When I saw With Lee in Virginia by Heirloom Audio Productions, I wanted it! I was so excited to see it on the review list and even more excited to be chosen for this review! We have bee studying the Civil War recently, so this was perfectly fit in with our studies!
I played this for my 3 oldest children (8, 6, and 4 years old). It didn’t really keep the attention of the younger two, but it’s geared towards older children so I wasn’t surprised. My 8 year old loved it though! When I asked him what his favorite thing was,he said he loved it all!
This is more than just a mere book on tape, it’s an audio theatre. The narration is very life like and action packed! Even though it didn’t hold my younger kids attention the entire time, they sill listened in quite a bit, and love reenacting. My house has been a Civil War zone for weeks now!
This story is about a 15 year old boy named Vincent Wingfield who fights on the Calvary forces, during the Civil War, alongside the famous generals of the time; such as, General Lee and General Jackson. Vincent is a Christian boy, he prays before battle, many religious references are made. This is one of many things that I found truly endearing of this production.
The story is really brought to life, it’s as if you were watching it on a big screen….just without the image. You can definitely picture it in your mind as the story unfolds.
There are many ‘big names’ that take part in this production. Kirk Cameron is one of them; he has come such a long way from the teen heart throb I remember him to be! He is still such a great actor, but his current works are all Christian based! I love him even more now, then I did back then! You may also recognize Jim Weiss, and several other names!
This story is about a 15 year old boy named Vincent Wingfield who fights on the Calvary forces, during the Civil War, along side the famous generals of the time; such as, General Lee and General Jackson.
This is a great resource for audio learners, specifically. However, I think any type of learner will enjoy this. You could add other elements while listening such as coloring pictures or building with blocks. My kids really love the Civil War Toobs. Lots of ways to add to the audio aspect. This would also be GREAT for car trips!
This CD comes with a lot of great bonuses too!
*The complete With Lee In Virginia eStudy Guide and Discussion Starter
*A beautiful, printable copy of the inspirational quote discovered in a letter from Robert E. Lee to his son
*The Official With Lee In Virginia Soundtrack MP3 download.
*Unlimited access to the Live The Adventure Letter E-Newsletter
*G.A. Henty's original With Lee In Virginia E-Book with all new colorful graphics
*A professionally designed, printable promotion poster (We did not receive this for the review)
The sound track is beautiful and the eStudy Guide and Discussion Starter is also a great addition!
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