Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Workbox Wednesday–Kites and Magnetism

Chestnut Grove Academy

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These two are for my 15mo (L) is from Letter K at Confessions of a Homeschooler.  The (R) is from 3 Dinosaurs, I used plastic shapes or cut out shapes from foam.

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These kites are also from Confessions of a Homeschooler.  I attached ribbon tails and got bow shaped hair clips to add to the tails.  This is for my 4yo.  You’ll need two boxes to have enough to do all 10 kites.

My kids favorite are always the Roll & Graph activities (especially my 5yo), and anything that has stamps!  Stamping K’s for instance on a kite!  Lot of great choices and Deb, has lots of great ideas as well at PreK & K Sharing.

Living Montessori Now has a GREAT list of Kite Themed Printables.  I used many of them, however these were the ones I sort of made my own (as opposed to just printing and using).


So many magnetic things are tiny pieces that my tot will most likely put in her mouth (though she is pretty good about not doing it, it does happen).  I wanted to put together some discovery bottles that would be fun but SAFE! 

Additionally I wanted my older kids to have fun too!  My 8yo is doing a Moving Beyond the Page Electricity and Magnetism (& Ben Franklin) unit, so I wanted to put some things together that would coincide for the youngers.

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The bottles are as follows:
1.  BBs (as in BB gun)
2.  jingle bells
3.  colored paperclips
4.  cut up pipe cleaners
5.  Magnetic counting chips (pictured below)

I bought the Mighty Magnet Set (pictured below) and it was great b/c all the pieces were large enough that I didn’t have to worry about my tot.  The magnets were large enough for little hands to grip too.  They all had a blast (though for some reason I didn’t get any pics of my tot playing with them!).

1 comment:

  1. These are awesome science resources! Thanks so much for the resources!


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