Sunday, June 26, 2011

What my Child is Reading - June 26, 2011

and linked up with Book Sharing Monday

For school:
We finished up this chapter book, cute story of two friends, snake and lizard.
"Snake said, What you mean you don't know the difference between chickens and rattlesnakes?"

Read some more about reptiles and amphibians, and visited the internet links
Cute story about a baby python that doesn't want to grow up and be green and lazy like all the other adult snakes he knows.  Moral of the story - you can still be a child at heart!

C and Z both are a big fan of Beethoven's Wig: Sing Along Symphonies, so we got a book to learn more about the man behind the music.

Our next read aloud chapter book, one of my childhood favorites!

Some other just for fun reads that we picked up at the library

and my 2yo's FAVORITE:

We will be doing a unit study on Popcorn this week (our vacation week) and will be headed to the library to find some good POPCORN books!  Any suggestions??

*I need to start putting what we read into a pile for the end of the week, we have read more than this, but we read so much...I never remember what we read, unless it was on the lesson plan.  


  1. great book choices ~ we share some favorites! have fun studying popcorn!

  2. Hello!
    I'm from Kirtland, Ohio! Home of the Kirtland Mormon Temple. In this temple, Joseph Smith saw a vision of a celestial kingdom (I think I got that right). We have tour buses come from all over the US & Can.
    I'm a new follower on GFC from the blog hop!
    Hope you'll hop by and visit my blog too!
    Have a great week!

  3. beautiful books!I'd love it if you linked up to book sharing monday on my blog :)

  4. We love Verdi and The Little House, too! Two of my favorite go-to authors. I've never read any of The Boxcar Children series, but my husband has added it to our list of must reads.

  5. @Cortney Ophoff when I was a kid they only had like maybe 3 of the boxcar children books, now there are like 100+, but I really did like it as a young girl. :D

  6. I have to check out Verdi - it looks super cute. I am contemplating trying The Boxcar Children but afraid that this will be too intense since daughter doesn't like mysteries. Thanks for joining WMCIR!


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