily chores before they can do extra chores to earn tickets.
      The next row is my oldest son, followed by a blank space to put completed chore cards, then my 3yo son’s chores, followed by a blank space to put his completed cards.  The columns are as follows:  Reward, Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat/Sun.  In the Rewards column is a sticker chart with 9 spots.  For each day the complete all their chores they get a sticker, when it’s full…they get a big prize.  Also in the Rewards column for my oldest are media tickets…he gets 5 tickets each week, each media ticket is good for 30mins of media (tv, computer or leappad). 
      In the final row are the tickets they can earn, and special cards for BEST BEHAVIOR.  The BEST BEHAVIOR cards warrant special prizes, and are given out sparingly for exceptional behavior. 
      Under the chore chart is a potty training chart….I got it free from HERE.  This is an extra way for my 3yo to earn tickets…every time he goes potty he gets a sticker and a ticket (to start out…as he gets better at it he will have to go more often to get a ticket).  I picked the CARS version of the chart b/c the spots are in rows of 5 (it’s meant to give rewards for each step of going potty, but I will not be using it that way).  The smaller the chart, the quicker the reward, and as he gets the hang of it and goes potty more often, the chart will get bigger! 
      Now PRIZES – what are small and large prizes, you are probably wondering.  Well you can make them whatever you would like…our ‘small’ prizes are in a cookie jar and are small little dollar store type trinkets, little musical instruments, stickers, small containers of playdough…mostly stuff you would find in a birthday party goodie bag.  Our ‘large’ prizes are higher dollar items, or just items that are of more value to them, like small lego kits, new books, matchbox cars, etc…  I stock up on these items from clearance racks mostly.  I also have coupons for thinks like ice cream treats, more media time, chocolate milk, etc…  The BEST BEHAVIOR prizes are also coupons for things like media time, eating lunch out, date with mom or dad, and other special treats!
      More about the MEDIA tickets – I still reserve the right to say NO, even if they have a ticket to use.  They must complete their chores before they can cash in a media ticket.  Also, I do not count school time or family time media towards their MEDIA time.  We occasionally watch a video for school, and we like to have family movie nights…these would be in addition to his weekly MEDIA time.  Z does not have any media tickets, he basically just does whatever C does…so technically at this point they are ‘combined’ tickets.  We also have an egg timer that we set when they begin a media segment.
      The Daily Chores (though some vary slightly from day to day) for each child are :
      C (K) – Make Bed, Get Dressed, Brush Teeth, Feed Dog, Straighten Bedroom, Straighten Playroom, Set or Clear the Table, Practice Karate, Put away clothes, Finish Schoolwork, Collect Trash. 
      Z (3) – Feed Fish, Set or Clear the Table, Straighten Playroom, Straighten Bedroom, Collect Trash, Put Dirty Clothes in Laundry.   
      EXTRA CHORES- Wash dishes, put away dishes, clean bathroom, vacuum one room, mop kitchen/dining, sweep floor, etc…. 
      I like this new set up b/c it teaches them to budget and save; they have to save tickets and earn them, and the have to budget their media time!  It’s a great pre-lesson to money management!

      **Here are some more cards from Confession of  a Homeschooler, she has them as discipline cards, but I will be using them for more extra chore cards (things like wiping door knobs and light switches, wiping down outside of cabinets, etc...)

      This is the pocket chart that is used 

      Monday, March 19, 2012

      Getting Organized (Part 1) - Craft Paper

      If you follow me on Facebook, your already know that the last two weeks have been spring cleaning and starting to get ready for the new school year (we start in June).  Right now I’m at a stand still b/c I ordered some stuff in the mail, and I’m waiting for it to get here.  But I wanted to share one repurpose project I did.  I purchased many years ago on clearance (after Christmas) a gift bag organizer, that can hang in a closet or over a door; just this week it occurred to me what it would be PERFECT for holding construction paper!!


      This side has 4 shallow pockets with 2 deeper pockets behind them, so I have the larger paper packs in the deep pockets and the smaller paper in the shallow pockets.

      Here is the other side, all shallow pockets (9), and some smaller pockets at the top, where I have put paint, glue, color pencils, paint brushes.
      This is similar to what I have, if you are interested in one of your own (though this one does not have an over the door hook).
      I’ll have more organization items coming up in the next few weeks!!  So stay tuned!

      Saturday, March 17, 2012

      My Memories Freebies!!


      Instructions:  Open MyMemories Suite software and choose your album size (I chose 8.5 x 11 for a printable project).  Add the papers and elements you wish to use to create your own printable project (I made these candy wrappers), and when you are finished, click: SHARE ALBUM ====> EXPORT PAGES and save as a .jpg!  The new .jpg papers you created are now usable as stand alone printable projects to use and reuse anytime!  The Freebies enclosed are just samples of the printable projects you can make!

