Saturday, June 11, 2011

Home School Mother's Journal - 2

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week…we had our first week of school, and it went great!  I'm really excited about how well it went. We did have a short week b/c we left Thursday to go to the beach, but I got a good taste of how flexible homeschooling can be as we did our music and chinese in the car on the way, and our read aloud after we got there (can't read in the car, makes me car sick! ).  
In our homeschool this week…we accomplished a lot! The work boxes are working really well for us, C has been mostly co-operative, and I was blessed with patience this week as well.  I found that if he was struggling to complete a task (such as reading or phonics)...we just put it aside and moved on to the next box, when we came back to it later, it was all good!  We also decided on a science fair project, C will be doing a project on birds...he has collected a few things already...the starts of a bird nest, a birds egg, a bird bone and some feathers.  He and hubby are going to go bird hunting to take photos and then look up the names of the birds!  Will be lots of fun (and adventurous!).  
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…This is a busy week!  This week we have a meeting with some local homeschoolers for a co-op I am starting up, then heading to Costco.  Water Park on Wednesday afternoon, Science class on Thursday, Hubby and I are headed to the temple on Friday night...we bring the kids since our babysitter from back home is at BYU Hawaii...she babysits them for us, then Saturday night hubby and I are having a date night out to eat!  (Have a groupon to use!)  
My favorite thing this week was…Family time at the beach!  
What’s working/not working for us…Right now everything seems to be working well, I'm so excited about it.  So glad I discovered work boxes before we ventured into the school year!  They are a god send!
Homeschool questions/thoughts I have…It's so great to homeschool, the flexibility is just AWESOME!!

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
C finally taking a liking to the boogie board

*On a sad note, the baby bird died.  He was doing so well, we don't know what happened.  He started acting funny, stopped using his legs (almost as if he was paralyzed, and then stopped eating).  :(  It was really sad.  We haven't told C yet.  


  1. Congrats on a great first week! I am taking your suggestion and starting a link up for workboxes. I made a button and will have the link up ready for this Wednesday! Hope you will help me spread the word! ;)

  2. @Michelle
    Hey I figured it out! Just seeing if this works :D Looking fwd to WorkBox Wednesday!

  3. Congratulations on your first week! Sounds like it went well and you've got some great goals for the coming week with the bird study. (We're BIG birders here! It's fun to keep adding birds to your Life List - a list of each species you identify!) Sorry to hear about the little bird though! We had a chick die and found a robin baby dead on the ground outside the same day, so we buried them together. Stopping by from THMJ!


  4. @Our Side of the Mountain Thanks for stopping by Jessy, yeah baby birds are hard to take care of, but we were so hopeful we had him for over a week and he was doing so well, not sure what sad :(


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