About the book:
Hardcover; 240 pages
Publisher: Harper Collins Christian Publishing (October 27, 2015)
In her new book STRONG and KIND: And Other Important Character Traits Your Child Needs to Succeed, Korie Robertson - New York Times bestselling author, wife of Duck Commander® CEO Willie Robertson, star of A&E's Duck Dynasty, and mother of five - argues that developing good character in our children is the single most important thing we can do to help ensure they lead happy, healthy adult lives. Robertson explores key traits and what they truly look like in action, asks readers to select the two traits that they hope to see most in their children, and shares hands-on ways for nurturing strength of character. Written with her mother Chrys Howard and featuring stories and wisdom from husband Willie, STRONG and KIND cuts through the contemporary cacophony of parenting manuals to rediscover, unfold, and embrace the enduring wisdom that has guided the best parents for centuries.
What I think:
Strong and Kind by Korie Robertson is one of the newest Christian based parenting books available. It’s a great book, whether a Duck Dynsasty fan or not, you will find lots of words of wisdom in this book to help with parenting dilemmas (that we all face) as well as inspire us to be better parents! Learn the What, Why and How when it comes to character traits, such as: Honest, Compassionate, Loving , Kind, Patient, Joyful, Gentle, Self-controlled, Loyal, Reliable, Consistent, Persistent, Humble, Just, Encouraging, Merciful, Stable, Strong, Mature, Disciplined, Sincere, and Trustworthy (to name a few). Which two would you pick?
The book is also filled with Stories and Wisdom from Willie Robertson (Korie’s husband).
If you are looking for a REAL parenting book with good Christian foundation, this is definitely one you’ll want to take a look at!
I have to be honest, I’ve never watched Duck Dynasty; though, I am well aware of what it is. I found this book very REAL though, life like and not at all intimidating (as some parenting books may be).
You can receive a FREE sample chapter by registering on the website. Enter to win your FREE copy at the Rafflecopter below!
About Korie Robertson:

Korie Robertson, wife of Duck Commander® CEO Willie Robertson and star of A&E's beloved series Duck Dynasty, is a mother of five a New York Times bestselling author of several books, including The Duck Commander Family: How Faith, Family, and Ducks built a Dynasty, written with Willie; Faith Commander: Living Five Values from the Parables with Jesus, written with her mother Chrys Howard; and The Women of Duck Commander: Surprising Insights from the Women Behind the Beards about What Makes this Family Work, written with all of the Robertson wives. She is also an in-demand public speaker, Duck Commander® executive, entrepreneur and found of boutique Duck and Dressing, and philanthropist, who remains active with a variety of organizations that focus on children, adoption, and foster care. Korie lives with her family in West Monroe, Louisiana.
**See her on the 700 Club Tuesday, October 27th, at 10:00am Eastern Standard Time**
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