Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Workbox Wednesday

So, we didn't use work boxes last week, it was our 'off' week, and as you can see from my previous post to this one, we did a Unit Study on Popcorn!  The unit study was great, but it really reinforced how GREAT work boxes are and how much easier it makes my homeschooling life!!  Next 'off' week, I think we are going to do work boxes, somehow!  Only issue with that is that it doesn't really give ME an off week, which I so badly need once in a while as well!  

Since we didn't use work boxes last week, and Monday was a holiday...I snapped a few pictures of what was in our work boxes on Tuesday! ya go!

Ziti Macaroni and pipe cleaners
Learning Palette - Vowel Sounds

Sorting M&M's  (Letter of the week curriculum Mm)

Patterns and shape building 
Gluing Marshmallows on Letter Mm
Handwriting without tears Letter P

RED playdough with Letter M, moon and mouse cookie cutters, scissors and rolling pin

Graphing M&M's  (I used this Fruit Loop Graph, and just changed the purple to brown)
Flipped it over and practiced patterns
Making butter (we didn't get to this during popcorn week).  Just use heavy whipping cream, put in a baby food jar with  a marble (I've done it without too)...then SHAKE! SHAKE! SHAKE!

Workbox Wednesday


  1. Love the marshmellows and M&Ms themes!


  2. Thanks for linking up! It is hard for me to use food when teaching...I tend to eat it before it ever makes it in the workboxes! ;)
    Looks like they had a great time!

  3. I love your boxes! I wish I still had little ones- school looks so fun. Still it reminds me to keep more hands-on activities in my boys' boxes.

  4. How fun!!! What a great week! Love Erica's stuff. We are using it too.

  5. I love the graph, the marshmallow M+Ms, and the sorting! Great ideas! I have heard of work boxes, but honestly, still don't understand how they work. Is it just boxes that you set up beforehand with activities for each of the kids?


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