Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Guest Post: The Strength of Fall Colors


The trees start out green. Using air, sunlight, and water, plants create a type of sugar (glucose) which they use as energy to grow. If you remember from your elementary science book, this process is called photosynthesis. Throughout the summer, plants will grow, thrive, and produce a large quantity of this sugar. Then daylight time begins to last for shorter time periods. This triggers something in trees. They know that they must ready themselves to rest. There will not be enough sunlight or water for photosynthesis to occur, so trees store up the glucose. As the trees "shut down" their photosynthesis factories, the green that has been in the leaves begins to fade. The other colors have been there all throughout the summer, but they could not be seen because of the green chlorophyll. Treasures of reds, oranges, yellows, browns. Eventually the leaves fall from the trees and the tall plants slumber throughout the winter. Wouldn't it be great if somehow we could store up Jesus so that we had enough of Him when we walk through the winter times of life? Yet it's the good times, the "happy days," when we seem to not pick up His word as much as we ought. Reader, we must be sure that we are being fed by the scriptures every day. For it's through the hiding of His words in our hearts which allows us to face the dry, dark days of winter. You see, if we have those wonderful words of life hidden inside and stored up, then when our "happy days" fade and the green goes away, the glorious colors of the strength of God can shine through us. People will not see your stress, or failure, or hard time. They will see the rainbow of your Lord as you are resting in His arms.

fall leaves

But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. ~ 2 Corinthians 4:7

businesscardheadshotAnne Marie is an Austenite and the author of the blog Future.Flying.Saucers. She is a southern belle who is married to her Mr. Darcy. They have two of the silliest children in South Carolina. Anne Marie has a passion for Bible study and teaching the Word to adults and children. On Wednesday nights you will find her teaching Biblical concepts to Awana clubs at her church. All of her Awana and Bible lessons can be found for FREE on her blog. You can also find her on Facebook.

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