Saturday, September 10, 2011

Getting Crafty–Making Baby Gifts!

Knowing that I would have to make some baby gifts soon, I started pinning some ideas for gifts to make, and I finally took the time to make them over Labor Day Weekend (though I’m not done, I have a few more to make)

Stenciled Onesie - This is a freezer stenciled onesie with a hula skirt….now this idea itself was not pinned, but I made a spin off of a tutu onesie, and combined it with a hula tutorial I had pinned.  This is the result – my hula onesie!  (This is not my first time doing freezer paper stencils)  The shirt on the right is the shaka sign (it’s Hawaiian for ‘hang loose’) and was also made from a freezer paper stencil.  Both stencils were cut on my cricut machine using Life’s a Beach cartridge.  Stenciled onesie pinned HERE from this website, The hula skirt pinned HERE from this website, and the original idea of a tutu onesie was pinned HERE from this website.


Lightweight Baby Blankets - I pinned these from Martha Stewart.  The flannel was purchased from the remnant bin many months ago, just waiting for someone to have a baby girl!  I bought the solid cotton fabric specific for the project.  Pinned HERE from this website


Baby Crinkle Square - This fabric was from the remnant bin too, and the ribbons were scraps from my scrapbooking supplies.  Pinned HERE from this website.


Baby Burp Cloths - The fabric on these diapers was also from the remnant bin, the diapers were from my cloth diaper stash…I had way to many and put a bunch aside to use for projects like these! 
Pinned HERE from this website


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  1. I love your crafty ideas! very inspiring! I'm a new follower.

    Dropping by from the blog hop.

  2. Great gifts! SO crafty!! Thanks for linking up this week!


  3. You are so crafty! I wish that I enjoyed doing more crafty things, but I just find it tedious and frustrating for the most part! I clearly need a little piece of your DNA! :) Thanks for linking up with NOBH!

  4. Hiya I'm Ellie from A Little of This and a Little of That and your newest follower. I found you through the Terrific Thursday Blog Hop. Please stop by A Little of This and a Little of That and follow back.
    Have a wonderful week.

  5. new follower, Id love a follow back

  6. Those onesies are fantastic!

    Stopping by from the Alexa Stop Hop Drop. Thanks for visiting!

    How Was Your Day


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