       Make your own printable craft items and save them .jpg format for using again and again!

      By enclosing all of the papers and elements that went into making these printable candy wrappers, you are free to use them to create your own projects and show how you did it!! The printable creations that can be made from these pieces are limitless!! 

      Please note that these papers and elements are usable in any graphics software

      Don't own the software but want to??  There is a great deal going on this month!  Check it out HERE, you can the program for just $29.99 with $30 in FREEBIES

      And since I'm late getting out the Wednesday Freebie Link - Here are this weeks and next week's FREEBIE!!

      Get it HERE

      Get it HERE

      And pick up this week's FACEBOOK FREEBIE FRIDAY HERE

      Friday, March 16, 2012

      Field Trip #38 Friday Blog Hop

      Field Trip Friday!

      A Blog Hop designed to share 'FIELD TRIP' related Blog Posts

      (does not have to be a 'home school field trip', can be any trip to any place with your children!)

      So this week really got away from me,  just realized I forgot to post the blog hop!  We didn't do much of anything this week, it's Spring Break...we did go to the park, but of course I forgot my camera!  Such a pitty too b/c baby c was having a good 'ol time climbing the structure and going down the spiral slide on his belly!  

      I've been busy planning for next school year (we officially start in June, but I think we are going to dive in early, after Easter :)  I'm ready for a change).

      Hopefully your weeks were more eventful than mine!

      **NOTE:  Before linking up please review guidelines HERE

        Now it's your turn:  Post your Field Trips!

        1. German Living History Museum  

        (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

        Wednesday, March 14, 2012

        Homeschool Brag Time Thursday Hop #19

        Chestnut Grove Academy
        Welcome to Homeschool Brag Time Thursday!
        Come link up your Homeschool related posts to 'brag' about the great things you and your kids are doing! Browse around and see what others are up to as well! (Please link up the direct URL of the post you are 'bragging' about!)

        Please Follow your hosts and grab our Brag Time Button to display in your post or on your blog so others can join in the fun as well! (Failure to follow these specific guidelines will result in your link up being deleted, so PLEASE be sure to 1) link up the direct URL of your post and 2) post the hop button on your post or blog (where we can find it).  We also kindly ask that you follow us, we WILL follow you back!) Thank you!

        Chestnut Grove Academy

        (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

        KINDERGARTEN by Susan Case Review

        KINDERGARTEN:  Tattle-Tales, Tools, Tactics, Triumphs and Tasty Treats for Teachers and Parents is a great book written by Susan Case, an LDS Author.  Though many reading this blog are homeschoolers, I feel this is still a great read for any parent of a Kindergartener, there are many great ideas that could be of use to both parent and teacher alike. 
        As an early childhood education major, this book took me back in time to my teaching days.  Anyone who has ever loved a child of kindergarten age will appreciate the funny tales that Ms. Case shares of the kindergarteners she has encountered in her many years of teaching.  You’ll laugh out loud, and sometimes cry.  Ms. Case is the kindergarten teacher that, anyone who sends their child to public school, hopes their child will have. 
        Filled with early childhood developmental insight, and loaded with activities and advice; this book is able to be applied at home, and even in home schooling…not just in the classroom.
        Kindergarten is also filled with lots of really great quotes, including several from General Authorities.
        I highly recommend this book for anyone with a kindergartener in their life…
        You can find out more about Ms. Case and her book at her blog www.kindergartenbasics.blogspot.com , her blog is also filled with more great ideas for kindergarteners!
        Her book is available for kindle, nook and in trade paperback, but you can win your own copy!!
        “Never think you have been taught enough”  Henry B. Eyring

        Click on READ MORE or click on the title of this post to access the RAFFLECOPTER ENTRY FORM, if it is not visible!

        Monday, March 12, 2012

        Softly & Tenderly Book Review

        This book is a great clean read (I’m always looking for clean reads).  A story of Jade who is married to Max, trying to live her very own ‘happily ever after’.  But she soon discovers things are not always what they seem, and ‘happily ever after’ is only what you make of it. 

        Aching to have a family of her own, Jade has been unable to have children, and later comes to find that her husband, Max, has an illegitimate child which he has kept secret from her their entire marriage! 

        This book teaches that we all have our problems, but what we choose to do with those problems, makes all the difference.

        Disclaimer:  This book was provided for free through www.booksneeze.com in exchange for my honest review. 

        Saturday, March 10, 2012

        A+ TutorSoft 3rd grade interactive math curriculum review and giveaway

        A+ TutorSoft is an interactive, multimedia learning and teaching management system for math, starting with 3rd grade up through Algebra 1, this system helps students learn math skills by encompassing a variety of learning methods, reaching children who learn in a variety of ways.

        Each math lesson includes lesson text, the lesson being read and explained, as well as interactive practice problems.  Coordinating worksheets and tests are also available.

