Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Homeschool Brag Time Thursday Hop #30

Chestnut Grove Academy
Welcome to Homeschool Brag Time Thursday!

Come link up your Homeschool related posts to 'brag' about the great things you and your kids are doing! Browse around and see what others are up to as well! (Please link up the direct URL of the post you are 'bragging' about!)

Please Follow your hosts and grab our Brag Time Button to display in your post or on your blog so others can join in the fun as well! (Failure to follow these specific guidelines will result in your link up being deleted, so PLEASE be sure to 1) link up the direct URL of your post and 2) post the hop button on your post or blog (where we can find it).  We also kindly ask that you follow us, we WILL follow you back!) Thank you!

Chestnut Grove Academy

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

We’ve Got Mail!

Another awesome reader so generously sent me some items from Massachusetts for our lighthouse unit!  Thank you!!


We also participated in a cultural exchange and received the following packages:

From New Zealand

From London

From Poland

From Texas (not pictured is the tortilla flour)

And here is what we sent them from Hawaii, we also made 3 part cards that we delivered via email.
butterflies 032

I have the boxes of goodies all set aside for when we get those states/countries in our geography studies!  Then the stuff they so graciously sent will become part of our continent boxes! 

I want to thank Rachael from Little Red Farm for organizing the cultural exchange!  What fun it was!!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Freebie Friday with My Memories! (on Sunday)

Today we have a great freebie for you!!  Doorknob Hangers!

What kid doesn't want a cool doorknob hanger to put on their door.  And there are even a few that the adults can use!

All of our Friday Freebies will now be MyMemories Suite Compatible. What does that mean??? It means that you can now load the freebies directly into your MyMemories Suite Software, and then completely customize them with any paper and embellishments that you have. If you don't have the software, you can still download the sample project and the elements, but you will not be able to customize your project.

Don't have My Memories Suite??  You can purchase it HERE
USE code STMMMS57311 for $10 off of software and $10 off of store purchases

doorknob hanger sampledoorknob hanger sample

doorknob hanger sampledoorknob hanger sample

Using MyMemories Software to Customize your Doorknob Hanger
  1. Download template file and install it into your software
  2. Using MyMemories Suite, choose Create Album From Designer Template and find your project
  3. Now you can add pictures, print and enjoy the provided template, or customize it with your own papers and embellishments.

You can right-click on the white guide and lock it in place to keep it from moving while you are working. Make sure this is the top layer of your project before printing.

Instead of adding the paper as a background paper, you can add it as an embellishment so that you can move the paper around.  This is especially useful when using papers with stripes or circles, so you can decide which part of the paper you want to use.

Once it is added as an embellishment, you can now select the paper and move it into the position you want it.

Just SAVE and PRINT on cardstock!

Doorknob Hanger Tutorial

1.  Print your doorknob templates on cardstock and gather supplies.  (Recommended supplies: bone folder, craft knife, cutting mat, metal edged ruler, small scissors, tape runner)
gather supplies

2.  Using the craft knife and metal edged ruler cut along outside line.
TIP: a paper cutter could be used as an alternative
trim edge

3.  Repeat on all four sides.
trim all edges

4.  Using a bone folder, fold the doorknob hanger in half.

5.  Apply a liberal amount of the glue of your choice and glue sides together.
TIP: A tape runner works better than a glue stick!
glue together

6.  Using small scissors, cut out the white center circle.
 cut out circle

7.  Hang on a door and Enjoy!!
TIP: To make your doorknob hanger last longer, it is best to laminate your project.  Clear contact paper makes great Do-It-Yourself lamination.
finished project

MyMemories Facebok Page
Click HERE

Friday, May 25, 2012

Field Trip #48 Friday Blog Hop

Field Trip Friday!

A Blog Hop designed to share 'FIELD TRIP' related Blog Posts

(does not have to be a 'home school field trip', can be any trip to any place with your children!)

My parents have been here for the last 3 weeks now, and one of those weeks Hubby and I were gone...there are so many pictures of things to choose to post.  It's been field trip after field trip over here ;)

My parents and us at Pali Lookout!  It was really windy!!  

**NOTE:  Before linking up please review guidelines HERE

    Wednesday, May 23, 2012

    Homeschool Brag Time Thursday Hop #29

    Chestnut Grove Academy
    Welcome to Homeschool Brag Time Thursday!

    Come link up your Homeschool related posts to 'brag' about the great things you and your kids are doing! Browse around and see what others are up to as well! (Please link up the direct URL of the post you are 'bragging' about!)

    Please Follow your hosts and grab our Brag Time Button to display in your post or on your blog so others can join in the fun as well! (Failure to follow these specific guidelines will result in your link up being deleted, so PLEASE be sure to 1) link up the direct URL of your post and 2) post the hop button on your post or blog (where we can find it).  We also kindly ask that you follow us, we WILL follow you back!) Thank you!

