Friday, July 13, 2012

Pandia Press R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey and History Odyssey REVIEWS

Is it wrong that from the moment we started Kindergarten, I have been anxious to dive into first grade?  I have been researching homeschooling since my oldest was 2 years old, different methods, different curriculums etc..  I really liked the approach that a Classical Education takes I teaching Science and History, as well as using REAL books, as opposed to textbooks (this is also a Charlotte Mason approach).  So I was on the hunt for Science and History curriculums that incorporated these approaches, but gave me a good guideline of topics to cover, as well as activities (for ease of planning).  I was so excited when I stumbled upon Pandia Press, and was even more so when I was given the opportunity to review the products! 

R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey – Life Science I

Format:  Ebook

*  One of the few science curriculums I found that follow the Classical Model. 
*  Hands on experiments with lab sheets with each lesson. 
*  Comes with a list of recommended books which is at the front of the book
*  No supplementation needed, I’m one that finds I supplement with curriculums I have used, but I have not felt the need to do so with this one
*  Try before you buy offer, you can download several lessons to try them out before you purchase.

*  The only negative I have is that a lot of the recommended books are out of print, making them hard to find.  I did get some from and used books, but I was also able to find similar books of the same topics with no problems. 

Observing living v/s non-living

Edible cell models

Skeleton model

History Odyssey – Ancients I

Format:  ebook

*  After you get past the first couple of lessons there are hands on activities with each lesson
*  Each lesson gives a list of recommended books, and a list of required texts is given at the beginning of the book
*  Aside from the first couple lessons where there was no real hands on activities, I have not felt the need to supplement with this curriculum either.
*  Uses Story of the World
*  Also has the try before you buy option

*  Like the science, many of the recommended and some required texts are out of print and hard to come upon, in most cases, however; I have been able to find suitable substitutes. 
*  The first few lessons have no hands on activity, so I supplemented some of my own  (I have only pictured the activities we did that were in the curriculum).

Building a zygarutt

Overall the curriculum is pretty flexible and adaptable.  It’s very hands on, uses REAL books and follows a Classical Approach, all which are bonuses for me!  We really are enjoying the curriculum and are looking forward to diving back into it very soon!

Click here to visit Pandia Press.