        You have a choice between standard and premium editions for each grade, the premium edition includes progress tracking and parental controls for an extra $20. 

        Unfortunately at this time, they do not offer any math programs lower than 3rd grade, but I have been told they are in the works. 

        I thought this was a good system for teaching math, I know math is one of the subjects that frustrates me the most to teach, and any program that takes some of the teaching pressure off of myself, and helps my child learn better would be a great investment, in my opinion!  My oldest is only in 1st grade math, but this will definitely be a program we will consider in the coming years! The program is very easy to navigate, the demo video explains everything.

        If you are not sure which program your child would fit into, they have free placement tests on their website, as well as many other FREE MATH related materials at their sister site www.mathfreebies.com

        In addition to my preview copy, A+ TutorSoft has agreed to giveaway one copy of their premium edition interactive math software for FREE to one of my readers! 
        a Rafflecopter giveaway

        Friday, March 9, 2012

        Field Trip #37 Friday Blog Hop

        Field Trip Friday!

        A Blog Hop designed to share 'FIELD TRIP' related Blog Posts

        (does not have to be a 'home school field trip', can be any trip to any place with your children!)

        A local lady raises Monarch Butterflies at her home and does an open house once a month, it worked out perfectly that we were able to go, and that we were studying Mexico, which included a small study of Monarch's!  It was a neat experience, and we plan to go again.

        You can find out more at www.whitemonarchs.com

        **NOTE:  Before linking up please review guidelines HERE

          Now it's your turn:  Post your Field Trips!

          1. london musuem  3. Animal Grossology  
          2. BOM Fiesta: A Latin-American Celebration  4. Sheri  

          (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

          Wednesday, March 7, 2012

          Homeschool Brag Time Thursday Hop #18

          Chestnut Grove Academy
          Welcome to Homeschool Brag Time Thursday!
          Come link up your Homeschool related posts to 'brag' about the great things you and your kids are doing! Browse around and see what others are up to as well! (Please link up the direct URL of the post you are 'bragging' about!)

          Please Follow your hosts and grab our Brag Time Button to display in your post or on your blog so others can join in the fun as well! (Failure to follow these specific guidelines will result in your link up being deleted, so PLEASE be sure to 1) link up the direct URL of your post and 2) post the hop button on your post or blog (where we can find it).  We also kindly ask that you follow us, we WILL follow you back!) Thank you!

          Chestnut Grove Academy

          (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

          Mexico & Butterflies

          Gray whales are not the only animals that migrate to Mexico, in addition to Gray Whales we also learned about Monarch Butterflies this week!
          Tot School (35mos)
          butterflies 008
          Sorting Caterpillars
          butterflies 009
          Butterfly Match from Montessori Print Shop
          butterflies 010
          Ordering caterpillars by length (made from egg cartons)
          butterflies 011
          Do-a-dot B page (from Confessions of a Homeschooler Letter B)
          butterflies 012
          Tweezing Butterflies
          butterflies 013
          B is for Butterfly Magnet Page (from Confessions of a Homeschooler)
          Kindergarten (5yo)
          butterflies 017butterflies 018
          Little Passports MEXICO package
          butterflies 019butterflies 030
          Building Ancient Pyramids/Temples
          butterflies 026
          Animals of Mexico (from Expedition Earth at Confessions of Homeschooler)
          butterflies 033butterflies 034
          Ancient Mexican Sun Craft (using cornstarch dough)

          Books we read:

          Linking up with these great blogs: (find the buttons in my right sidebar)
          Tot School
          Montessori Monday
          Teach Me Tuesday
          Link & Learn
          Preschool Corner
          No Ordinary Blog Hop
          The Sunday Showcase
          Science Sunday
          What my Child is Reading