    Chestnut Grove Academy

    Monday, May 21, 2012

    Homemade Birthday Party Decoration Ideas

    If you’re planning a birthday party for your child, you probably want the best decorations for the party to make it look and feel more festive. You may be interested in making the decorations for the party yourself to save some money or because you enjoy crafting. If this is the case, you might be wondering what type of attractive and fun party decorations you could make and what kind of supplies you’d need to make them. Here are some simple, homemade party decoration ideas to help you out:
    1. Birthday Banner
    You can make a birthday banner pretty easily, using a variety of methods and supplies. You can try out something as simple as writing happy birthday in colorful, pretty letters on bulletin board paper you purchased at a teacher supply store. Or you can try something more elaborate like gluing cardboard letters that spell “Happy Birthday” on squares of cardstock paper, punching holes in the cardstock paper, and hanging the squares of cardstock paper up on a string that’s attached to your ceiling.
    2. Paper Flowers
    Colorful flowers made of tissue paper are a beautiful addition to a baby’s party or a young child’s party. If you want to make your own paper flowers, you’ll need some tissue paper and green pipe cleaners. To make each paper flower, all you have to do is:
    · Get eight sheets of tissue paper and lay them on top of each other.6
    · Fold all of the sheets together to make an accordion-like formation that is about an inch wide.
    · Fold all the sheets in half, so that the ends of the tissue paper touch.
    · Staple the pipe cleaner to the main fold that connects all of the tissue paper together. The pipe cleaner will be the stem of your flower.
    · Fan out all the sheets of tissue paper to form the flower’s petals, making sure that none of them stick together.
    Healthy Fruit Collection
    3. Edible Centerpiece
    You can make a colorful, edible centerpiece out of fruit. All you need is some bamboo skewers and pieces of different kinds of fruit to make this kind of centerpiece. You can skewer all of the fruit on the bamboo sticks and arrange the sticks in an attractive pattern on a large platter. Or you can stick the bamboo skewers with the fruit attached in something like a pineapple to create something that looks more like a bouquet of fruit. Edible centerpieces are an attractive, vibrant addition to the party, and kids love to snack on them!
    These are just a few of the homemade decorations you can make for your child’s party. Feel free to be as creative as you want!
    Author’s Bio: Melissa is a guest blogger who writes about planning children’s parties, crafting, and Mario party supplies.
    Photos from istock

    Friday, May 18, 2012

    Field Trip #47 Friday Blog Hop

    Field Trip Friday!

    A Blog Hop designed to share 'FIELD TRIP' related Blog Posts

    (does not have to be a 'home school field trip', can be any trip to any place with your children!)

    C went with this dad to take part in a Mormon Helping Hands Project, where as a church we give back to the community.  This year our project was to paint the picnic benches at our local State Park.    I had plans to go as well, but the other two kiddos were not up in time, and I try to stick to the rule...never wake a sleeping baby.  lol

    **NOTE:  Before linking up please review guidelines HERE

      Wednesday, May 16, 2012

      Homeschool Brag Time Thursday Hop #28

      Chestnut Grove Academy
      Welcome to Homeschool Brag Time Thursday!

      Come link up your Homeschool related posts to 'brag' about the great things you and your kids are doing! Browse around and see what others are up to as well! (Please link up the direct URL of the post you are 'bragging' about!)

      Please Follow your hosts and grab our Brag Time Button to display in your post or on your blog so others can join in the fun as well! (Failure to follow these specific guidelines will result in your link up being deleted, so PLEASE be sure to 1) link up the direct URL of your post and 2) post the hop button on your post or blog (where we can find it).  We also kindly ask that you follow us, we WILL follow you back!) Thank you!