          31 (2) 31 Days of Field Trips (31) 5 senses (6) abcmouse.com (1) adult education (1) advent (1) all about me (1) Alpha-Phonics (1) Alphabet Box (1) amphibians (1) animal trackers (10) ants (3) Artist Study (9) arts and crafts (16) Australia (2) award (4) baby (5) baby bird (2) baby food jar crafts (1) Back to Homeschool (6) balance (1) banyan tree (1) beach (1) bees (3) Being a Mom (2) birds (5) Birthdays (2) Blogging the Alphabet (28) bloom (1) boats (2) Book List (3) Book Nook (1) Book review (62) book sneeze (3) Boost your blog (1) Brag Time Hop (31) Broccoli (1) butterflies (5) butterfly (3) Butternut Squash (1) Campus Book Rental (2) Capybara (1) Capyboppy (1) Charlotte Mason (1) Cherry Tomatoes (1) Chestnut Grove Curriculum (22) Chinese Language (7) Chinese New Year (1) Chinese Worksheets (1) Chore Chart (4) Christmas (28) classical approach (3) cleaning schedule (1) close to my heart (7) co-op (2) Color Tablets (2) computer games (2) Continent Boxes (5) crabs (2) cricut (2) CSA (4) Cub Scouts (1) culture swap (2) currclick (2) curriculum (23) cursive (1) daily schedule (3) Deep Covered Baker (1) Digital Scrapbooking (5) dinosaurs (18) Dissection (1) diswasher detergent (1) dolphins (2) donuts (1) Earth Science (5) Easter (8) Easy Readers (1) education cubes (7) educents (2) Eggplant (1) Emeals (5) emotions (2) exploring Hawaii (127) fairy tales (1) fall (15) family (1) Family Home Evening (5) farm (3) Father's Day (1) feelings (2) felt board (1) FHE (5) field trip (278) Fifth Grade (1) first grade (37) fish (3) flowers (4) Free Printables (13) freezer meals (1) frogs (3) Fundraiser (1) games (5) garden (1) General Conference (9) geocaching (3) Geography (37) Getting crafty (20) gift ideas (4) Giveaway (101) guest blogger (13) HALLELUJAH (3) Halloween (14) handwriting (2) hanukkah (2) Health (6) health curriculum (2) Heart (1) heart parenting (1) hermit crabs (2) History (48) Holidays (26) Home School (55) Home school mother's journal (7) Home School Room (10) Homemaking (15) homeschool (1) Homeschool Blogging Network (5) Homeschool Swap (1) How to (1) Human Body (5) ice cream (2) informal learning (2) insects (6) IPAD (37) Japan (2) jellyfish (3) Jesus Christ (1) karate (1) Kauai (2) kids in the kitchen (16) kindergarten (36) kindle (11) Kwanzaa (1) ladybugs (2) Language Arts (6) Language Program (2) lap books (5) Latter Day Homeschool Blog Posts (3) lds (18) lego (3) lego club (3) lesson help (1) letter a (2) letter b (4) letter c (3) letter d (1) letter f (2) letter I (4) letter j (2) letter n (1) letter o (2) letter p (1) letter s (2) letter t (1) letter u (1) Library (1) Light box (4) Lighthouses (7) Little Passports (22) Mamapedia (1) mammals (2) Mango (1) Map Display (1) Marriage (1) Massachusetts (1) Math (44) meal planning (1) Memorial Day (1) Mexico (1) minecraft (1) Montessori (145) Montessori At Home Book (2) Montessori Print Shop (24) Monthly Subscription Program (1) Mormon (32) morning routine (1) Music (9) My Father's Dragon (1) My Groovy Planet (1) My Memories (8) Nature (23) nests (2) New Year (1) New Years Resolutions (1) Ocean (15) octopus (2) olympics (1) Operation Smile (2) Organization (14) Owl Pellets (1) P.E. (3) Paleo (5) Pancake Day (1) pandia press (23) parenting (1) Patterns (1) penguins (2) phonics (7) physical education (1) Picasso (1) pinterest (4) pirates (4) playdough (6) Pollock (1) pond animals (3) popcorn balls (1) Poppins Book Nook (35) pornography (1) preschool (95) President's Day (2) puffins (1) pumpkin (3) pumpkins (2) rain forest (1) Read Alouds (3) Reading (14) Real Life (1) Recipe (34) reptiles (1) Reverence (1) review (239) road trip (1) rockets (2) Sacrament Bag (2) safety (2) Saturday Adventure (1) schedule (3) scholastic books (1) Science (63) scissors (1) Scriptures (1) sea urchins (1) seasons (6) Second Grade (7) seed (1) sensory bin (5) Share it Saturday (84) ships (2) SimplyFun (3) skin care (2) snow (1) snow globe (1) Space (11) spelling (16) spiders (4) spineless sea urchins (1) sponsor (9) starfish (3) stitch fix (9) stocking stuffers (3) Summer Fun (2) Tell me more (1) Thankful (5) Thanksgiving (5) The Friend Magazine (1) The Giggler Treatment (1) The Road Not Taken (1) Third Grade (6) Thirty-one (2) thumbsucking (1) Titanic (1) tools (1) Top 10 (2) TOS Blog Cruise (83) TOS Review Crew (136) tot school (65) Totsy (1) Traditions (1) turtles (1) Unit study (18) unschooling (2) Usborne Books (21) Valentine's Day (8) virtual book club (1) We choose virtues (1) Week 1 (2) week 2 (2) week 3 (2) week 4 (1) week in review (62) Well Trained Mind (1) whales (3) What my child is reading (48) Whole 30 (9) why we homeschool (5) winter (3) Word (1) wordless wednesday (7) work boxes (104) Workbox Wednesday (49) world as classroom (3) worms (3) Wrap-up (3) writing (4) young women (8) Zero Grandparents (1) zoo (2)