      Chestnut Grove Academy

      Monday, May 14, 2012

      Addition and Subtraction with Homemade Play Dough

      Any parent who wants to add a little fun to their kids’ educational activities knows how hard it can be to mix the two. This activity is a no fail combination of fun and math that will have your kids counting and subtracting like pros. Plus, the process is inexpensive and easy, safe for kids (it’s a no-cook recipe), and you end up with some awesome homemade play dough that will keep them entertained for days. Here is a fun way to introduce this addition and subtraction activity to your kids:
      1. Read Your Recipe Aloud:
      Here is the basic recipe for the play dough you will be making. Start out with your white board or a big piece of paper and write the recipe out on the board on a large piece of paper to hold up for your kids. Read out the recipe to them. Then, have your students take turns reading the recipe out loud.
      1/2 cup salt
      1/2 cup water
      1 cup flour
      Food dye
      Have two measuring cups ready. Hold up one measuring cup and ask your students, “How much is one cup?” Then ask, “How much is a half cup?”
      measuring cups
      Using water to demonstrate, ask your students (depending on their age) to pour out a half cup in the first measuring cup. Write ½ c. on the white board. Then ask them to measure out a half cup in the second measuring cup. Finally, ask them how much you have when you add both the half cups together. Repeat this process, adding and taking away cups, half-cups, and even fourth cups, of water, until you’ve practiced for a while. After that, it’s time for the fun part!
      2. Add to Prepare your Work Space:
      -Count 8 sheets of newspaper. Lay them down on the floor, kitchen counter, or table.
      -Plus 1 big bowl. Place it on the newspaper.
      -Plus 3 small bowls (or as many as you want to use to make different colors).
      -Plus 1 measuring cup. Place it next to the bowl.
      How many items do you have now? (13 items)
      mixing bowl
      3. Add to Find Ingredients:
      -Count 1 bag or container of flour.
      -Plus 1 canister of salt.
      -Plus 1 bottle of water.
      -Plus 3 bottles of food coloring. (Will vary based on how many colors you have.)
      How many ingredients do you have? (6 ingredients)
      4. Add to Combine Ingredients:
      -Measure 1 cup of flour, and pour it into your mixing bowl.
      -Measure 1/2 cup of salt and add it.
      -Measure 1/2 cup of water and pour in.
      Stir everything together with a large mixing spoon. You may need to adjust the measurements. If the play dough seems too runny, have your kids measure a small amount of flour to add. If the mixture is too thick, add more water.
      5. Subtract to Separate the Play Dough:
      Depending on how many colors you want to make, you will need to divide up the play dough accordingly. It’s easiest and most fun to subtract using handfuls.
      -Subtract one handful for blue. Have one student grab a handful from the mixing bowl and place it into a smaller bowl.
      -Subtract one handful for red.
      -Subtract one handful for yellow.
      food coloring
      6. Add to Make Colors:
      Have students start with two drops of color each. Then they can add drops until they reach the color they desire. Simply drop in the color and knead the dough until the color runs solid.
      If you want, you can get creative with addition to mix colors and make new colors, such as:
      -2 drops blue + 2 drops yellow = green
      play dough balls
      Jemima Lopez is a freelance blogger and writer who writes for Zen College Life, the directory of higher education, distance learning, and best online colleges. She welcomes your comments at her email: lopezjemima 562@
      Photo credits:
      measuring cups -
      mixing bowl -
      play dough balls -
      numbers -
      food coloring -

      Friday, May 11, 2012

      Freebie Friday with My Memories!

      My Memories digital scrapbooking kits and scrapbook software
      All of our Friday Freebies will now be MyMemories Suite Compatible. What does that mean??? It means that you can now load the freebies directly into your MyMemories Suite Software, and then completely customize them with any paper and embellishments that you have. If you don't have the software, you can still download the sample project and the elements, but you will not be able to customize your project.

      Today we have a great freebie for you!! These photoboxes make great Mother's Day gifts. You can add pictures of families, individuals, or even special things into the frames!!!

      All you have to do is download and add photos, print, fold at the fold lines, and glue!! It's as easy as that!


      Photobox Tutorial
      Using MyMemories Software to Customize your Flower Card

      Download template file and install it into your software
      Using MyMemories Suite, choose Create Album From Designer Template and find your project
      Now you can add pictures, print and enjoy the provided template, or customize it with your own papers and embellishments.

      You can right-click on the white guide and lock it in place to keep it from moving while you are working. Make sure this is the top layer of your project before printing.

      Instead of adding the paper as a background paper, you can add it as an embellishment so that you can move the paper around. This is especially useful when using papers with stripes or circles, so you can decide which part of the paper you want to use.

      Once it is added as an embellishment, you can now select the paper and move it into the position you want it.

      Just SAVE and PRINT on cardstock!

      Don't have My Memories Suite??  You can purchase it HERE
      USE code STMMMS57311 for $10 off of software and $10 off of store purchases

      MyMemories Facebok Page
      Click HERE

      Field Trip #46 Friday Blog Hop

      Field Trip Friday!

      A Blog Hop designed to share 'FIELD TRIP' related Blog Posts

      (does not have to be a 'home school field trip', can be any trip to any place with your children!)

      We finished talking about the orchestra and the many instruments they play in the orchestra, it was the start to our music study, we are now moving on to composers.  But we attended a performance of the Hawaii Youth Symphony.  Unfortunately it was only the string symphony (the entire orchestra performance was the week before and we weren't able to make it).  

      **NOTE:  Before linking up please review guidelines HERE